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                   Installation Guide for the UniPOPS Package

For assistance, contact:	
Bob Garwood			 
e-mail:	[email protected]
address: 520 Edgemont Road, Charlottesville, VA 22903-2475
phone: 804-296-0235
Fax: 804-296-0278


   1.0 Overview.
   2.0 Hardware, OS, Compiler, and Software Requirements.
       2.1 SunOS versus Solaris
   3.0 Extracting UniPOPS from Tape or Tar File.
       3.1 Untaring the Distribution Tape or Files.
       3.2 UniPOPS Directory Structure.
   4.0 Setting Up and Making UniPOPS.
       4.1 Editing a Controlling Script.
       4.2 Making UniPOPS.
   5.0 Local Modifications.
       5.1 Environmental Variables
       5.2 Modifying $popsdir/sys.unipops/prepare.unipops.
           5.2.1 Modifying Other $popsdir/sys.unipops Files.
           5.2.2 Modifying User's Existing Setup ("dot") Files
       5.3 Printers
       5.4 Editors
       5.5 Symbolic Link to "old".
       5.6 Modifying Utility Scripts.
       5.7 Adding Messages and News Items.
    6.0 Preparing a Directory in which UniPOPS is to be Run.
       6.1 Automatically Preparing a Home Directory.
       6.2 Preparing Directories other than a Home Directory.
       6.3 Running and Testing UniPOPS.
    7.0 Documentation.
       7.1 Cookbook.
       7.2 Reference Manual.
    8.0 Known Problems.
    9.0 Cleaning Up.
   10.0 Submitting Comments, Suggestions, Bug Reports.
   11.0 Release Schedule.

        Checklist for Installing and Running UniPOPS.
      Changes in UniPOPS Version 3.5
      Changes in UniPOPS Version 3.4.1.
      New Features in UniPOPS Version 3.4.
      New Features in UniPOPS Version 3.3.
1.0 Overview.

   UniPOPS is a suite of programs and utilities for reducing data from
NRAO single dish telescopes (although with only small modifications,
data from other single dish telescopes and similar instruments could be
reduced using UniPOPS).  The primary reduction programs, 'line' and
'condar', use the People-Oriented Parsing Service (POPS) as the command
line interpreter (distantly related to the AIPS POPS interpreter as
well as other POPS interpreters).  "Uni" in UniPOPS signifies that this
package is a unification of the analysis packages that existed in Green
Bank, Tucson, and Charlottesville.  For a more thorough description of
UniPOPS see "A Description of UniPOPS -- A Data-Analysis System for
NRAO Single-Dish Telescopes" by Ronald J. Maddalena (last revised 
May 27, 1994).

  This document outlines the basic steps in installing UniPOPS.
Significant Unix knowledge is assumed.  At some point, you will need to
edit some of the UniPOPS files.  A checklist follows the installation
instruction to help you through the various steps.  The installation
instructions include descriptions of some rarely necessary steps and
encountered problems; we have indented these sections of the
instructions so as to make them obvious.

   The full installation takes roughly 28 Mbytes in addition to the
size of the tar file, if it exists on disk (compressed: 2.4 Mbytes,
compressed using gzip: 1.6 Mb, uncompressed 9.3 Mbytes).
2.0 Hardware, OS, Compiler, and Software Requirements.

   UniPOPS currently only works on Sun workstations running either
SunOS or Solaris.  Each new Sun OS and fortran compiler has caused
some problems for UniPOPS.  Within NRAO, UniPOPS is running on Suns
using OS 5.5 and 5.6 (Solaris 2.5 and 2.6), Sun WorkShop compilers 4.2
(both fortran and cc) and Openwindows.  Other compiler and OS
combinations will probably cause problems for UniPOPS installation.
There is no port to other flavors of unix than Suns (i.e. there is
no Linux port) nor is one expected given the limited expected lifetime
of UniPOPS. If problems occur at any point in the installation, do not hesitate to
contact Bob Garwood at the above addresses.  As of May 1992, we no
longer have any Sun 3's running UniPOPS.  Consequently, we can not
promise that UniPOPS will continue to run on Sun 3's although we will
attempt to help sites with Sun 3's reporting problems.  The last known
Sun 3 installation was version 3.1 installed in April 1994.  We no longer
have an Sun's running an OS prior to Solaris so we can not promise that
UniPOPS will run under any OS but Solaris.

   UniPOPS can display graphics on the console using any flavor of X11
window managers (within NRAO it is used with the openlook window
manager (olwm), motif (mwm), and the twm window manager) as well as
using Sun's now unsupported suncore library and sunview window manager
(under SunOS only).  The X11 graphics window uses only Xlib, so it
should compile and run with any X11 server.  For the suncore/sunview
graphics screen, the suncore libraries must be installed and you must
be using SunOS.  The default Makefile will compile graphics display
programs for both window managers.  If you only have one or only want
to compile the program for one of these window managers, the necessary
modifications are described later in this document.  The X11 graphics
screen is vastly superior to the suncore screen and we strongly
recommend use of an X window manager.  We can no longer test the now very
ancient suncore libraries and display.

   For installations using the suncore/sunview window manager, as of
SunOS 4.0, the suncore libraries are found in /usr/old, reflecting the
fact that they are no longer supported by Sun.  They are completely
missing from SunOS 4.1.2. We have found that for Sparc stations, the
OS 4.0.3 versions of these libraries work more reliably than the later
versions.  If you are using OS 4.1 or later, we suggest that you
locate earlier versions of these libraries [write to Bob Garwood for
suggestions].  As stated above, these libraries are not available
under Solaris - your only display option at that point is X.

   In addition to using X11 or suncore to display graphics on the
console, UniPOPS can display graphics on terminals that understand
Tektronix commands.  The following hardcopy devices are supported: qms
laser printer in quic mode, qms laser printer in tektronix mode, any
postscript printer and an HPGL printer/plotter.  UniPOPS can read and
write data from 1/2 inch, Exabyte, DAT, or 1/4 inch Cartridge tapes.

   UniPOPS uses shared memory in a number of instances.  This requires
that the System V IPC options be used in the kernel configuration
file.  UniPOPS will compile but NOT run without turning on these
options.  For Solaris installations, these are always present, for
SunOS installations, you need to verify that they are present.  Check
to make sure that your kernel was made with these options (See Sun's
System and Network Administration Manual, Chapter 9):

	options IPCMESSAGE     #  System V IPC message facility
	options IPCSEMAPHORE   #  System V IPC semaphore facility
	options IPCSHMEM       #  System V IPC shared-memory facility

2.1 SunOS versus Solaris

   We have not worked out a reasonable scheme where a single installation 
can support Solaris and SunOS users in any transparent fashion.  If you need 
to support SunOS and Solaris installations at the same time, you will need two 
completely separate installations (completely separate directory trees).  Follow 
this installation document completely for each installation.
3.0 Extracting UniPOPS from Tape or Tar File.

   UniPOPS can be installed at any node in a directory tree.  Within
NRAO, UniPOPS is installed in a separate account.  Users, within their
own accounts, set a few environment variables as outlined below and
reduce data in their own directories.

   Throughout the following, substitute for <yourpath> the name of the
directory in which you are installing UniPOPS and substitute for
<directory> the name of the directory from which someone wants to run

3.1 Untaring the Distribution Tape or Files.

Change directory to where you wish to place UniPOPS.

   % cd <yourpath>

WARNING:  The sub-directory 3.5, if it exists, will be altered by the
following step.

   Depending upon how you received the UniPOPS distribution files, you
should perform one of the following steps:

(1) From an uncompressed tar file:

   % tar xvf 3.5.tar

(2) From a compressed tar file:

   % zcat 3.5.tar.Z | tar xvfB -

(3) From a gzip compressed tar file:

   % gunzip -c 3.5.tar.gz | tar xvfB -

3.2 UniPOPS Directory Structure.

  This is a quick overview of the directory structure that should exist
after untaring the package.

  The top directory is called 3.5, where 3.5 is the version number of
this distribution of UniPOPS.

