An improvised /stuff
folder to unplug from social media and productivity apps - built with good old php
This is a simple web UI kit to deploy your own folder. Images open in a light box overlay, everything else opens in a new tab.
- No upload widget
- No built in compression
- No sub folder (1 level of nesting only)
- No pages
- No sorting
- No icons
There is countless hosted way to build a personal library of stuff. From Pinterest, insta, dribbble to more niche tumblr and there is plenty to consider. This is not meant to be a productivity, inspiration, or bookmarking tool, more like a « stuff » folder. For me, it’s my lab where I collect inspiration and archive my own stuff. It emulates a system folder and is biased toward simplicity and ownership: file over apps. Please consider compressing what you upload and the footprint of your stuff - and the copyrights.
- Get rid of jquery (redo lazy load and lightbox scripts vanailla JS)
- Highlight with special character in string
- Find a better name (For consideration: shtuff, Labb, Grange, Saak ??)
- Added citem count + last update
- Added text-file.php to make text file palatable
- Folder first sorting
- Remove lightbox prev/next (unnecessary)
This is an evolution of a previous project still running for my /moments page - an image folder with a lightbox. I built upon this as my main use case is to store and visualize images - like for my moodboard, migrated from tumblr: