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Rework ReadAllAccessForUserAndObjectType SQL.
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Condense the SQL down from 3 queries to 1 with improved queries.
Starting point and guidance from @manadart.

The user will be the same for all. However dqlite requires a slice of
dbPermissionUser than a single struct due to the query.

Condenced test setup for some read tests, use the same user, cloud, model
  • Loading branch information
hmlanigan committed Apr 4, 2024
1 parent b03fe5c commit d42c619
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Showing 2 changed files with 228 additions and 217 deletions.
151 changes: 48 additions & 103 deletions domain/access/state/permission.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ import (

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -348,25 +347,51 @@ func (st *PermissionState) ReadAllAccessForUserAndObjectType(ctx context.Context
var (
permissions []dbReadUserPermission
actualUser dbPermissionUser
actualUser []dbPermissionUser
var andClause string
switch objectType {
case corepermission.Controller:
andClause = `AND p.grant_on = ctrl.c`
case corepermission.Model:
andClause = `AND m.uuid NOT NULL`
case corepermission.Cloud:
andClause = `AND NOT NULL`
case corepermission.Offer:
// TODO implement for offers
return nil, errors.NotImplementedf("ReadAllAccessForUserAndObjectType for offers")
return nil, errors.NotValidf("object type %q", objectType)
readQuery := fmt.Sprintf(`
WITH ctrl AS (SELECT 'controller' AS c)
SELECT (p.uuid, p.grant_on, p.grant_to, p.access_type) AS (&dbReadUserPermission.*),
(u.uuid,, u.display_name, u.created_at, u.disabled) AS (&dbPermissionUser.*), AS &dbPermissionUser.created_by_name
FROM v_user_auth u
LEFT JOIN user AS creator ON u.created_by_uuid = creator.uuid
JOIN v_permission p ON u.uuid = p.grant_to
LEFT JOIN cloud c ON p.grant_on =
LEFT JOIN model_list m on p.grant_on = m.uuid
LEFT JOIN ctrl ON p.grant_on = ctrl.c
AND u.disabled = false
AND u.removed = false
`, andClause)

readStmt, err := st.Prepare(readQuery, dbReadUserPermission{}, dbPermissionUser{}, sqlair.M{})
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Trace(err)

err = db.Txn(ctx, func(ctx context.Context, tx *sqlair.TX) error {
// Get user uuid.
// Get all grantOn values possible for the given object type.
// Read all permissions with the union of the 2 values.
actualUser, err = st.findUserByName(ctx, tx, subject)
if err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)
ids, err := st.allGrantOnForObjectType(ctx, tx, objectType)
if err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)
err = tx.Query(ctx, readStmt, sqlair.M{"name": subject}).GetAll(&permissions, &actualUser)
if err != nil && errors.Is(err, sql.ErrNoRows) {
return errors.Annotatef(accesserrors.PermissionNotFound, "for %q on %q", subject, objectType)
} else if err != nil {
return errors.Annotatef(err, "getting permissions for %q on %q", subject, objectType)
permissions, err = st.allPermissionsForUserAndType(ctx, tx, actualUser.UUID, ids)
if err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)

return nil
if err != nil {
Expand All @@ -376,11 +401,10 @@ func (st *PermissionState) ReadAllAccessForUserAndObjectType(ctx context.Context
userAccess := make([]corepermission.UserAccess, len(permissions))
for i, p := range permissions {
p.ObjectType = string(objectType)
userAccess[i] = p.toUserAccess(actualUser)
userAccess[i] = p.toUserAccess(actualUser[i])

return userAccess, nil


// findUserByName finds the user provided exists, hasn't been removed and is not
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -493,11 +517,11 @@ func objectAccessID(
// Use access_type_id and object_type_id to validate row from permission_object_access
objectAccessIDExists := `
SELECT AS &M.access_type_id
FROM permission_object_access oa
LEFT JOIN permission_object_type ot ON ot.TYPE = $M.object_type
LEFT JOIN permission_access_type at ON at.TYPE = $M.access_type
WHERE oa.access_type_id =
AND oa.object_type_id =
FROM permission_access_type at
INNER JOIN permission_object_access oa ON oa.access_type_id =
INNER JOIN permission_object_type ot ON = oa.object_type_id
WHERE ot.type = $M.object_type
AND at.type = $M.access_type

// Validate the access type is allowed for the target type.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -689,82 +713,3 @@ WHERE grant_on = $M.grant_on
return nil, errors.Annotatef(accesserrors.PermissionNotFound, "for %q", grantOn)

// allGrantOnForObjectType returns the grant_on values for
// a given object type.
func (st *PermissionState) allGrantOnForObjectType(
ctx context.Context,
tx *sqlair.TX,
objectType corepermission.ObjectType,
) ([]string, error) {

var allGrantOnForType string
switch objectType {
case corepermission.Controller:
return []string{coredatabase.ControllerNS}, nil
case corepermission.Model:
allGrantOnForType = `
SELECT uuid AS &ids.grant_on
FROM model_list
case corepermission.Cloud:
allGrantOnForType = `
SELECT name AS &ids.grant_on
FROM cloud
case corepermission.Offer:
// TODO implement for offers
return nil, errors.NotValidf("object type %q", objectType)

type ids struct {
GrantOn string `db:"grant_on"`
allAccessTypeIDsForObjectTypeStmt, err := st.Prepare(allGrantOnForType, ids{})
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Trace(err)

var result = []ids{}
err = tx.Query(ctx, allAccessTypeIDsForObjectTypeStmt).GetAll(&result)
if err != nil && errors.Is(err, sql.ErrNoRows) {
return nil, errors.Annotatef(err, "mismatch in %q", objectType)
} else if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Annotatef(err, "getting grant on values for %q", objectType)
results := make([]string, len(result))
for i, value := range result {
results[i] = value.GrantOn
return results, nil

// allPermissionsForUserAndType returns dbReadUserPermission for all
// grant_on in the list and the given user.
func (st *PermissionState) allPermissionsForUserAndType(
ctx context.Context,
tx *sqlair.TX,
grantTo string,
idsForType []string,
) ([]dbReadUserPermission, error) {
allAccessTypeIDsForObjectType := `
SELECT (uuid, grant_on, grant_to, access_type) AS (&dbReadUserPermission.*)
FROM v_permission
WHERE grant_to = $M.grant_to AND grant_on IN ($S[:])
permissionTypeIDsSlice := sqlair.S(transform.Slice(idsForType, func(s string) any { return any(s) }))
allPermissionsForUserAndTypeStmt, err := st.Prepare(allAccessTypeIDsForObjectType, sqlair.M{}, sqlair.S{}, dbReadUserPermission{})
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Trace(err)

var result = []dbReadUserPermission{}
err = tx.Query(ctx, allPermissionsForUserAndTypeStmt, permissionTypeIDsSlice, sqlair.M{"grant_to": grantTo}).GetAll(&result)
if err != nil && errors.Is(err, sql.ErrNoRows) {
return nil, errors.Annotatef(accesserrors.PermissionNotFound, "for %q on %q", grantTo, strings.Join(idsForType, ", "))
} else if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Annotatef(err, "getting permissions for %q on %q", grantTo, idsForType)
return result, nil

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