   In 3.5 you will find the following directories:

   source : the source code for the main UniPOPS programs.

   includes: include files used in source

   utilities: source code and scripts for useful utilities as well as,
	    after installation, the executables for these utilities.

   sunbin: the main Makefile for UniPOPS and most of the shell scripts
	    used by the user as well as the non-utility executables.

   xwindows: the X11 graphics interface.

   sunview: the sunview/suncore graphics interface.

   fonts: the fonts used by the sunview and xwindows graphics interface.

   sys.unipops: some suggested "dot" files for users.

   explain: detailed explain files and the source code for reading,
	    displaying and maintaining them.

   help: short help files

   procedures: procedures libraries.

   [cl]comments: user comments deposited by the REPORT facility.

   [cl]messages: messages you can leave for users (see below).

   [cl]news: general news items you can leave for users (see below).
4.0 Setting Up and Making UniPOPS.

   The popsdir environmental variable must be set in order to 'make'
UniPOPS.  It's value must be the absolute (not relative) path name of
the 3.5 directory.

  For example, if UniPOPS is installed in the <yourpath> directory,
then for the c-shell type:

   % setenv popsdir <yourpath>/3.5/

or for a Bourne-like shell (sh, bash, ksh, etc.) type:

   % export popsdir=<yourpath>/3.5/

NOTE:  The final slash is required.

   The fortran and c compilers (f77 and cc) must be in a directory in 
your path.  On Solaris systems, they are likely found in /opt/SUNWspro/bin.  
On SunOS systems they are most likely found in /usr/lang.

   The make command must also be in your path.  Under Solaris, it is 
in /usr/ccs/bin while Under SunOS, it is likely found in /usr/bin/make.

   In the installation, you will be editing some UniPOPS files.
Remember which files you have edited.  We suggest that you copy any
locally edited files to a non-UniPOPS location for safekeeping.  This
should make installation of future versions easier (you will know which
files you changed in the old version) as well as make it easier for us
to tell which files you've altered should you ask us to help you out
with any problems.

4.1 Editing a Controlling Script.

   The master Makefile in $popsdir/sunbin is a monster.  A smaller
shell script, makelocal, is used to control the behavior of this
monster.  Copy makelocal to some other file name (e.g., makemysystem)
and edit it as appropriate and as outlined below for your system.
Type the following:

   % cd $popsdir/sunbin

   [move to the sunbin area]

   % cp makelocal makemysystem

   [copy makelocal to some other file for editing].

   % chmod +x makemysystem

   [make makemysystem executable]

   % vi makemysystem

   [edit the makemysystem file.  Obviously you can use any editor that you
    are familiar with; vi is used above as an example only]

   The makelocal file is heavily commented to help you set the values
appropriate for your system.   The following comments are best
understood while looking at a copy of makelocal (and possibly the man
pages for your C and f77 compilers). The current default values
work, unedited, within NRAO.

   Optimization at the -O2 level should be safe.  The most recent (with
Solaris) C and Fortran compilers now uses -xO[1234] to indicate
optimization level, while previous version used -O[1234].  There are
therefor two flags, one each for the Fortran and C optimization
levels.  Optimization at higher levels (3 and 4) may work, but has not
been tested.

   Sun's compilers have an optional flag, -xlibmil (-libmil in earlier
versions) which, when used, directs the compiler to use the
appropriate in-line math functions for your architecture.  Check
the man pages for f77 and cc to see if this is an option for the
compilers available on your system.  Alternatively, you may need to
look in /opt/SUNWspro, /usr/lang, or /usr/lib (or wherever your
libraries are found) to find the f77 in-line math library,,
and explicitly set these values in makemysystem.

   Use the DIEEEHACK options if using Fortran 1.4 on a sun3, this will
not be needed by most installations (and has not been recently tested).
It is very unlikely that any users now use this flag.

   The LOCALMAILLIST variable should be set to the mailing address of a
local person.  This is used to construct the comments.exe script which
is used by the UniPOPS REPORT facility to mail comments to the UniPOPS
programming staff as well as any locally defined persons.
LOCALMAILLIST can have more than one address.

   The value of USEX and USESUNVIEW determine which display parts are
compiled (X11 if USEX is TRUE, sunview if USESUNVIEW is TRUE, note
that BOTH may be true). If you only want to compile the X11 and omit
the sunview dependent parts of UniPOPS, set USEX to TRUE and
USESUNVIEW to FALSE.  If you want to compile the sunview and omit the
X11 dependent parts of UniPOPS, set USEX to FALSE and USESUNVIEW to TRUE.
The default is to only compile the X11 display library.

   NOTE: UniPOPS attempts to determine your chosen window type
   (sunview or X), by looking first at the value of the DISPLAY
   environment variable.  If it is set, X is assumed, otherwise if the
   value of the TERM environment variable starts with 'sun', sunview is
   assumed, and finally, if the program can not make either of these
   assumptions, the user is asked which graphics type to use.  It is
   clearly possible, then, for the program to assume the wrong graphics
   type or for a user to select the wrong graphics type, although in
   practice it is not likely.

4.2 Making UniPOPS.

   With makemysystem edited, type:

   % cd $popsdir/sunbin
   % makemysystem links

   [this makes sure that certain symbolic links are correct] [You will
   see an error message: "sccs: cannot open SCCS" which should be
   followed by "*** Error code 1 (ignored)".  This is fine and can
   safely be ignored.]

   % makemysystem cvall

   [If you have any problems and you don't know why give us a call or send 
    e-mail.  If you have a problem and you fix it, send us an e-mail message 
    so we can warn others about it in future releases.]

   The cvall target will compile only the non-online-data versions of
the programs (i.e. you can not access the on-line data at either the
12-meter or the 140-foot telescope using anything compiled with the
cvall target).  It is probably adequate for most non-NRAO
installation.  However, you may wish to have remote access to current
data from the 140-foot telescope in Green Bank.  You need special
permission from the Green Bank staff to do this, contact Ron
Maddalena, [email protected] or 304-456-2207.  To compile the programs
necessary for remote Green Bank data access, type:

   % cd $popsdir/sunbin
   % makemysystem gball

    There is currently no remote access for 12-meter data so you should
not need to compile tucline.exe or tuccondar.exe, the 12-m on-line
specific versions of UniPOPS.
5.0 Local Modifications.

   You will need to tailor UniPOPS to your own computer system.  For
example, UniPOPS uses a number of environment variables and shell
scripts (mostly C-Shell scripts), some of which will need to be
modified.  UniPOPS knowledge of printers is kept in a printers data
base file that needs to be updated to reflect your configuration of
printers.  You may want to modify and use the suite of "dot" files in
the $sunbin/sys.unipops directory.

   The environment variables which MUST be set before using the program
are described below.  [These are also described in Appendix M of the
UniPOPS Cookbook.]  Also described are some suggested modifications to
some scripts and "dot" files, found in sys.unipops, should you choose
to use these.  Even if you decide not to use the suggested "dot" files,
it is worthwhile to examine them to see one way an environment can be
prepared for UniPOPS use.

   NOTE: As should be obvious from the "dot" files as well as most of
   the UniPOPS shell scripts, NRAO UniPOPS accounts have traditionally
   used the csh shell.  The descriptions below are therefore generally
   only valid for csh users.  Users of other shells can contact Bob
   Garwood for any advice.

