- [Book - Unity Game Development Blueprints by John P. Doran, 318 pages] (http://www.amazon.com/Unity-Game-Development-Blueprints-Doran/dp/1783553650/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1454948290&sr=8-1&keywords=Unity+Game+Development+Blueprints)
- Fast-Paced Multiplayer Techniques and algorithms
- Unity3D multiplayer integration with google play game services
- [What is Character customization? see the example in Internet Explorer] (https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/71975219/ZombieGame/ZombieGame.html)
- 2D Character customization technique -1
- 2D Character customization technique -2
- Game Jam Menu Template Plugin
- Don't know how to make a Super Mario game? you can make one even better with this totally free plugin.
- admob plugin for Unity3d
open source game code for Unity3d with commerically free license. **The game asset might not be free!!
- Angry Bird Clone|MIT License
- Run and Jump code from the book - Extending Unity with Editor Scripting |MIT License
How much do you earn from your games? How I made my $60000 from my indie web game?
Why are most indie games are 2D and not 3D?
Player Stats from Google Play Service
What type of game I should make?? See what are the best selling video games in history
Top mobile game categories with high in-app purcahse rate
How do I know if I have a helathy game?
If you practice below two items, your skill will be good enough to create your basic 3d characters/assets for commerical use.
- Blender 2.7 Beginner Tutorials
- [Book - Blender 3D by Example by Romain Caudron and Pierre-Armand Nicq, 339 pages] (http://www.amazon.com/Blender-3D-Example-Romain-Caudron/dp/1785285076/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1455060654&sr=8-1&keywords=blender+by+3d+example)
- Adobe Fuse - Create your 3d character model for game development in 5-10 minutes for commerically use, for free!!
- Mixamo - 3D model auto-rigging, add 3d sekelton to your 3d model in 10 minutes
- open gameart, free
- [2d Game Art] (http://www.gameart2d.com)