This is the reference benchmark static site:
The site is generated by Hugo.
Benchmarks are run by the continuous integration (Jenkins) and commit the results as new content and data to this repository.
Commit to this repository trigger another job to build and publish the site to a S3 bucket, this s3 bucket is exposed as the reference benchmark site by CloudFront.
The site can be edited locally using Hugo, from this repository once you have installed Hugo:
hugo serve -t hyde --disableFastRender
Then go to http://localhost:1313/
Note that the git repo only contains the layout and a minimal information per benchmark result (a markdown + yaml files). The detailed reports like Gatling reports or monitoring are saved in another S3 bucket, out of the git repository.
To take advantage of standard Nuxeo styling, we use SCSS.
npx sass --style=compressed assets/scss/:themes/hyde/static/css/dist/
For development, the source can be watched
npx sass --watch assets/scss/:themes/hyde/static/css/dist/
Nuxeo provides a modular, extensible, open source platform for enterprise content management used by organizations worldwide to power business processes and content repositories in the area of document management, digital asset management, case management and knowledge management. Designed by developers for developers, the Nuxeo platform offers a modern architecture, a powerful plug-in model and top notch performance.
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This GitHub Actions workflow automates the build and deployment process for the Nuxeo Benchmarks site. It utilizes Hugo for site generation, uploads artifacts, and deploys the site to a specified server using rsync.
This step removes the existing "resources" and "public" directories to ensure a clean build.
This step checks out the source code from the repository.
The Nuxeo Benchmarks site is built using Hugo with a specific theme and version.
The built site is uploaded as an artifact for further reference.
This step configures the SSH agent with the private key required for server deployment.
The final step deploys the Nuxeo Benchmarks site to the specified server using rsync.
The following variables are required for this workflow:
: The private SSH key used for authentication with the benchmarks deployment server. -
: The username used to connect to the benchmarks deployment server. -
: The IP address or hostname of the benchmarks deployment server. -
'Values for current Variables are kept in LastPass.'
Before running the workflow, ensure that the necessary secrets are added to your GitHub repository.
as secrets in the GitHub repository. -
Push changes to the
branch to trigger the workflow.