5.1 Environmental Variables

   A number of environment variables must be properly set in order for
anyone to run UniPOPS. These variables are described in Appendix M of
the UniPOPS Cookbook.  They include:

popsversion - the version of UniPOPS you want to run.  For this
   release, its value should be either 3.5 or old.

popsdir - the absolute (not relative) path name of the 3.5 directory.
   This should ideally be constructed using popsversion.  For example,
   if UniPOPS is installed at the top level of an account named unipops
   then "setenv popsdir ~unipops/$popsversion/" should correctly set
   popsdir for the c-shell.  popsdir must end in a trailing "/".

popsproc1 and popsproc2 - the path names of any two directories
   containing POPS procedures.  The UniPOPS BATCH verb is used to read
   in procedures or other UniPOPS commands as if they had been entered
   from the keyboard.  The BATCH verb searches for the indicated text
   file in the directory that the UniPOPS program was started from,
   popsproc1, and popsproc2 (in that order).  In addition, the EDIT
   verb will search for files in these same directories in the same
   order.  It is recommended that at one of these (usually popsproc1)
   be set to ${popsdir}procedures in order that the user can find the
   standard set of procedures which are distributed with UniPOPS.

popseditor - controls the editor that is used when you edit procedures
   from within UniPOPS.   Use whatever text editor you are most
   comfortably with and is available on your system.  The value of this
   string must match one found in edit2.exe (see Section 5.4 of this

popsprinter - if set, UniPOPS assumes that this is the name of the
   printer you wish to use for hardcopy.  This variable should match an
   entry in the printers file (see Section 5.3).  If not set or if it
   does not match an entry in the printers file, the user is shown the
   list of available printers and asked to choose one.  Setting this
   variable eliminates one question at startup.

path -- must include ${popsdir}sunbin and ${popsdir}utilities.

   To set the environment variables in a user's account, you have a
choice of modifying and using setup ("dot") files provided by us in the
sys.unipops directory or modifying "dot" files that already exist in
the user's account.  You should perform step 5.2 and either steps 5.2.1
or 5.2.2.

5.2 Modifying $popsdir/sys.unipops/prepare.unipops.

   The $popsdir/sys.unipops/prepare.unipops shell script prepares the
directory from which it is run for using UniPOPS.  The script creates a
~/.unipops file which contains the definitions of most of the required
environment variables.  It also calls $popsdir/sunbin/mkfiles.unipops
which creates the files that UniPOPS needs in order to run (memory
files, and empty data and log files).

   At some point prepare.unipops 'sources' the file
`domainname`.prepare.unipops if it exists in the $popsdir/sys.unipops
directory  (i.e. if your domainname is, prepare.unipops will
look for the file in the $popsdir/sys.unipops
directory).   You should create and modify your own
`domainname`.prepare.unipops file with the following:

   % cd $popsdir/sys.unipops

   [ Move to the directory. ]

   % cp cv.prepare.unipops `domainname`.prepare.unipops

   [ copies a model file for you to alter. ]

   % vi `domainname`.prepare.unipops
   [ or use the editor of your choice. ]

The file may contains a list of editors and window managers.  You should
add (or subtract) to the lists any editors or window managers you have
(or don't have).  Look at prepare.unipops for additional examples
as well as the several `domainname`.prepare.unipops files that 
exist for each of the NRAO domainnames where unipops is installed.
You should also read the NOTE at the end of the section 5.2.1.

5.2.1 Modifying Other $popsdir/sys.unipops Files.

   The remaining files in the $popsdir/sys.unipops directory should be
considered as suggestions of what a UniPOPS user should use for "dot"
files.  You may elect not to use these "dot" files, in which case you
should skip to step 5.2.2.

   It is important at this point, if you chose to use these default
"dot" files, to examine all the files in the $popsdir/sys.unipops
directory and correctly modify them.  You should then copy the "dot"
files into the root directory of everyone who wants to use UniPOPS.
There are examples of "dot" files using the c-shell as well as ones
that use the bash shell.

   NOTE: The "dot" files in $popsdir/sys.unipops (.login, .cshrc, etc)
   often reference larger files in the same directory.  It is suggested
   that each user of UniPOPS copy the base "dot" files (.login, .cshrc,
   etc) to their own directory leaving the larger files in
   sys.unipops.  This allows you to maintain one set of files that all
   users use.  However, for small or personal installation, this is
   probably not necessary.

   NOTE: In each of the files in the sys.unipops directory, environment
   variables are built up by assuming that UniPOPS is installed in an
   account named unipops.  If this is NOT the case, you will want to
   change ALL occurrences of ~unipops in these files to the appropriate
   path name for the root of this installation.  That is, change all
   occurrences of "~unipops" to "<yourpath>".  The files also assume
   that users will want to run UniPOPS from their home directories.

5.2.2 Modifying User's Existing Setup ("dot") Files

  If you do not use the files in the sys.unipops directory (i.e., you
skipped step 5.2.1), then you will have to modify the .login (or
equivalent) files in the accounts of anyone who wants to run UniPOPS.
The additions to a .login file should look like the following
(additions to the startup files for other shells are similar):

	setenv popsversion old
	# The version of UniPOPS you want to use; old, by definition,
	# is always the same as the latest release if you maintain
	# the symbolic link as described elsewhere (see Section 5.5 below).

	setenv popsdir <yourpath>/$popsversion/
	# The final slash is required

	setenv popsprinter postscript
	# Choices are:  whatever is the name of a printer in the 
	# $popsdir/sunbin/printer file (see Section 5.3).

	if (-e ~/.unipops) then
      		source ~/.unipops
      		source ~/.unipops
	# Needed if the users wants to prepare their home directory
	# for running UniPOPS.  If you will not be using prepare.unipops or
        # .unipops then you need to accomplish in the .login file what
        # prepare.unipops does.  mkfiles.unipops can be used to put the
        # files unipops requires into a directory (see Sections 6.0 and 6.1).

The remaining environmental variables are set by the .unipops file,
produced by the prepare.unipops script (see 5.2 above), whenever you
log in.

The basic idea is simple, at some time during startup the environment
variables described in Section 5.1 are set.  Any way you choose to do
that is fine.

    IMPORTANT NOTE: Some .login files contain an "interactive shell
only" section.  This is generally indicated by an "exit" at some point
in the middle of the .login file.  A non-interactive shell will exit
the .login file at this point.  The above modifications to your .login
file MUST appear before ANY possible exit from your .login file.
Placing them at the end of the .login file may not be sufficient.  If
you see error messages about things like "mess.exe" not found when you
first start up UniPOPS, it is likely that the above modifications were
placed after some exit in your .login file.  Move them up before any
possible exit from the .login file.

5.3 Printers
cd $------------

    The information that UniPOPS needs on all printers that
you want UniPOPS to use must be located in a file name "printers" in
the $popsdir/sunbin directory.  There is a heavily commented file,
printers.example, that you should find in $popsdir/sunbin as well as
the printers file that is currently in use in Charlottesville,  The simplest way to create a printers file appropriate
for your installation is to copy the example file to "printers" and
then edit the copy.

	% cd $popsdir/sunbin
	% cp printers.example printers
	% vi printers

The comments in printers.example and these instructions should be
sufficient to create one for your use.   These are the basic rules:

Lines having a hash mark, #, at ANY place within the line are
completely ignored.

Each separate printer or mode of a printer must have a separate line in
the printers file.

Each entry has five fields, you must supply values for the first three
fields while the last two fields may be empty.  Fields are separated by
a colon ":".  The field are, in order, printer name, printer type,
print command, text filter, and description.  There must be no white
space in the first 2 fields.  Only the first entry in the file for a
given printer name will ever be used.  Printer names must be less than
16 characters.

So much for the rules, here are the explanations for each field:

printer name - this is the name by which users of UniPOPS will select
	that printer.  Users should set the popsprinter environment
	variable (see Section 5.1) to this name if they want to use
	this printer.  If popsprinter is not set or its match is not
	found in the printers file, users will be shown a list of
	printer names and descriptions and asked to choose a printer.
	This name is the name they will be shown.  It need not be the
	name of a printer that the lpr command recognizes, but it
	probably will create less confusion for users if you use the
	same name.

printer type - this must be one of the following:

		postscript, qms, quic, hpgl, text, or none.

	The "text" type indicates that the printer is not capable of
	any graphics.

	Type "none" is a special entry that is used when the user
	indicates that no output graphics device should be used.  The
	print command associated with a "none" type should be those
	required for formatting and printing simple ASCII text.

	Note: The type "none" is used by the EXPLAIN facility to
	generate hard copies of a specific topic.  It MUST be present
	in your printers file in order to select the "P" option from
	within EXPLAIN.  See the file for an example.

