Attachment Magick is a gem to upload images and videos(vimeo) using swfupload. Supports Mongoid, coming soon support to activerecord.
This gem is not released yet, some dependencies are still necessary Add to Gemfile
#AttachmentMagick requires gem 'attachment_magick', :git => 'git://' gem 'auto_html', :git => 'git://' gem 'hpricot' gem 'haml'
Then run
bundle install
After the gem installation, run the generator
The generator will install swfupload (js and css files) and will create some routes.
Create a initializer like this (config/initializers/attachment_magick_setup.rb)
AttachmentMagick.setup do |config| config.default_add_partial = '/layouts/attachment_magick/images/add_image' config.columns_amount = 16 config.columns_width = 52 config.gutter = 8 config.custom_styles do custom_style "50x50" end end
Attachment Magick is based in 960 Grid System (
Include the js files to your application layout or page
javascript_include_tag :defaults, "swfupload/handlers", "swfupload/swfupload"
Include AttachmentMagick Module to your model
class Post include Mongoid::Document include AttachmentMagick field :title end
Call this helpers in form views
attachment_progress_container @post attachment_for_view @post
<div class="attachment_magick_image" id="image_<>" style="width:inerit; margin-bottom:10px;"> <%= image_tag> <input id ="image_id" type ="hidden" value ="<>"> <%= link_to "[x]", "javascript://", :class => "remove_image", :style => "float:right;"%> </div> <%= attachment_for_view @post, "path_to_my_partial" %>
class Post include Mongoid::Document include AttachmentMagick field :title attachment_magick do grid_1 "100x100" end end