- 3) Testing (Optional)
The program incorporates a runtime configuration through a dedicated config file with the following settings:
version: "0.0.1"
addr: ",,,,"
crdb_addr: ""
api_server: ""
enable_load: true
data_file: "/a/b/c/data.csv"
- The program should expect config file as an argument
go run main.go -config config.yaml
For the data insertion module, a CSV file containing information for 2364 SIMs is provided. Each line in the CSV file consists of 8 columns, as illustrated in the example below:
MSISDN | IMSI | ICCID | Secret | TAC | EID | CID | IMEI | BundleID |
811502214250 | 217500013105250 | 26524849111319248 | b59c45efc7dc9022 | 64 | 76 | 6089 | 349554520566217 | x |
811502210200 | 217500013101200 | 26524849110335100 | 6110dfd138c5136f | 28 | 63 | 5428 | 906356868756491 | x |
811502213300 | 217500013104300 | 26524849111088400 | 5d672e3fa975e368 | 46 | 49 | 8457 | 655918658555720 | x |
- Parse the data.csv file.
- Save each line into the respective Redis instance based on manual sharding (e.g., MSISDN 811502214250 saved in Redis node #0).
- Ensure the key does not exist before insertion.
- Utilize proper Redis data types for storing the data (Hashes). Redis Docs
- Randomly assign a BundleID from the provided bundle data.
Insert bundles manually:
- You need also to insert the bundle data into the database, you can insert it into a specefic redis called
docker run --rm --name crdb -v /home/ev101/redis/crdb/data:/data -p 6379:6379 redis redis-server
>hset bundle:1021 ul 4194304 dl 2097152 quota 3221225472 duration 2629800 label Capela type Data
ID | UL | DL | Quota | Duration | Label | Type |
1021 | 4194304 | 2097152 | 3221225472 | 2629800 | Capela | Data |
1022 | 2621440 | 10485760 | 1073741824 | 2629800 | Acrux | Data |
1023 | 5242880 | 5242880 | 59055800320 | 2629800 | Castor | Data |
1024 | 1048576 | 1048576 | 838860800 | 2629800 | Vega | Data |
1025 | 5242880 | 5242880 | 1072668082176 | 2629800 | Antares | Data |
1026 | 2621440 | 2097152 | 32212254720 | 2629800 | Rigel | Data |
1027 | 5242880 | 5242880 | 8589934592 | 2629800 | Altair | Data |
1028 | 1048576 | 1048576 | 10737418240 | 2629800 | Spica | Data |
- After the insertion process is complete, generate a brief report containing:
- Duration
- Number of inserted records
This module should provide a simple rest api with the following endpoints, for the http you can use
Success Response
"msisdn": 811502214250,
"imsi": 217500013105250,
"iccid": 26524849111319250,
"secret": "b59c45efc7dc9022",
"tac": 64,
"eid": 76,
"cid": 6089,
"imei": 349554520566217,
"bundle": {
"id": 1025,
"ul": 5242880,
"dl": 5242880,
"quota": 1072668082176,
"duration": 2629800,
"label": "Antares",
"type": "data"
Failed Response
"status": "failed",
"error": "sim does not exist"
Success Response
"status": "success"
To ensure the functionality of the program, a simple test unit has been incorporated. This test involves inserting a few records and verifying the successful insertion. Execute the following command to run the test:
go test ./...
Ensure that the test passes with the result OK
Ensure that 5 Redis nodes are operational and running on the local machine. Docker can be utilized for this purpose.
Example for running a docker container on local machine:
docker run --rm --name redis0 -v /home/ev101/redis/redis0/data:/data -p 6370:6379 redis redis-server
docker run --rm --name redis1 -v /home/ev101/redis/redis1/data:/data -p 6371:6379 redis redis-server
docker run --rm --name redis4 -v /home/ev101/redis/redis4/data:/data -p 6374:6379 redis redis-server