	The meanings of the other possible printer types should be
	obvious.  If you are not sure if your printer is one of these
	types, contact Bob Garwood.

print command - This should be a set of Unix commands that expect
	standard input and send the result to the printer.  It is
	guaranteed that this command is the last command in a

text filter - This is a filter that expects standard input and
	generates standard output (which is then fed to the print
	command you entered in the previous field).  The text filter
	should translate text into an appropriate format for printing
	via the print command.  This field can be left blank.

Description - this is a simple description of the printer (location,
	type, etc) that is shown to users who have not set the
	popsprinter environmental variable (see 5.1 and 5.2) to a
	printer name found in the printers file.

There are several examples in printers.example that should aid you.
These examples include ways you can set up a "printer" that captures
postscript output to a file (useful if you want to keep that plot
around on disk for other uses).

New printers can easily be added to this file as they become
available.  Users can use different printers of the same type as they
please (in past versions, all users of a specific type of printer were
forced to use the same printer for any given installation).  But users
must restart the program any time they wish to change printers.

   NOTE: It is also possible to print to a remote printer.  We use this
   at the 12-meter to enable remote observers to have hardcopy
   magically appear at their own printer while running UniPOPS at the
   12-meter.  Here is one way to accomplish this.  The appropriate
   entry in the printers file for printing to a postscript file is:

	remote:postscript:remote.printer:lwf:Remote printing shell script

   The key here is that the print command is "remote.printer" which is
   a shell script.  This script might look like the following:

	#!/bin/csh -f
	cat - >$$
	ssh -l username hostname lpr -Pprinter_name -r -s$$
	/bin/rm -f$$

   This captures the output to a file,$$ and uses scp to
   copy that file to 'username' at 'hostname'(you would change those as
   appropriate).  It uses ssh to log on to the remote host and print
   that file, giving instructions to lpr to remove the file when it has
   finished.  Finally, it removes the local copy of the output.
   Additionally, you could use echo to display a message announcing the
   successful completion of the remote printing and you could do
   additional error checking not shown here.

   This example uses the secure shell (ssh and scp) to interact with
   the remote host.  See your local system support staff for more
   information on the secure shell if you need to use this ability.

5.4 Editors

   The edit2.exe script may need to be modified.   Within edit2.exe
(found in the $popsdir/sunbin directory) is a list of available editors
divided into those that use the window environment and those that
don't.  You may need to edit this file if you have editors that you
like that we don't have or if we have editors that you don't have.
These are the only editors that the UniPOPS EDIT command will
recognize.  If a user sets the popseditor environment variable (see
5.1), it must match an editor found in this file.  Note that this list
of editors is a completely separate list from that found in
prepare.unipops (see 5.2).  It is your responsibility to ensure that
both lists are the same.

5.5 Symbolic Link to "old".

   In order to make the transition between versions of the program as
painless as possible, we suggest that you maintain a symbolic link in
the root UniPOPS directory between old and the most recent version of

   % cd <yourpath>

   [Change directories to the top of the UniPOPS path, where you have
    just installed this version]

   If you have an older version of UniPOPS, you probably have an
existing old symbolic link.  This must first be removed.

    % rm old
    % ln -s 3.5 old
    [make a new symbolic link from old pointing to 3.5]

    This allows users to maintain their "dot" files with path and
environment variables referencing "old" rather than any specific
version of UniPOPS.  Simply changing where old points to will
automatically provide these users with the most recent version of the
program without having to remember to change anything in their "dot"

5.6 Modifying Utility Scripts.

   The tape-reading utilities are located in the $popsdir/utilities
directory and may need to be modified.  Their names all start off with
the characters cvt. These are utilities for conversions between older
tape formats formerly in use in Green Bank and the UniPOPS SDD format.
cvt.disk-disk does not require any changes but cvt.tape-disk and
cvt.disk-tape, and cvt.tele-recs may require changes.
and illustrate how alterations were made to use remote
tape drives using the unix rsh facility.  cvt.tele-recs is used to
convert 140-ft archive tapes to individual record SDD files.  If that
conversion is not likely to be used at your installation, you should
not waste your time modifying cvt.tele-recs.  Similarly, cvt.disk-tape
and cvt.tape-disk all convert older Green Bank data formats to and from
tape.  Again, if you do not expect to need to convert old (non-SDD)
data from tape to disk or from disk to tape, then do not waste your
time modifying these utilities.

5.7 Adding Messages and News Items.

   UniPOPS has a messages and news facility (controlled by messages.exe
and news.exe in the $popsdir/sunbin directory).  The primary difference
between messages and news is that a user can chose to read, or not to
read, news items when the program starts and messages are simply shown
to the user without any option to skip them.  There are separate
directory trees for line and condar of each type.

   messages: In the $popsdir/cmessages or $popsdir/lmessages
      directories you can leave two text files, named startup and
      motd, whose contents are always displayed, if they exist.
      Messages can also be left in the following subdirectories,
      AlwaysAll, Always_username, OnceAll, and Once_username where
      username is a specific users username (i.e.  Always_bgarwood, or
      Once_rmaddale, etc).  Messages in Always* are always displayed
      (like startup and motd) while messages in Once* are only display
      once for each recipient.

   news: In the $popsdir/cnews and $popsdir/lnews directories. Similar
	to messages (no startup or motd).
6.0 Preparing a directory in which UniPOPS is to be Run.

  Each user should have their own directory from which to run UniPOPS
and each directory should be prepared for running UniPOPS.  UniPOPS
locks the current directory while it is running (condar and line may be
running at the same time for any one user) so subsequent users will
know if someone else is running UniPOPS in the same directory.

   NOTE: There are a few reasons for locking the directory.  First, the
   MEMORY and RECOVER file are used to store the environment of the
   program for later retrieval.  If two users were to use the program
   at the same time from the same subdirectory, confusion might result
   if the users attempted to save the state of the program at different
   times.  Confusion might also result if simultaneous users access the
   same data (save and keep) files.

   Although not recommended, multiple users from the same subdirectory
is not a problem for UniPOPS and the program will function normally.
Careful, coordinated users should be able to safely ignore the LOCK
file at startup.  However, before more than one user can start the
program from the same directory it is necessary to first either delete
or ignore the LOCK file that was created when the first user started
the program.  The UniPOPS startup dialogue will offer users the option
of deleting or ignoring existing LOCK files.

   The users should consider the merits and perils of running two
simultaneous UniPOPS sessions in the same directory.  The recommended
alternative is to prepare a separate subdirectory for each user
(thereby assuring the uniqueness of the MEMORY and RECOVER files) and
sharing the data files using the FILES verb and the relative path names
of the data files.  Preparing a directory entails creating a set of
files in the directory.  A directory needs to be prepared only once
(unless the user accidentally or purposely deletes the files required
by UniPOPS).

6.1 Automatically Preparing a Home Directory.

  If you have chosen to use the provided "dot" files or otherwise
invoke the prepare.unipops script, the preparation of the user's home
directory is automatic.

  The script prepare.unipops should ask some questions and will put a
number of files in the user's home directory.  The files are:

         L and C (line and continuum) versions of:

            CMDLOG - if command login is turned on, commands will be appended
                     to this file - default is no command logging.
            PRINTOUT -  output can be appended to this file, default is to
                     send all output to the window/terminal.
            MEMORY - the default memory file.
            DATA, KEEP, SAVE - empty data, keep and save files.

   NOTE: UniPOPS is now sufficiently smart that even if all of the
   above files are absent from the user's home directory, appropriate
   questions will be asked of the user to generate these files.  Only
   the MEMORY file need be present for UniPOPS to run.  The
   $popsdir/prepare.unipops script creates the additional files as a
   convenience to the novice user of the program.

  In your home directory, a file by the name of .unipops will also have
been created.  Examine this file to make sure that environment
variables are set correctly.

6.2. Preparing Directories other than a Home Directory.

   You can also prepare any directory for use by UniPOPS.  To prepare a
directory other than a user's home directory, issue the following

      % cd <directory>
      [cd to the directory from which you wish to run UniPOPS.]

