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Merge pull request juju#16763 from anvial/JUJU-5285-inject-get-user-w…
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This PR injects GetUserWithAuthInfo in state and service layers. Adds unit test for this function.

Also, it adds a unit test for GetAllUsers function in the service layer.

## Checklist

- [x] Code style: imports ordered, good names, simple structure, etc
- [x] Comments saying why design decisions were made
- [x] Go unit tests, with comments saying what you're testing

## QA steps

go test -gocheck.v
go test -gocheck.v

## Links

**Jira card:** [JUJU-5285](

  • Loading branch information
jujubot authored Jan 18, 2024
2 parents 4e48b19 + 1712145 commit e822e88
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Showing 7 changed files with 458 additions and 93 deletions.
7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions core/user/user.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ import (

// User represents a user in the system.
type User struct {
// UUID is the unique identifier for the user.
Expand All @@ -25,6 +26,12 @@ type User struct {

// CreatedAt is the time that the user was created at.
CreatedAt time.Time

// LastLogin is the last time the user logged in.
LastLogin time.Time

// Disabled is true if the user is disabled.
Disabled bool

// UUID is a unique identifier for a user.
Expand Down
64 changes: 43 additions & 21 deletions domain/user/service/service.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -38,21 +38,20 @@ type State interface {
// usererrors.UserCreatorNotFound will be returned.
AddUserWithActivationKey(ctx context.Context, uuid user.UUID, usr user.User, creatorUUID user.UUID, activationKey []byte) error

// GetUser will retrieve the user specified by UUID from the database where
// the user is active. If the user does not exist an error that satisfies
// GetAllUsers will retrieve all users with authentication information
// (last login, disabled) from the database. If no users exist an empty slice
// will be returned.
GetAllUsers(context.Context) ([]user.User, error)

// GetUser will retrieve the user with authentication information (last login, disabled)
// specified by UUID from the database. If the user does not exist an error that satisfies
// usererrors.NotFound will be returned.
GetUser(context.Context, user.UUID) (user.User, error)

// GetUserByName will retrieve the user specified by name from the database
// where the user is active and has not been removed. If the user does not
// exist or is removed an error that satisfies usererrors.NotFound will be
// returned.
GetUserByName(context.Context, string) (user.User, error)

// GetAllUsers will retrieve all users from the database where the user is
// active and has not been removed. If no users exist an empty slice will be
// returned.
GetAllUsers(context.Context) ([]user.User, error)
// GetUserByName will retrieve the user with authentication information (last login, disabled)
// specified by name from the database. If the user does not exist an error that satisfies
// usererrors.NotFound will be returned.
GetUserByName(ctx context.Context, name string) (user.User, error)

// RemoveUser marks the user as removed. This obviates the ability of a user
// to function, but keeps the user retaining provenance, i.e. auditing.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -80,6 +79,11 @@ type State interface {
// If no user is found for the supplied UUID an error is returned that
// satisfies usererrors.NotFound.
DisableUserAuthentication(context.Context, user.UUID) error

// UpdateLastLogin will update the last login time for the user.
// If no user is found for the supplied UUID an error is returned that
// satisfies usererrors.NotFound.
UpdateLastLogin(context.Context, user.UUID) error

// Service provides the API for working with users.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -114,6 +118,17 @@ func NewService(st State) *Service {

// GetAllUsers will retrieve all users with authentication information
// (last login, disabled) from the database. If no users exist an empty slice
// will be returned.
func (s *Service) GetAllUsers(ctx context.Context) ([]user.User, error) {
usrs, err :=
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Annotate(err, "getting all users with auth info")
return usrs, nil

// GetUser will find and return the user with UUID. If there is no
// user for the UUID then an error that satisfies usererrors.NotFound will
// be returned.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -155,15 +170,6 @@ func (s *Service) GetUserByName(
return usr, nil

// GetAllUsers will return all users that have not been removed.
func (s *Service) GetAllUsers(ctx context.Context) ([]user.User, error) {
usr, err :=
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Annotate(err, "getting all users")
return usr, nil

// ValidateUsername takes a user name and validates that the user name is
// conformant to our regex rules defined in usernameValidationRegex. If a
// user name is not valid an error is returned that satisfies
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -403,6 +409,22 @@ func (s *Service) DisableUserAuthentication(ctx context.Context, uuid user.UUID)
return nil

// UpdateLastLogin will update the last login time for the user.
// The following error types are possible from this function:
// - usererrors.UUIDNotValid: When the UUID supplied is not valid.
// - usererrors.NotFound: If no user by the given UUID exists.
func (s *Service) UpdateLastLogin(ctx context.Context, uuid user.UUID) error {
if err := uuid.Validate(); err != nil {
return errors.Annotatef(usererrors.UUIDNotValid, "%q", uuid)

if err :=, uuid); err != nil {
return errors.Annotatef(err, "updating last login for user with uuid %q", uuid)
return nil

// generateActivationKey is responsible for generating a new activation key that
// can be used for supplying to a user.
func generateActivationKey() ([]byte, error) {
Expand Down
136 changes: 136 additions & 0 deletions domain/user/service/service_test.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ type stateUser struct {
passwordHash string
passwordSalt []byte
removed bool
lastLogin time.Time
disabled bool

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -101,6 +102,24 @@ func IsUserNameAlreadyExists(name string, m map[user.UUID]stateUser) bool {
func (s *serviceSuite) setMockState(c *gc.C) map[user.UUID]stateUser {
mockState := map[user.UUID]stateUser{}

_ context.Context) ([]user.User, error) {
var users []user.User
for _, usr := range mockState {
users = append(users, user.User{
CreatorUUID: usr.creatorUUID,
CreatedAt: usr.createdAt,
DisplayName: usr.displayName,
LastLogin: usr.lastLogin,
Disabled: usr.disabled,
return users, nil

gomock.Any(), gomock.Any(),
Expand All @@ -115,6 +134,8 @@ func (s *serviceSuite) setMockState(c *gc.C) map[user.UUID]stateUser {
CreatedAt: stUser.createdAt,
DisplayName: stUser.displayName,
LastLogin: stUser.lastLogin,
Disabled: stUser.disabled,
}, nil

Expand All @@ -130,6 +151,8 @@ func (s *serviceSuite) setMockState(c *gc.C) map[user.UUID]stateUser {
CreatedAt: usr.createdAt,
DisplayName: usr.displayName,
LastLogin: usr.lastLogin,
Disabled: usr.disabled,
}, nil
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -294,6 +317,20 @@ func (s *serviceSuite) setMockState(c *gc.C) map[user.UUID]stateUser {
return nil

// Implement the contract defined by UpdateLastLogin
gomock.Any(), gomock.Any(),
_ context.Context,
uuid user.UUID) error {
usr, exists := mockState[uuid]
if !exists || usr.removed {
return usererrors.NotFound
usr.lastLogin = time.Now()
mockState[uuid] = usr
return nil
return mockState

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1063,6 +1100,62 @@ func (s *serviceSuite) TestGetUserByNameNotFound(c *gc.C) {
c.Assert(len(mockState), gc.Equals, 0)

// TestGetAllUsers tests the happy path for GetAllUsers.
func (s *serviceSuite) TestGetAllUsers(c *gc.C) {
defer s.setupMocks(c).Finish()
mockState := s.setMockState(c)
uuid1, err := user.NewUUID()
c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
lastLogin := time.Now().Add(-time.Minute * 2)
mockState[uuid1] = stateUser{
name: "Jürgen.test",
createdAt: time.Now().Add(-time.Minute * 5),
displayName: "Old mate 👍",
lastLogin: lastLogin,
uuid2, err := user.NewUUID()
c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
mockState[uuid2] = stateUser{
name: "杨-test",
createdAt: time.Now().Add(-time.Minute * 5),
displayName: "test1",
lastLogin: lastLogin,

