This is simple WebRTC Exmaple project for iOS written in Swift.
- Super simple WebRTC example project written in Swift.
- Example command lines to build
- Includes prebuild WebRTC.framework here. (This is for TEST ONLY.)
- Datachannel implementation (text and bytes).
- File Source implementation.
- Includes super simple signaling server written in node.js.
- Xcode version 10.3
- Swift version 5
- WebRTC framework
- Starscream (for websocket)
- You need to add WebRTC.framework to your xcode project. see how_to_add
- You need to setup signaling server.
This project includes simple one atSimpleWebRTCExample_iOS/SignalingServer/
You can setup node.js as SimpleWebRTCExample_iOS/SignalingServer
npm install
- Firstly, run the signaling server as folows.
cd SimpleWebRTCExample_iOS/SignalingServer
node server.js
node.js server will start at 8080 port.
- Change signaling server url ( the
String vallue) to your case in ViewController.swift. You can find your signaling server url in signaling server log. - Then, run SinmpleWebRTC on your device or simulator. This example need totaly two devices(simulator & simulator is OK)
- Check websocket connection state on your device. If it is connected, you can tap call button. WebRTC will be connected.
- You can send like with like button. You can send plain messages with message button.
- Enjoy.
This software is released under the MIT License, see LICENSE.