Feature Release with bug fixes
released this
14 Apr 21:55
Release info
MetroAE Version 4.4.0
Nuage Release Alignment 20.10
Date of Release 14-April-2021
Release Contents
Feature Enhancements
Fix up the image paths to root at /metroae_data/ when in the container
Added support for bootstraping NSGv using NUH external interfaces
Support multiple KVM bridges for NUH external interfaces
Added multi cpu core support for NSGV (METROAE-309)
Improve VSD security hardening to monitor service shutdown (METROAE-285)
Add next-hop to VSC VPRN config (METROAE-319)
Add VCIN SA upgrade support for Major Minor and Inplace Upgrade(METROAE-317)
Adding support for sending usage back to MetroAE team
Support for configuring NUH for stats-out proxy (METROAE-288)
Add plugin examples and documentation to MetroAE (METROAE-354)
Added support for instantiating and bootstrapping NSGv on AWS with VSP components deployed outside AWS (METROAE-355)
Resolved Issues
Enhance several license file descriptions to include the file name
Updated SDWAN portal to support 20.11 version
Force rebuild after missing files (METROAE-298)
Updated SDWAN portal unzip task to copy the container tar file to correct folder
Fixed VSD deploy task to be idempotent (METROAE-304)
Fixed sshpass quotes for passwords that has special characters (METROAE-312)
Add option to override VSC config (METROAE-314)
Allow portal install without VSTAT fqdn (METROAE-301)
Fix VSR deploy errors (METROAE-310)
Fix vsd-install script parameters (METROAE-347)
Fix DNS dns_mgmt and dns_data to relax requirement of having specific length. (METROAE-315)
Add vstat-health role to vstat_health playbook (METROAE-322)
Hide log output in vsd-node-info (METROAE-332)
Remove vstat-vsd-health role from vstat_health playbook (METROAE-322)
Removed extra DEBUG line from nsgv-postdeploy (METROAE-334)
Removed DEBUG tasks which are not working in upgrade shutdown playbooks ( METROAE-358)
Allowing metroae to continue execution if the vsd_continue_on_failure is set to true (METROAE-324)
Fix webfilter install required bridges issue (METROAE-371)
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