Simple todo list where you can add item , delete , modify it , mark as done/not done All Create/Update/Delete actions also trigger events with descriptive explanations (e.g. COMPLETED TODO: Read a Good Book) A reactive streaming endpoint is also implemented using websockets to subscribe to this data URL: ws://localhost:9090/stream/events
A sample client subscribed to the events stream is implemented in the application You can just open http://localhost:9090/index.html using your browser
NOTE: in order to enable the events streaming you have to make the events collection in mongo db a capped collection
Please execute following command in Mongo CLI
use todo_item db.runCommand({ convertToCapped: 'event', size: 8192 })
JDK 1.8
Maven 3.2+
Included please find integration tests suite covering all API actions
Headers: Please send this headers with all API requests
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8 Accept: application/json;charset=UTF-8
Create ToDo: Method: POST http://localhost:9090/todo
{"text": "Read a Book", "isDone": false}
Update ToDo: Method: PUT http://localhost:9090/todo/{todo-id}
{"text": "Read a Good Book", "done": false} //updating the name of todo {"text": "Read a Good Book", "done": true} // Set the todo as completed
Delete a ToDo: Method: DELETE http://localhost:9090/todo/{todo-id}
Get All Todo Items: Method: GET http://localhost:9090/todo/
Get A ToDo Item By ID: Method: GET http://localhost:9090/todo/{todo-id}