If the environmental variables are not properly set, type:

   % source ~/.unipops


      % mkfiles.unipops

      [Creates the necessary files in that directory.  The files should
       be the same as those listed in Section 6.1.]

6.3.  Running and Testing UniPOPS.

  Unless you have made arrangements with the staff in Green Bank, you
will not be allowed to remotely access on-line data from the 140-ft.
If you have permission, then you can use the gbline or gbcondar
versions of UniPOPS.  Remote access of on-line 12-m data is currently
impossible.  To use UniPOPS for data you have placed on your local
computer system, type cvline or cvcondar.  The Cookbook is quite
helpful in getting started and using the program.  See especially
Chapter 2.  For example:

   Move to the directory from which you want to run UniPOPS

   % cd <directory>

If the environmental variables are not properly set by your "dot" files
then type:

   % source ~/.unipops

in order pick up the values.  Then start up the desired program.  For

   % cvline	(or cvcondar, gbline, or gbcondar)

     The program will start up and display any existing messages and
     news items.  If NOT running in a windows environment, you will be
     asked what type of graphics output you wish (useful if you are
     running from tektronix  or tektronix compatible terminal).  If the
     popsprinter environmental variable is not set you will be asked
     for the name of your printer.

     If you are running gbline or gbcondar, you will be asked for your
     project code; enter your project code as assigned by the Green
     Bank staff and you will be told if you have authority to access
     that project's data.  If you are not running gbline or gbcondar,
     you will not be asked for a project code.

     You will be shown a list of default files that will be used by
     UniPOPS for data storage and input or output.  The empty files
     created by prepare.unipops should be shown on this screen.  To
     change these files, use the CHNGFILE verb after the program has
     started.  See the Cookbook for more complete details.

     Any unipops commands in your SETUP file (LSETUP or CSETUP for
     condar or line) will be executed.   This happens "silently" so you
     won't see any of the actual commands [although you will see any
     error messages].  Long SETUP files, such as the default 12m setup
     file, LSETUP.12meter found in $popsdir/procedures, can take quite
     a while to execute.

     When all of the files are opened and the SETUP file has finished,
     you will get a "Line >" or "Condar >" prompt.  That is the POPS
     interpreter prompt.  A graphics icon should have appeared, if
     running in a windows environment, at some point during this stage
     (open it to make sure it is there).

     If you have an SDD data file, you should use the CHNGFILE file to
     attach the data file to the program.  For example, if you file is
     named MyDataFile then the following command, typed at the UniPOPS
     prompt (indicated here by a ">") will attach that file as the
     off-line data file (which is read-only):


     You should then try getting some data into the program (using
     GET), displaying the data (using SHOW) and making a hard copy of
     the graphics screen (using GCOPY).  You may also choose to use the
     REPORT verb to make sure that the address you used in
     LOCALMAILLIST works and that copies are also sent to the UniPOPS
     address here in Charlottesville (this is a good opportunity to let
     us know that you have successfully installed UniPOPS).
7.0 Documentation.

   Documentation in UniPOPS consists of a set of on-line help files, a
subset of which is a Cookbook and Reference Manual.  To print out
either the Cookbook or Reference Manual, you must first edit a special
Makefile called Makeman found in the $popsdir/sunbin directory and then
run 'make' on that file.

   To edit the file:

	% cd $popsdir/sunbin
	% vi Makeman

You should only need to modify the variables FRMTR, PRNTR, ADDPAGE,
TFRMTR, and PGSZ in the Makeman file.  See the comments in Makeman for

   NOTE: You should be aware that the ASCII files that comprise the
   Cookbook and Reference Manual are set up with our printer in mind
   (using the settings you find in Makeman).  Specifically, if the
   number of lines per page, 70, is altered you will find that page
   breaks sometimes occur at awkward places.

   NOTE: The provided Makeman file uses a freely available filter named
   lwf to produce postscript output.  lwf is nice because it allows for
   printing two manual pages on one physical page.  The manuals are
   optimized to look "nice" when printed using lwf and the existing,
   unedited Makeman file.  lwf is available via anonymous ftp from the
   uunet archive (  You do not need lwf to print out either
   manual but we suggest you obtain and use it.

7.1 Cookbook.
   You can elect to receive a copy of the Cookbook from NRAO via mail.
However, you may wish to print out a hard copy (its large, nearly 300
pages if printed with one manual page per printed page).  Once you have
edited the Makeman file in $popsdir/sunbin, you should run 'make' on the

	% cd $popsdir/sunbin
	% make -f Makeman cookbook

The Cookbook has not changed from the version that accompanied version 3.3.

7.2 Reference Manual.

   The Reference Manual is available as explain documentation from
within the program.  Because of its size and the fact that all of the
contents of the Reference Manual are available on-line, we do not
distribute paper copies of the Reference Manual.  Should you chose to
print it out, be warned that it currently numbers over 750 pages.  To
print out the Reference Manual, you should make sure printer has a lot of
paper available and:

	% cd $popsdir/sunbin
	% make -f Makeman reference
8.0 Known Problems.

   Do not hesitate to ask us for help.

   There are two very annoying problems that you may encounter.  The
first is the most painful, but only applies to sunview users [yet
another reason to use an X11 window manager].  Occasionally, the entire
console will lock up.  Nothing you type will have any effect on any
window (although the cursor will continue to track the mouse movements
and things going on in any windows will appear to be functioning
normally).  We believe this to be a problem with suncore graphics and
is a Sun bug.  We accidentally stumbled upon a work around that seems
to unlock the console.  Simply press the "L1" or "Stop" function key
(usually the key in the upper left corner of the keyboard).  Wait a
couple of seconds and you should begin to see all of the keyboard and
mouse events that were never recognized suddenly take effect.  Its
probably a good idea at that stage to assess any damage that may have
been done by those delayed events.

   If the above work around does not help, the only recourse you have
is the following:  find some other way to log into your machine (i.e.
via another workstation or terminal).  Using the unix ps command,
identify all graphics.exe processes.  Kill these graphics.exe processes
(with the Unix kill command) one at a time until control is returned to
your console (you should see the graphics window[s] go away one at a
time until, suddenly, all of those key strokes you entered that never
produced any response occur).  Now that control has been returned to
the console, new graphics windows should automatically appear and you
can return to your data reduction.

   A related problem, and one that can also happen with the X11
graphics screen, is that when graphics.exe dies or is killed, shared
memory may be left around.  Eventually this will cause the program to
not function (it probably won't open the graphics screen).  To check on
the existence of shared memory, use the unix ipcs command and to remove
residual shared memory use the unix ipcrm command.  See the Unix manual
for a discussion of ipcs and ipcrm commands.

9.0 Cleaning Up.

   There is no simple way to eliminate things that are not needed once
the program has been compiled.  The bulk of any savings from
eliminating unneeded things can be achieve by eliminating the source
code and the compiled object files in the source and utilities
directories.  In order for us to help you out with any problems, we
need to have these files present.  However, if you do need to save as
much space as you can, you can remove the contents of the source,
includes, and the subdirectories under utilities: utilities/conversion,
utilities/diskfiles, utilities/fits, utilities/helpfiles,
utilities/cube, utilities/point, utilities/vlbcl, utilities/vlbfo.
Rather than simply deleting them, it might be better to archive them to
tape so that, in the event of a problem, then can be restored to disk
so that we can help you fix the problem.
10.0 Submitting Comments, Suggestions, Bug Reports.

   As mentioned above, the easiest way to report a bug in the program
is to use the REPORT verb from within UniPOPS.  This requires that
[email protected] is understood as a valid e-mail address by
your machine and that this address appears in comments.exe.  Please use
REPORT not only to report bugs but also to suggest how we might improve
the look and feel of the program (especially things like header fields
displayed with the HEADER verb, the way SUMMARY looks, etc.).

   Finally, we would like to collect any POPS procedures which you have
found useful during your data reduction and which might prove useful to
someone else.  You can send them either to [email protected] or
Bob Garwood at the above addresses.  Try and make them as well
documented as possible and to include some documentation that we can
include as an EXPLAIN page for your submission.  Thanks.
11.0 Release Schedule.

