Bug fixes
[p2-nsimplex] Fix checking whether node is in edge's head component
[p4-nsimplex] Set w/h of nodes in the auxiliary graph
[p1] Fail fast if after cycle breaking the graph is not acyclic
[p2-nsimplex] Simplify logic in lim/low assignment
[p1] Do not run cycle breaker if removal of 2-node cycles already makes the graph acyclic
[p4-coloring] Return false when testing if an edge crosses an priority edge on different layers
[p3-graphviz] Fix initialization of same-layer transitive closures
[p2-nsimplex] Improve error message when non-incident tree edges aren't found
[p3] Ignore nil entries from radix sort when counting edge crossings
[p1] Keep eagerly reversed edges in the edge list
Add non-regression and bugfix layout tests
[p2] Always fill layers at the end of phase 2
API changes
[p2,p4-nsimplex] Change NetworkSimplexBalance parameter to integer to distinguish between vertical and horizontal balancing
New features
[p5] Implement orthogonal edge router
[p4-b&k] Add optional parameter to choose a particular B&K layout
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