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imporve the computational efficiency of calculate_paths_from_point_dist
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wangzhao0217 committed Feb 20, 2025
1 parent 380b4f5 commit 38b8d64
Showing 1 changed file with 96 additions and 68 deletions.
164 changes: 96 additions & 68 deletions R/corenet.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -487,74 +487,102 @@ prepare_network = function(network, key_attribute = "all_fastest_bicycle_go_dutc
#' @return An sf object containing the paths that meet the criteria or NULL if no paths meet the criteria.
#' @export

calculate_paths_from_point_dist = function(network, point, minDistPts = 2, maxDistPts = 1500, centroids, path_type = "shortest", max_path_weight =10) {
path_cache = list()

# Ensure the network's CRS is correctly set for distance measurement in meters
if ( || sf::st_crs(network)$units != "m") {
network = sf::st_transform(network, crs = 27700) # Example: UTM zone 32N for meters

# Generate a unique key for the cache based on the point's coordinates
point_key = paste(sort(as.character(point)), collapse = "_")
if (exists("path_cache") && point_key %in% names(path_cache)) {

# Convert point and centroids to sfc if not already
point_geom = sf::st_as_sfc(point)
centroids_geom = sf::st_as_sfc(centroids)

# Calculate distances between point and centroids
distances = sf::st_distance(point_geom, centroids_geom)
distances_vector = as.vector(distances[1, ])
distances_vector = units::set_units(distances_vector, "m")

valid_centroids = centroids[
distances_vector >= units::set_units(minDistPts, "m") &
distances_vector <= units::set_units(maxDistPts, "m"),

if (nrow(valid_centroids) > 0) {
# Define weights based on path_type
weights_to_use = if (path_type == "all_simple") NA else "weight"

# Calculate paths based on specified path_type
paths_from_point = sfnetworks::st_network_paths(
from = point_geom,
to = sf::st_as_sfc(valid_centroids),
weights = "weight",
type = path_type

# edges_in_paths = paths_from_point |>
# dplyr::pull(edge_paths) |>
# base::unlist() |> base::unique()

# result = network |> dplyr::slice(unique(edges_in_paths)) |> sf::st_as_sf()
paths_from_point$total_weight = purrr::map_dbl(
~ sum(network |> activate(edges) |> slice(.x) |> pull(weight))

# Filter out paths exceeding weight threshold
valid_paths = paths_from_point[paths_from_point$total_weight <= max_path_weight, ]

edges_in_paths = valid_paths |> # CHANGED: Use filtered paths
dplyr::pull(edge_paths) |>
base::unlist() |>

result = network |> dplyr::slice(unique(edges_in_paths)) |> sf::st_as_sf()
} else {
result = NULL

path_cache[[point_key]] = result

calculate_paths_from_point_dist = function(
minDistPts = 2,
maxDistPts = 1500,
path_type = "shortest",
max_path_weight = 10,
crs_transform = 27700
) {
# 1) Ensure the network is in a meter-based CRS, transform if necessary
net_crs = sf::st_crs(network)

# Check if units are in "m"; if missing or different, transform
if ( || (!is.null(net_crs$units) && net_crs$units != "m")) {
message("Transforming network to CRS: ", crs_transform)
network = sf::st_transform(network, crs = crs_transform)

# 2) Generate a unique key for caching based on the point's coordinates
# You can modify how this key is generated if your 'point' is already sf-compatible
point_key = paste(sort(as.character(point)), collapse = "_")

# 3) Check if result is already cached
if (exists(point_key, envir = path_cache_env)) {
return(get(point_key, envir = path_cache_env))

# 4) Convert the point and centroids to sfc if not already
point_geom = sf::st_as_sfc(point)
centroids_geom = sf::st_as_sfc(centroids)

# 5) Filter centroids by distance to the point
distances = sf::st_distance(point_geom, centroids_geom)
# distances is a 1 x n matrix; convert to a numeric vector (in meters)
distances_m = units::set_units(as.vector(distances[1, ]), "m")

valid_idx = which(
distances_m >= units::set_units(minDistPts, "m") &
distances_m <= units::set_units(maxDistPts, "m")

# If no centroids qualify, cache NULL and return
if (!length(valid_idx)) {
assign(point_key, NULL, envir = path_cache_env)

valid_centroids = centroids[valid_idx, , drop = FALSE]
valid_centroids_geom = centroids_geom[valid_idx]

# 6) Determine which weight column to use
# If path_type == "all_simple", typically no weights are used.
# Adjust as needed if your network uses a different attribute for cost/distance.
weights_to_use = if (path_type == "all_simple") NULL else "weight"

# 7) Compute paths from the single point to all valid centroids
# This returns indices of nodes/edges for each path
paths_from_point = sfnetworks::st_network_paths(
from = point_geom,
to = valid_centroids_geom,
weights = weights_to_use,
type = path_type

# 8) Summation of edge weights for each path
# Instead of re-activating edges for each path, extract them once
net_edges = network |> tidygraph::activate("edges")
edges_weight_vec = net_edges |> dplyr::pull(weight)

# Vectorized summation of weights for each path
total_weights = sapply(paths_from_point$edge_paths, function(edge_ids) {
sum(edges_weight_vec[edge_ids], na.rm = TRUE)

paths_from_point$total_weight = total_weights

# 9) Filter out paths whose total weight exceeds threshold
valid_paths = paths_from_point[total_weights <= max_path_weight, ]
if (!nrow(valid_paths)) {
assign(point_key, NULL, envir = path_cache_env)

# 10) Collect the edges used by these filtered paths
edges_in_paths = unique(unlist(valid_paths$edge_paths))

# 11) Slice the network edges to extract only those edges
result = net_edges |>
dplyr::slice(edges_in_paths) |>

# 12) Store in cache and return
assign(point_key, result, envir = path_cache_env)

#' Calculate the largest connected component of a network
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