   Development of UniPOPS is frozen.  The only changes to UniPOPS is
to fix existing bugs.  In the future UniPOPS will be replaced by

Checklist for Installing and Running UniPOPS

[ ]  Extract UniPOPS from the tar tape or file using one of the 
	methods described in Section 3.1.

[ ]  Set up an environmental variable, popsdir, with the following

		setenv popsdir <yourpath>/3.5/

[ ]  Create and edit your local copy of the file


	using the file $pospdir/sunbin/makelocal as a model and as described
	in Section 4.1

[ ]  Make UniPOPS by typing:

		cd $popsdir/sunbin
		makemysystem links
		makemysystem cvall

	and, maybe, typing:

		makemysystem gball

[ ]  Create and modify the `domainname`.prepare.unipops file in the
	$popsdir/sys.unipops directory as outlined in Section 5.2.

[ ]  Examine and modify the files in the $popsdir/sys.unipops directory
	as outlined in Section 5.2.1 or modify the user's "dot" files
	as outlined in Section 5.2.2.

[ ]  Create a printers file for your installation by editing the
     	example printers file:

		cd $popsdir/sunbin
		cp printers.example printers
		vi printers      (or use the editor of your choice)

[ ]  Edit the $popsdir/sunbin/edit2.exe file if necessary.

[ ]  Create the symbolic link called 'old' by typing:

		cd <yourpath>
		rm old
		ln -s 3.5 old

[ ]  Modify the following files in the $popsdir/utilities directory if

		cvt.tape-disk	cvt.disk-tape	cvt.tele-recs

	using the following files as models:

		cvt.tape-disk	cvt.disk-tape

[ ]  Add any site dependent messages or news items as described
	in Section 5.7.

[ ]  If you want to print out the documentation, first edit the file:


	and then print out the documentation using the commands
	described in Sections 7.1 or 7.2.

     This ends the installation of the program.

[ ]  To run UniPOPS, each user must either use the "dot" files in
     directory $popsdir/sys.unipops or modify their .login file as
     described in Section 5.2.2

[ ]  Each user must prepare the directory in which he or she wants to
     run UniPOPS.

	If the directory is their home directory, then their .login
	file can do the 'preparing' for them as described in Section

	If it is a directory other than their home directory, or if
	they want to do the 'preparing' by hand, then they should
	follow the steps outlined in Section 6.2.

[ ]  To start up UniPOPS, refer to Chapter 2 of the Cookbook or try the
	instructions in Section 6.3 of this document.

[ ]  Perform any clean-up that you want to as described in Section 9.0
Changes in UniPOPS Version 3.5
The following documents changes to UniPOPS since version 3.4.1.

I. Maximum size of data changed.

The data arrays may now contain up to 16384 elements (up from 10240 in 
previous versions).  This was done to accommodate the 12m spectrometer.
No further increases are expected.

This change means that existing personal [LC]RECOVER and [LC]MEMORY files will
need to be remade when this version is first used.  You will be prompted
to do that the first time you start up this version of UniPOPS.  If you
need to extract any of the contents from the old versions of these files,
you must do so using the previous version of UniPOPS before those files
are removed and recreated.

II. UNDOOFF is now the default state.

UNDO is a verb which tries to undo up to the last 2 command lines.  This
only works if UNDOON was in effect when those lines were typed..  Previously, 
UNDOON was the default state.  UNDO works by making a copy of the entire internal 
contents before each command line is executed.  Two such copies are always
kept.  With the increased size of the data arrays, the amount of time
needed to make such a copy is now noticeable.  An informal survey of users
indicated that few if any users ever use the UNDO verb.  Therefor, it
was decided to make UNDOOFF the default state.  UNDO will have no effect
in that state.  If you expect to use UNDO, you must now first type
UNDOON to turn this capability on.

III. Year displays changed to 4 digits.

This is the only known Y2K bug in UniPOPS.  Several display screens
(e.g. SHOW) display a date.  Previously, only two digits were displayed
for these dates.  Now, 4 digits are display on all such output.

Changes in UniPOPS Version 3.4.1.
The following document changes to UniPOPS since version 3.4.

I. FITS year-2000 DATExxxx agreement support.

The most significant change is that UniPOPS now fully supports
the FITS year-2000 DATExxxx agreement.  UniPOPS FITS readers
(fits2uni/f2u, MREAD, READCUBE ,and the cube.exe utility)
now correctly interpret DATE fields in the new format
as well as the old format.  Beginning in 1999, the current
UniPOPS FITS writers (uni2fits/u2f, MWRITE, and the
cube.exe utility) will begin writing all DATE strings
in the new format in compliance with the agreement.

II. Bug fixes.

A. FITS related bugs.  MWRITE and cube.exe have been writing
the DATE out with the days and months fields reversed.  This
has been fixed and the readers should correctly recognize 
these past mistakes in files produced by UniPOPS when 
re-reading these files.  The UniPOPS handling of the
BLANK keyword was not as according to valid FITS and was
also not internally consistent.  This has been fixed.

B. Other minor bugs.  A few other minor bugs have been
fixed including the following:
    o There were cases where a constant could be assigned a
	new value in the interpreter.
    o GPARTS was not lifting the "pen" between displays of
	multiple Gaussians
    o There was an unnecessary check that CENTER had positive
	values for Gaussians.
    o Some scripts were changed to behave better under Solaris.

New Features in UniPOPS Version 3.4.

The following documents significant changes which have been made to
the system since the printing of Version 3.3 of the Cookbook.

I. Support for the Solaris operating system (SunOS 5.3).

With version 3.4, UniPOPS should now compile and run under the Solaris
operating system as well as the older SunOS operating system.  Please
report any problems under Solaris to the UniPOPS support staff by
using the REPORT verb in UniPOPS or sending e-mail to
[email protected]

II. New GETPOLZ verb for use at the 12-m

The GETPOLZ verb was introduced to access data from the polarizer
at the 12-m. It can currently only access filter bank data from
the on-line data file.  This is still an experimental verb and
its use may change in the future.

III. BADCH improvements

BADCH is used at the 12-m to indicate bad channels in data
displayed on the graphics screen.  BADCH has been improved so
that you can indicate bad channels in either spectrum of a 
two-up display (i.e. two spectra displayed side-by-side).  
Previously, you were limited to one spectrum at a time, even
when both were displayed.

IV. u2f and uni2fits enhancement

A preview option has been added to u2f (use the -prev flag).
This previews the file and returns arguments that one can then 
use to invoke u2f in its "real-time" mode.  This mode writes the
data to the FITS file without using any temporary file.

Most users use uni2fits, the front end to u2f.  Uni2fits has
been changed to use the preview option of u2f.  Users will notice
a "previewing file" notice.  Users will also notice the improved
speed of file conversion.  Previously, a temporary file was 
created that was large enough to hold the largest scan that 
UniPOPS allows - 16384 channels.  After the data was written
to this temporary file, that file was transfered to the final
FITS file with the unnecessary space removed.  This led to
large temporary files and long execution speeds.  The preview
argument to u2f provides the information necessary to 
remove the need for a temporary file.

V. FITS Matix and Cube
The verbs and utilities that read FITS matrices and cubes have been
improved to allow the following values of BITPIX: 8, 16, 32, -32, 64.
New Features in UniPOPS Version 3.3.

The following documents significant changes which have been made to the
system since the printing of Version 3.1 of the Cookbook.  There was no
external release of Version 3.2.

I. Data Format Changes.

The UniPOPS data format, SDD - Single Dish Data, was changed.  The new
data format was implemented during the Fall of 1993.  The change
involved the bootstrap and index portions of the format.  Most of the
16-bit integers were replaced with 32-bit integers.  Some
reorganization of the fields in an index entry also occurred.  A
description of the new format and the old format can be found in
Appendix G of the UniPOPS Cookbook and Section 2.7 of the UniPOPS
Reference Manual.  This information is also available through the
EXPLAIN verb under the topic name "SDD".

