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== General Info ==
- ice charts from met.no are downloaded automatically to \henry\isdata (Are maintains the ftp download)
- the barents_shp folder is the one we are interested in
- Charts are daily since 1998, before weekly
Ice class text values contain numerical values meaning
- Open Water = 5%
- Very Open Drift Ice = 25%
- Open Drift Ice = 55%
- Close Drift Ice = 80%
- Very Close Drift Ice = 95%
- Fast Ice = 100%
== Limitations of the Data ==
This data is meant for daily sea ice navigation, taking any source the analyst may find, from 25km passive microwave to 20 meter SAR data, also information a ship may provide. It is not documented which area is based on which maps and it is drawn by visual analysis. It is not a scientific dataset in the sense that results could be reproduced or individual maps reanalysed or strange features in a certain daily map be explained later.
== Software ==
The code is in Python using gdal /ogr libraries (installation inctructions [http://here http://geoinformaticstutorial.blogspot.no/2013/03/installing-python-with-gdal-on-windows.html] and calling the [http://Nest%20Toolbox http://nest.array.ca/web/nest]
It is not using ArcGIS python code in order to be independent of commercial software.
== Processing Steps of Script IceChart.py ==
original code at https://github.com/npolar/RemoteSensing/blob/master/IceChartProcessing.py
Processing Steps:
Reproject Shapefile --> Convert Shape to Raster --> Add Missing Days --> Do Calculations
== met.no Shapefiles ==
The shapefile are unprojected WGS 84 lat/long (EPSG 4326)
== def ReprojectShapefile(infile) ==
reproject original shapefile to map projection, like EPSG 3575 WGS 84 / North Pole LAEA Europe
open issues:
- old files have different format, cant be processed yet
== def Shape2Raster(shapefile) ==
convert reprojected shapefile to raster -- allows to take all Barentssea or just subset, resolution and extent can be defined.
Uses independently created mask to mask out land areas:
== def AddMissingDays() ==
using the date.time() module:
d1 = datetime.date(year1, month1, day1)
d2 = datetime.date(year2, month2, day2)
diff = datetime.timedelta(days=1)
== def CreateMapFastIceDays () ==
Creates Map where number indicates days with fast ice, 999 is land -- '''not''' considering if days are consecutive
#Count pixel, if fastice add one, of not keep value -- add land mask
outarray = numpy.where( (iceraster == 100), outarray + 1 , outarray)
outarray = numpy.where( (iceraster == 999), 999 , outarray)
== def CreateMapConsecutiveFastIceDays() ==
Creates Map where number indicates days with fast ice, 999 is land '''considering if days are consecutive'''
Number may be several consecutive periods added or only one -- not differentiated yet
Calculation Method at present. Loop through files and:
#Read input raster into array
iceraster = icechart.ReadAsArray()
#Add one where fast ice otherwise keep number, count in countingraster
outarray = numpy.where( (iceraster == 100), outarray + 1 , outarray)
countingraster = numpy.where( (iceraster == 100), countingraster + 1 , countingraster)
#Reset pixel to zero when previous day was not fast ice AND if less than wanted number (otherwise pixel is valid)
outarray = numpy.where( (numpy.logical_and((previousraster == 0) , (countingraster < consecutivenumber))), 0 , outarray)
#reset counting raster to 0 where outarray was set to 0 in line above
countingraster = numpy.where( (outarray == 0), 0 , countingraster)
#add landmask
outarray = numpy.where( (iceraster == 999), 999 , outarray)
#New previousraster
previousraster = numpy.where( (iceraster == 100), 1 , 0)
after the last round run that because the last pixel has to be compared still:
#Has to finish after last run checking last image
outarray = numpy.where((countingraster < consecutivenumber), 0 , outarray)
outarray = numpy.where( (iceraster == 999), 999 , outarray)
== def CreatePercentageMap() ==
Creates map showing percentage ice coverage over a given period
Biggest change: Loop replaced by Raster Processing:
#Array calculation with numpy -- much faster
outarray = numpy.where( (iceraster == 0.0), (outarray + ( 0.0 / NumberOfDays)) , outarray)
outarray = numpy.where( (iceraster == 5.0), (outarray + ( 5.0 / NumberOfDays)) , outarray)
outarray = numpy.where( (iceraster == 25.0), (outarray + ( 25.0 / NumberOfDays)) , outarray)
outarray = numpy.where( (iceraster == 55.0), (outarray + ( 55.0 / NumberOfDays)) , outarray)
outarray = numpy.where( (iceraster == 80.0), (outarray + ( 80.0 / NumberOfDays)) , outarray)
outarray = numpy.where( (iceraster == 95.0), (outarray + ( 95.0 / NumberOfDays)) , outarray)
outarray = numpy.where( (iceraster == 100.0), (outarray + (100.0 / NumberOfDays)) , outarray)
outarray = numpy.where( (iceraster == 999.0), 999.0 , outarray)
== def CreateIceEdgeMap() ==
Create Ice Edge Map
Treshhold the chosen percentage per day.
