Author: Nele Quast
We anticipate changes to this repository. Please feel free to reach out with any comments or feedback. Manuscript in preparation, please cite:
Nele, Deane, C., & Raybould, M. (2025). STCRpy: a software suite for TCR:pMHC structure parsing, interaction profiling, and machine learning dataset preparation (0.1.24). Zenodo.
The core stcrpy package can be installed from PyPi. After installing stcrpy, the anarci HMM models must be built to enable annotation.
pip install --index-url --extra-index-url stcrpy
ANARCI --build_models
Certain extensions and functionality have additional dependencies:
pip install torch --index-url
pip install torch_geometric
conda install -c conda-forge -c schrodinger pymol-bundle numpy -y
In case build and twine arent installed:
pip install --upgrade build
pip install --upgrade twine
To build the package run: (this will build the wheel and compress the source code to stcrpy/dist
python -m build
To deploy the package to the test-pypi server:
python3 -m twine upload --repository testpypi dist/*
!! Note that to re-deploy the code the version number in
must be updated so that pypi can stage the package.
To install a development version of stcrpy and enable local debugging:
pip install --index-url --extra-index-url anarci-mhc
ANARCI --build_models
pip install -e .