Since the FreeStyle Libre 2 glucose sensor is a Bluetooth Low Energy BLE device and my purchase experience with the transmitters available for the previous generation has been quite frustrating, I am trying to leverage its capabilities to implement something new compared to the traditional apps:
- a universal SwiftUI application for iPhone, iPad and Mac Catalyst;
- an independent Apple Watch app connecting directly via Bluetooth;
- scanning the Libre directly via NFC;
- using both online servers and offline methods for calibrating just like Abbott’s algorithm;
- showing for comparison the HealthKit and Nightscout data shared with other apps;
- varying the reading interval instead of the usual 5-minute one;
- a detailed log to check the traffic from/to the BLE devices and remote servers.
Still too early to decide the final design (but I really like already the evil logo 😈), here there are some recent screenshots I tweeted:
The project started as a single script for the iPad Swift Playgrounds to test the workings of the several BLE devices I bought, mainly the Bubble and the MiaoMiao. It was then quickly converted to an app by using a standard Xcode template: it should compile finely without external dependencies just after changing the Bundle Identifier in the General panel and the Team in the Signing and Capabilities tab of Xcode -- Spike users know already very well what that means... ;)
I am targeting only the latest betas of Xcode. To send the custom NFC commands you have to switch from “Basic” to “Devel” mode in the Log tab and enjoy the verbose flow of debug messages.
Please refer to the TODOs list for the up-to-date status of all the current limitations and known bugs of this prototype.
Credits: @bubbledevteam, @captainbeeheart, @cryptax, @dabear, @ivalkou, LibreMonitor, Loop, Nightguard, @travisgoodspeed, WoofWoof, xDrip+, xDrip4iOS.