Example for 30%:
== Next Steps: Clip ice edge to get single line ==
manual steps:
iceadge --> do polygon to lines
the clipping file (iceshape_3575.shp) is polygon
Select in iceedge file the iceedge itself
Run Geoprocessing Tools>Clip and get the iceedge itself
Run again to with selected coast line to remove coast lines from ice edge.
Use this polygon to clip out only lower line of polygon as single line:
== Next Steps: Decadal Average Map ==
A ten year mean is for example taking all February-months 2001-2010 and calculating the average sea ice coverage per pixel using all the ten Februaries.
== Product List ==
Wanted by Jon Richard:
Isgrenser: Siste års isgrense ved 15 % iskonsentrasjon mars og september Ti års gjennomsnittlig isgrense mars og september 30 års gjennomsnitt isgrense mars og september Iskonsentrasjonen: Siste års iskonsentrasjon mars og september* Ti års gjennomsnittlig iskonsentrasjon mars og september* 30 års gjennomsnitt iskonsentrasjon mars og september* *Konsentrasjonene er: 80-100% ice concentration 60-80 40-60 20-40 < 20 Isdekt areal: Isdekt areal innenfor Barentshavets anerkjente grenser i km2. Dette er en parameter vi vil ta opp med Olga.
Barentsportal (John Richard) has ice charts with the classes:
But the met.no data contains according to you info
- Open Water = 5%
- Very Open Drift Ice = 25%
- Open Drift Ice = 55%
- Close Drift Ice = 80%
- Very Close Drift Ice = 95%
- Fast Ice = 100%
So I cannot get the boundaries as in Barentsportal. Could it be that this is a wrong assignment to the met.no-classes (Very open Drift ice being assigned <20% ? ), or how did Harvey get these first thresholds?
== Information from Ola Brandt: ==
Mission: Use the met.no data to create a sea ice indicator index for Svalbard.
Execution: The shape files provided by met.no is rasterized in MATLAB. A binary raster is created comprising 'fast ice' / 'everything else'. The number of days with fast ice is calculated for each pixel and for three different epochs, 1 Sept=>1 Sept (one year), 1 Sept=>1 Mars, 1 Mars=>1 Sept. The latter to indicate inter seasonal differences. Polygons for various regions are applied and the total number of [km^2 days] of ice for each region and epoch are calculated.
Met.no Ice Chart Shape Files are downloaded automatically to \henry\isdata\2012\barents_shp
The following prototype scripts are used:
IceChartsGiveMOSJProd.m: Calculates number of days with ice for each pixel, filter, splits into various epochs and regions and calculates final [km^2 days]. This script is run in several steps (break command in file).
Follow and read comments within scripts. Note: paths to data and where to store final and intermediate products must be changed.
The MATLAB scripts will call a few sub functions that needs to be accesable:
As well as data file:
Polygon now used are:
== Old Obsolete Steps Arcus maps ==
- Copy the shapefiles from month to C:\Users\max\Documents\IceCharts
- If first and last of month missing, consider replacing manually with nearest one
- make sure C:\Users\max\Documents\IceCharts\Arcus\EPSG3575 exists and is empty
- Run https://github.com/npolar/RemoteSensing/blob/master/IceChart_Arcus.py
- Result arcus_map.shp and arcus_map.tif
- Repeat for the same month back to 2009
- Open arcus_map.shp in QGIS for all years
- adjust colours as in, for example, JulyMaps09_13.qgs -- use transparencies and advanced>symbol levels
- Use print composer to save as jpg
10)Open arcus_map.shp from present year and decadal means 30% found at \henry\felles\Forvalt\Miljødata\Harvey\IsAnalyse\Isdata\Mean\Shapefiles
11)adjust colours as in, for example, DecadalMeans_July.qgs -- use transparencies and advanced>symbol levels
12)use gimp to crop image -- since areal polygons a not only southern line as extent, artefacts at Northern boundaries
Harveys isanalyse copied for backup to \henry\felles\Forvalt\Miljødata\Max
== Old Working Log ==