The primary advantage of switching to the new format is that files are
now capable of holding more scans.  We have also added a utility,
expandsdd, that will allow you to expand the index of an existing SDD
file.  Previously, when the index capacity was reached, your only
option was to create a new file with a larger index (if you were not
already at the maximum allowable size in the old format) and tediously
copy the file scan by scan.  The new expandsdd utility eliminates this

This version (and all future version of UniPOPS) can read both the new
format as well as the old format of SDD files transparently to the
user.  However, access rates are slightly faster for files using the
new SDD format.  You can use the makeindex.exe utility to remake the
index of an SDD file in the new format.  Simply type the following at a
Unix prompt for each file you wish to convert:

	makeindex.exe file_name

where "file_name" is the actual name of the file.

There is a new flavor of SDD file, the individual records SDD file.
This flavor is used to hold Green Bank individual records data (it may
be expanded in the future to hold 12-meter individual record data).
The new flavor is indicated by a 1 in the "Type of SDD file" field in
the bootstrap record of an SDD file (normal SDD files have a zero in
this field).  See the SDD documentation for more information on this
bootstrap change.  This flavor of SDD file can only be attached as an
RSCANS file (file type 5) with the CHNGFILE verb.   Individual records
files are read only.  They can be accessed using the new GETIR verb
(which also accesses any on-line individual records information).
SUMMARY and SELECT can also be used to summarize and select this type
of data using the RSCANS pointer as the argument.  The new utility
cvt.tele-recs will convert a telescope archive tape from the 140-ft
into an individual records SDD file.

There are 3 new SDD header words that have been added since version
3.1.  These are:

	NORECORD   -  The number of "records" for this scan number.
		      Where "records" refers to the number of
		      individual records for Green Bank individual
		      record data or the number of on-the-fly spectra
		      in this single row of an on-the-fly map (Tucson
		      OTF spectral line mode data).

	RECORDID   -  The specific record number corresponding to this
		      data where a record has the same meaning as
		      described above.

	PHASEID    -  The specific phase number corresponding to this
		      data.  This is only used by individual records

The FITS image reader (MREAD) and writer (MWRITE) as well as the cube
reader (READCUBE) and writer (cube.exe) all now understand the FITS
keyword EQUINOX.  This is intended to hold the equinox of the
coordinate system used in the FITS image or cube.  The value of that
FITS keyword is stored in the matrix header word MEQUINOX or the cube
header word CEQUINOX.  In addition, the matrix header word MOBJECT and
the cube header word COBJECT can now hold up to 16 characters (any
additional characters found in an input FITS file are ignored).

II. Multi-plot Cursor

If you plot multiple graphs on the same screen with, for example,
RASTER, SHOW, PLOT, etc., all cross hair and cursor verbs (CROSSHAIR,
CLICK, MCUR, FCUR, CCUR, etc.) will return appropriate values for any
of the plots.  Just call the desired cursor routine, center the cursor
within the plot for which you want information, move it to the feature
of interest, and click away.  The following restrictions apply:

(a) Although you can plot an indefinite number of plots on the same
page, you'll only be able to use the cursor routines on any of the last
64 plots.  If this proves to be too severe a limitation, let us know
since it would be simple for us to raise this limit in a future

(b) If you overlap plots, the cursor routines will return the values
for the first drawn plot.

(c) MCUR (and the MCLICK adverb set by CLICK) will only return a value
if you pick a matrix plot and if it is the last plot that you have
drawn to the screen.  Likewise, CROSSHAIR will only return the value of
the matrix at the location at which you click if and only if the matrix
you are clicking on was the last thing that you plotted.

(d) Routines like BSHOW, RSHOW, GPARTS, GDISPLAY, and GMEASURE will
only work on the last drawn plot, which must have been a SHOW or RESHOW

(e) FLAG and FULLGRID will only work on the last drawn plot, regardless
of its type.

(f) LABEL will only work on the last drawn plot, which must have been a
2-D plot (RASTER, CONTOUR, HLFTNE, etc.).

III. New Verbs.

The following verbs have been added.  Some information summarizing
these new verbs follows this listing.  See the EXPLAIN on-line help
facility and the new 3.3 version of the Cookbook for details.


CLICK lets you use the graphics cursor to set seven new adverbs with
the single click of the left or right mouse button.  These seven
correspond to the values that would have been returned using the cursor
function verbs (CCUR, FCUR, MCUR, TCUR, VCUR, XCUR, and YCUR).  For
example, suppose you wish to put the location of the peak of a feature
and the magnitude of that peak into adverbs.  Previously, this would
have required a use of CCUR (to return the channel number of the peak
of the feature) and TCUR (to return the height of the peak).  Now, a
single use of CLICK would set CCLICK and TCLICK (and the other 5
adverbs) to values appropriate to that position (you would then use
CCLICK and TCLICK as the values you needed).

C2XPIX, XPIX2C, T2YPIX and YPIX2C are function verbs that convert the
argument from one coordinate system to another.  The XPIX and YPIX
coordinate system refers to the x and y pixel coordinates of the
graphics screen while the C and T refers to the x and y coordinates of
the data being plotted.  C2XPIX converts a c-value (channel number for
SHOW, x-axis value for PLOT, and x-cell number for a matrix display)
into the corresponding x-pixel value of the graphics window.  XPIX2C
converts an x-pixel value into a c-value.  T2YPIX converts a t-value
(temperature or y-axis value for SHOW, y-axis value for PLOT, and
y-cell number for a matrix display) into the corresponding y-pixel
value of the graphics window.  YPIX2T convert an y-pixel value into a

DATE and TIME are function verbs that return the current system date
and time as strings.  For example, PRINT TIME would print out the
current system time.

EXEC is a new verb that takes a string argument, which can consist of
any valid POPS commands, and executes the contents of the string.  The
real power of this verb is that it can be used within a procedure to
execute a string of POPS commands.  Since this string can be a global
string adverb which can vary between executions of the procedure that
uses EXEC, you can alter the behavior of that procedure on-the-fly
(i.e. without having to recompile the procedure).

EQHISTLEV and FUNCLEV are new ways to help you set the LEVS array for
use by the 2-D display verbs.  EQHISTLEV allows you to set an equal
histogram display (equal number of points between each contour level)
while FUNCLEV allows you to set the ratio of the number of points
between each contour level for all contour levels (i.e. you can control
the ratio in effect at each level through the use of the new FLEVS
array adverb).

FNAME is a function verb that returns the file name of the indicated
file unit number, which must already be opened.  Files are either
opened by calls to FOPEN or through CHNGFILE (i.e. this will also
return the name of the basic files controlled by CHNGFILE).

GETCOL, GETROW, PUTCOL and PUTROW are verbs which transfer data between
Matrix (0) and Array (0).  GETCOL takes the indicated column of Matrix
(0) and places it in Array (0) while GETROW does the same for the
indicated row of Matrix (0).  PUTCOL and PUTROW transfer data values in
the other direction.

GETIR is the verb used to fetch the indicated individual record and
phase for a given scan from both the on-line and off-line individual
records data.  This form of data, which is described briefly above, is
currently only available for Green Bank data.

GETOTF is used to fetch a specific spectra from a 12-meter spectral
line on-the-fly scan or mapping row.  Further analysis of OTF scans is
done with a procedure or a stand alone program.  You should consult
the 12-meter staff for the latest developments.

INT is a new synonym for the function verb IFIX.

equivalents of the verbs BIAS, SCALE, PLUS, MINUS, MULTIPLY, and
DIVIDE.  BIAS and SCALE work on Matrix (0) while the other four verbs
combine Matrix (1) and Matrix (0) and leave the result in Matrix (0).

