Nusaventure helps you discover captivating tourist destinations and culinary delights in Nusantara.
Nusaventure, short for Nusantara Adventure, is a platform that inspires exploration of various legendary tourist spots, delicious culinary varieties, interesting activities and events, understanding the ecosystem and communities, and more.
Explore places
Discover hidden gems and top attractions with detailed reviews, ratings, and insider tips. Your next adventure awaits! -
Track travel history
Effortlessly document your journeys, log visited places, and create a digital scrapbook of your travels. Cherish every moment! -
Social sharing
Share your adventures, connect with fellow travelers, and inspire the world with your stories and photos. Travel together!
- Link: Nusaventure
Look at Figma
To set up the project locally, follow these steps:
Clone the repository:
git clone cd nusaventure-frontend
Install dependencies:
bun install
bun install --save react-map-gl mapbox-gl @types/mapbox-gl
Start the development server:
bun dev
Build for production:
bun build