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update directness and Efficiency cals
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wangzhao0217 committed Mar 6, 2025
1 parent 71cbad7 commit 8c43786
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160 changes: 106 additions & 54 deletions R/net_eval.R
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Expand Up @@ -196,73 +196,125 @@ compute_od_accessibility = function(od_data, rnet_core, lads, city_name = "City

### Function: Compute Directness and Efficiency
compute_directness_efficiency = function(rnet_core, lads, city_name = "City of Edinburgh") {
city_boundary = lads |> filter(LAD23NM == city_name)
rnet_core_zone = sf::st_intersection(rnet_core, city_boundary) |> st_cast("LINESTRING")

network_sfnet = as_sfnetwork(rnet_core_zone, directed = FALSE)
network_sfnet = network_sfnet |>
activate("edges") |>
mutate(weight = as.numeric(st_length(geometry)))

g = network_sfnet |> as.igraph()

comp = components(g)
largest_comp_id = which.max(comp$csize)
lcc_nodes = V(g)[comp$membership == largest_comp_id]
g_lcc = induced_subgraph(g, lcc_nodes)

dist_matrix_g = distances(g_lcc, weights = E(g_lcc)$weight)

nodes_sf = network_sfnet |>
activate("nodes") |>
# 1) Choose a planar coordinate system for distances in meters.
# For Great Britain, EPSG:27700 is common.
target_crs = 27700

coords = st_coordinates(nodes_sf)
# 2) Reproject boundary and network lines to the chosen CRS
lads_proj = st_transform(lads, target_crs)
rnet_core_proj = st_transform(rnet_core, target_crs)

node_coords = nodes_sf |> |>
bind_cols(data.frame(x = coords[,1], y = coords[,2]))
# 3) Clip the network to the chosen city
city_boundary = lads_proj |> filter(LAD23NM == city_name)
rnet_core_zone = st_intersection(rnet_core_proj, city_boundary)
rnet_core_zone = st_cast(rnet_core_zone, "LINESTRING") # ensure LINESTRING geometry

node_coords_lcc = node_coords[as.numeric(lcc_nodes), ]
# 4) Build an initial sfnetwork (UNDIRECTED)
network_sfnet = as_sfnetwork(rnet_core_zone, directed = FALSE)

dist_matrix_e = as.matrix(dist(node_coords_lcc[, c("x","y")]))
# 5) Subdivide lines at all intersections
# This ensures real intersections become shared nodes
network_sfnet_subdiv = network_sfnet %>%
convert(to_spatial_subdivision) %>%
activate("edges") %>%
mutate(weight = st_length(geometry)) # edge weights in meters

valid_pairs = upper.tri(dist_matrix_g, diag = FALSE) & is.finite(dist_matrix_g) & dist_matrix_g > 0
# Convert to igraph for distance computations
g = as.igraph(network_sfnet_subdiv)

# Directness
directness_ratios = dist_matrix_e[valid_pairs] / dist_matrix_g[valid_pairs]
D = mean(directness_ratios, na.rm = TRUE)
# 6) Compute distance matrices:
# dist_matrix_g = shortest-path distances on the network
# dist_matrix_e = straight-line (Euclidean) distances
dist_matrix_g = distances(g, weights = E(g)$weight)

# Global Efficiency
sum_inv_dG = sum(1/dist_matrix_g[valid_pairs], na.rm = TRUE)
sum_inv_dE = sum(1/dist_matrix_e[valid_pairs], na.rm = TRUE)
E_glob = sum_inv_dG / sum_inv_dE
# Extract node coordinates in the same planar CRS
nodes_sf = network_sfnet_subdiv %>%
activate("nodes") %>%

# Local Efficiency
calc_local_eff = function(node_id, distG, distE, g_graph) {
neighbors_idx = as.numeric(neighbors(g_graph, node_id))
if (length(neighbors_idx) < 2) {
distG_sub = distG[neighbors_idx, neighbors_idx]
distE_sub = distE[neighbors_idx, neighbors_idx]
valid_pairs_local = upper.tri(distG_sub, diag=FALSE) & is.finite(distG_sub) & distG_sub > 0
if (sum(valid_pairs_local) == 0) {
coords = st_coordinates(nodes_sf)
dist_matrix_e = as.matrix(dist(coords))

# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# 7) Fraction-Weighted Directness & Global Efficiency
# 1) Among connected node pairs only
# 2) Multiply by the fraction of all node pairs that are connected
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
all_pairs_mask = upper.tri(dist_matrix_g, diag = FALSE)

connected_mask = all_pairs_mask &
is.finite(dist_matrix_g) &
(dist_matrix_g > 0)

# Fraction of connected pairs
n_all_pairs = sum(all_pairs_mask)
n_conn_pairs = sum(connected_mask)
frac_connected = n_conn_pairs / n_all_pairs

# Directness among connected pairs
directness_ratios_conn = dist_matrix_e[connected_mask] / dist_matrix_g[connected_mask]
D_conn = mean(directness_ratios_conn, na.rm = TRUE)

# Fraction-weighted Directness
D_fraction_weighted = D_conn * frac_connected

# Global Efficiency among connected pairs
E_glob_conn = sum(1 / dist_matrix_g[connected_mask], na.rm = TRUE) /
sum(1 / dist_matrix_e[connected_mask], na.rm = TRUE)

# Fraction-weighted Global Efficiency
E_glob_fraction_weighted = E_glob_conn * frac_connected

# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# 8) Local Efficiency
# Standard approach: for each node's neighbors, ignore pairs that
# aren't connected. If < 2 neighbors, local efficiency = NA.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
calc_local_eff = function(node_id, distG, distE, igraph_obj) {
nbrs = as.numeric(neighbors(igraph_obj, node_id))
if (length(nbrs) < 2) {
sum_inv_dG_sub = sum(1/distG_sub[valid_pairs_local], na.rm = TRUE)
sum_inv_dE_sub = sum(1/distE_sub[valid_pairs_local], na.rm = TRUE)
E_glob_i = sum_inv_dG_sub / sum_inv_dE_sub
distG_sub = distG[nbrs, nbrs]
distE_sub = distE[nbrs, nbrs]

valid_sub = upper.tri(distG_sub, diag = FALSE) &
is.finite(distG_sub) &
(distG_sub > 0)
if (sum(valid_sub) == 0) return(NA)

sum_invG = sum(1 / distG_sub[valid_sub], na.rm = TRUE)
sum_invE = sum(1 / distE_sub[valid_sub], na.rm = TRUE)
if (sum_invE == 0) return(NA)

return(sum_invG / sum_invE)

E_glob_i_values = sapply(seq_len(vcount(g_lcc)), function(i) calc_local_eff(i, dist_matrix_g, dist_matrix_e, g_lcc))
E_loc = mean(E_glob_i_values, na.rm = TRUE)
E_loc_values = sapply(seq_len(vcount(g)), function(i) {
calc_local_eff(i, dist_matrix_g, dist_matrix_e, g)
E_loc = mean(E_loc_values, na.rm = TRUE)

# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# 9) Return all metrics
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
D = D,
E_glob = E_glob,
E_loc = E_loc
# Fraction of connected pairs
frac_connected = frac_connected,

# Within-connected subgraphs only
D_conn = D_conn, # directness among connected pairs
E_glob_conn = E_glob_conn, # global efficiency among connected pairs

# Fraction-weighted directness & efficiency
D_fraction_weighted = D_fraction_weighted,
E_glob_fraction_weighted = E_glob_fraction_weighted,

# Local Efficiency
E_loc = E_loc

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -302,8 +354,8 @@ generate_radar_chart = function(city_name,

# 6. Directness and Efficiency
de_result = compute_directness_efficiency(rnet_core, lads, city_name = city_name)
directness = de_result$D
global_efficiency = de_result$E_glob
directness = de_result$D_fraction_weighted
global_efficiency = de_result$E_glob_fraction_weighted
local_efficiency = de_result$E_loc
print(paste("Directness: ", directness))
# Combine metrics
Expand Down
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