IV. Altered Verbs

The behavior or syntax of the following commands has changed.  As with
the new verbs, you should consult the on-line EXPLAIN documentation or
the new Cookbook.


changed to use the new DEFMODE adverb (also used by the new verbs
MPLUS, MMINUS, MMULTIPLY, and MDIVIDE).  DEFMODE indicates how these
verbs, which combine values from two arrays, two locations in the same
array, or two matrices, should deal with undefined or otherwise invalid
data values.  The default value of DEFMODE is FALSE.  When DEFMODE is
FALSE, the verbs put an undefined value at any location where either of
the input values at that location are undefined.  If DEFMODE is TRUE
then the verbs will put an undefined value at any location where both
of the input values are undefined and will put some real value there
when only one of the input values are undefined.  For the specific
behavior when DEFMODE is TRUE, you should consult the documentation for
each verb.

BATCH has been changed in two ways.  It now informs you of the filename
it is reading.  Since BATCH searches in your current directory as well
as up to two additional directories, the feature is useful if you need
to know what file is being read by BATCH.  BATCH also deals with errors
during compilation of a procedure (known as edit mode) which often
occur while a procedure is being debugged in a more graceful way.
Previously, you were simply left in edit mode and had to type FINISH to
return to the normal execute mode.  Now, when BATCH detects that an
error has occurred during compilation, BATCH will supply FINISH for
you.  You should always be returned to execute mode whenever BATCH
finishes, even after an error.

BSHOW, GDISPLAY, GPARTS, RESHOW, and RSHOW now use the current line
type setting (set by LINETYPE) in addition to the other verbs that also
use the current line type setting: PLOT, SHOW, VCTR and the 2-D display

The codes for line thickness used as input to LINETYPE and CONLINE
values were change to allow one to have labeled, thin contour lines
with no dashes and no tick marks.  The new line thickness codes are:

	0,1 - Thin (DEFAULT)
	2   - Slightly thick
	3   - Medium thick
	4   - Thick
	5   - Very thick

CROSSHAIR was changed to use the new CROSSFLG adverb.  CROSSHAIR can
display up to 5 values at each location when a mouse button is
clicked.  CROSSFLG controls which of those 5 values are actually
displayed.  You can now limit the amount of information to the values
you are interested in so that the screen does not become as cluttered
as fast as it would if all 5 values were always displayed.

CHNGFILE is now somewhat easer to use.  New pointer adverbs exists for
all file types and you only need to type in the minimum number of
characters to distinguish the argument for the second and third
arguments.  For example, suppose you want to attach the existing file
MySaveFile as the `save' file.  Previously you would have typed:


Now, you can type:


where CH is recognized as being CHANGE (since the only possible
alternatives are CHANGE, CREATE, and SUBTRACT) and SSCANS is a pointer
adverb having the value of 3.  The new pointer adverbs (e.g SSCANS) may
be simpler to remember than their values (in this case 3).

EDIT, as before, will search for a specified file from the current
directory and, but, now, if EDIT cannot find the file there, EDIT will
then look at the $popsproc1 or $popsproc2 directories (see Section
5.1).  If the file is found in the $popsproc1 or $popsproc2 directory,
EDIT will copy the file to the current directory and allow you to edit
the file.  This feature makes it simple to edit and alter any of the
standard procedures distributed with UniPOPS.  Simply type "EDIT
filename", where filename is the name of the file containing the
standard procedure (now given in the documentation for that procedure)
and a copy of that file will be placed in your current directory for
you to edit.  As before, if no file of that name exists in the current
directory or in the $popsproc1 and $popsproc2 directories, a new, empty
file will be created for you to edit in the current directory.

MLIMITS now sets the array adverb MLIMS to the values that it finds.
See the documentation for a description of what each element of MLIMS
corresponds to.

RIPPLE has been completely rewritten to be more robust.  The adverbs,
RPERIOD, RAMPLTDE, and RPHASE are now used to hold the initial guesses
for the period, amplitude and phase as well as the fitted results.  The
errors of the fitted parameters can now be found in RPERERR, RAMPERR,
and RPHAERR.  The adverbs RFIXPER, RFIXAMP, and RFIXPHA are used to
control which parameters are held fixed, which are fitted for, and
which have initial guesses supplied by the user, and which have initial
guesses determined by the algorithm.  See the documentation on RIPPLE
for complete details.  The array adverb RPARM is no longer used and has
been eliminated.

TELL has a new option, TELL STAT which summarizes the contents of the
STATUS array.


The MENUS facility has been eliminated.  It relied on a public domain
package that was only available for sunview and it was seldom, if ever,

VI.  Procedures

There are quite a number of new procedures, too many to mention here.
Many of these are provided to users of the 12-meter (and are specific
to that telescope).  A few are specific to users of the 140-ft.  You
should consult the documentation for more information.  In the
following short table, the word in the first column is the topic name
that you should give to EXPLAIN to learn more about that topic and a
short description of that topic is given in the second column.  This is
not a complete list, only a list of the more interesting topics.

		topic name		description
                ----------              -----------
		Procedures              The top level topic.  You can
					start here to get to all of the
					other information on

		Procedure-Libraries     Information on the procedures
					that are supplied with

		General-Procedures      Information on all of the
					procedures intended for general

		GreenBank-Procedures    Information on procedures
					specific to data from a Green
					Bank telescope.

		NRAO12m-Procedures      Information on procedures
					specific to data from the NRAO

		Mapping                 A set of procedures useful in
					making 2-D maps and 3-D cubes
					from 1-D data.

		cubeinput.prc           One of the "mapping"
					procedures.  It is a "front
					end" to the cube.exe utility
					that makes it easier to convert
					a `save' file into a FITS

		Tiles                   A set of procedures useful for
					producing tiled displays, where
					individual spectra are
					displayed as tiles on the
					graphics screen in relation to
					their relative position on the

		LSETUP.12meter          The standard procedures used to
					reduce spectral line data at
					the 12-meter.

		CSETUP.12meter          The standard procedures used to
					reduce continuum data at the

VII. New Utilities

The following utilities are new in version 3.3:

	makeoldindex.exe	makeoldrecindex.exe	makerecindex.exe
	expandsdd		mergesdd

The makeoldindex.exe, makeoldrecindex.exe, and makerecindex.exe
utilities are related to the makindex.exe which is used to rebuild the
index of an SDD file.  The makerecindex.exe utility will rebuild the
index of an individual records SDD file.  The makeoldindex.exe and
makeoldrecindex.exe utilities will rebuild the index in the old, pre
version 3.3, format of SDD file (which may be necessary if you need to
use an older version of UniPOPS or if you have some software of your
own that can currently only read the original SDD format).  The current
version of UniPOPS can read both the new and old formats transparently
to the user (although access rates will be slightly faster for the new
format).  The makeindex.exe utility can always be use to convert an old
format index into a new format index.

The expandsdd program allows you to expand the size of the index area
of an existing SDD file so that you can store more data in it.  The
syntax of this utility is:

	expandsdd file_name size

where file_name is the name of the SDD file and size is the number of
scans that you want file_name to be able to hold after expansion.
NOTE: expandsdd replaces the current file with a new file having the
data of the old file and a new index.  Since it is possible that an
undetected error may occur during expansion, it is a good idea if you
make a copy of the original file before using expandsdd to protect your
data in case of a problem.

You should use the mergesdd program to combine two SDD files into a
third, new SDD file.  The syntax of this utility is:

	mergesdd input_file_1 input_file_2 new_SDD_file

where input_file_1 and input_file_2 are the names of the two existing
SDD files that you wish to merge and new_SDD_file is the name of the
new SDD file that you want to create having the contents of the first
two files.  There is no risk of the input files being overwritten.  The
output file must not exist prior to using mergesdd.  If it does exist,
mergesdd will exit without doing any work.

The pdfl2sdd utility replaces the cvtpdfl2sdd.exe utility and is used
to convert from the old 12-meter pdfl format to the UniPOPS SDD
format.  Its syntax is simply:

	pdfl2sdd pdfl_file new_SDD_file

where pdfl_file is the name of the pdfl file and new_SDD_file is the
name of the new SDD file that will hold the converted data.

cvt.tele-recs is a new utility that is similar in use to
cvt.tape-disk.  It converts an archive telescope tape from the 140-ft
into an individual records format SDD file.


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