wahsp (Web Audio HaSkell Protocol) is a binding for Haskell to the Web Audio API ala blank-canvas Audio sources, effects, etc. can be combined, manipulated, and otherwise controlled using haskell and are then rendered in the the browser (see the above link for browser compatibility).
As of the writing of this README, remote-monad 0.3 is only available on github and must be built from the repo.
git clone https://github.com/nshaheed/WebAudioHs.git
cd WebAudioHs
cabal install natural-transformation
git clone https://github.com/ku-fpg/remote-monad.git
cd remote-monad/
cabal install
cd ../
cabal install
Here is a basic program that creates a 200Hz sine wave and plays it
module Main where
import Web.Audio
main :: IO ()
main = do
webAudio 3000 $ doc -> do
send doc $ do
osc1 <- createOscillator 200 0 Sine -- create an OscillatorNode
gain1 <- createGain 0.5 -- create a GainNode
connect $ osc1 .|. gain1 .||. eCtx -- connect these nodes together, and then connect them to the audio context
start osc1 -- make sounds!
Code for examples are located in the example/
To install:
cd examples/
cabal install
The resulting executables are located in ~/.cabal/bin/