users, err := s.service().GetAllUsers(context.Background())
c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
c.Assert(len(users), gc.Equals, 2)
c.Assert(users[0].Name, gc.Equals, "Jürgen.test")
c.Assert(users[0].DisplayName, gc.Equals, "Old mate 👍")
c.Assert(users[0].LastLogin, gc.Equals, lastLogin)
c.Assert(users[1].Name, gc.Equals, "杨-test")
c.Assert(users[1].DisplayName, gc.Equals, "test1")
c.Assert(users[1].LastLogin, gc.Equals, lastLogin)

// TestGetUserWithAuthInfo tests the happy path for GetUser.
func (s *serviceSuite) TestGetUserWithAuthInfo(c *gc.C) {
defer s.setupMocks(c).Finish()
mockState := s.setMockState(c)
uuid, err := user.NewUUID()
c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
lastLogin := time.Now().Add(-time.Minute * 2)
mockState[uuid] = stateUser{
name: "Jürgen.test",
createdAt: time.Now().Add(-time.Minute * 5),
displayName: "Old mate 👍",
lastLogin: lastLogin,
disabled: true,

user, err := s.service().GetUser(context.Background(), uuid)
c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
c.Assert(user.Name, gc.Equals, "Jürgen.test")
c.Assert(user.DisplayName, gc.Equals, "Old mate 👍")
c.Assert(user.LastLogin, gc.Equals, lastLogin)
c.Assert(user.Disabled, gc.Equals, true)

// TestGetUserByNameInvalidUsername is here to assert that when we ask for a user with
// a username that is invalid we get a UsernameNotValid error. We also check
// here that the service doesn't let invalid usernames flow through to the state
Expand All @@ -1075,6 +1168,29 @@ func (s *serviceSuite) TestGetUserByNameInvalidUsername(c *gc.C) {

// TestGetUserWithAuthInfoByName tests the happy path for GetUserByName.
func (s *serviceSuite) TestGetUserWithAuthInfoByName(c *gc.C) {
defer s.setupMocks(c).Finish()
mockState := s.setMockState(c)
uuid, err := user.NewUUID()
c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
lastLogin := time.Now().Add(-time.Minute * 2)
mockState[uuid] = stateUser{
name: "Jürgen.test",
createdAt: time.Now().Add(-time.Minute * 5),
displayName: "Old mate 👍",
lastLogin: lastLogin,
disabled: true,

user, err := s.service().GetUserByName(context.Background(), "Jürgen.test")
c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
c.Assert(user.Name, gc.Equals, "Jürgen.test")
c.Assert(user.DisplayName, gc.Equals, "Old mate 👍")
c.Assert(user.LastLogin, gc.Equals, lastLogin)
c.Assert(user.Disabled, gc.Equals, true)

// TestEnableUserAuthentication tests the happy path for EnableUserAuthentication.
func (s *serviceSuite) TestEnableUserAuthentication(c *gc.C) {
defer s.setupMocks(c).Finish()
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1182,3 +1298,23 @@ func (s *serviceSuite) TestUsernameValidation(c *gc.C) {

// TestUpdateLastLogin tests the happy path for UpdateLastLogin.
func (s *serviceSuite) TestUpdateLastLogin(c *gc.C) {
defer s.setupMocks(c).Finish()
mockState := s.setMockState(c)
now := time.Now()
uuid, err := user.NewUUID()
c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)

mockState[uuid] = stateUser{
name: "username",
lastLogin: now,

err = s.service().UpdateLastLogin(context.Background(), uuid)
c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)

userState := mockState[uuid]
c.Assert(userState.lastLogin, gc.NotNil)
14 changes: 14 additions & 0 deletions domain/user/service/state_mock_test.go

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