To download the app from the Google Play Store, click here:
- Go to the REBUILD website with an Android device.
- Click on Download on Android device to download the app to your phone.
- Open the download file.
- Click on Install to install the app on your phone.
Clone the repository and navigate into the directory:
git clone
cd rebuild/
Install Android Studio and import the project.
Generate a Google Maps SDK API key (step 1).
Duplicate the Google Maps API key template file to hold the API key:
cp Rebuild/app/src/debug/res/values/google_maps_api_template.xml Rebuild/app/src/debug/res/values/google_maps_api.xml
cp Rebuild/app/src/release/res/values/google_maps_api_template.xml Rebuild/app/src/release/res/values/google_maps_api.xml
Choose the debug/
folder for development, or the release/
folder for release.
In the new file google_maps_api.xml
, uncomment the line with the key and replace the value of the placeholder with your API key. This new file will not be tracked by Git.
Build and run the Android application on a physical or virtual device.
Create a new file in the root directory to hold the secure keystore details:
This file will be ignored by Git. Set your keystore information in this file.
Under Build, click Select Build Variant.
In the Build Variants view which appears, change the Active Build Variant from debug to release.
Build the application normally to your phone. The keystore credentials will be verified and applied.
Under Build, click Generate Signed Bundle / APK.
Follow the instructions, inputting your keystore path and credentials, to create a signed app which can be uploaded to the app store.