A simple web application helps you to manage students easily. Each student has a registration number, name, grade, and classroom.
Let's explore its features:
- Add a new student: You can add a new student to the system. Provide their registration number, name, grade, and classroom.
- List the students: View a list of all the students currently stored in the system. This helps you keep track of all the students enrolled.
- Update a student: Edit the details of a student. You can modify their registration number, name, grade, or classroom as needed.
- Delete a student: Remove a student from the system if they are no longer enrolled or if the information is incorrect.
The application includes some validations:
- The grade should be a number between 0 and 10. This ensures that the grade entered is within the expected range.
- Duplicate registration numbers are not allowed. Each student must have a unique registration number.
- Conventional commit messages
- PHP 8.2
- HTML, CSS and Bootstrap
- Fully tested
- Error handling and user-friendly messages
This does not involve any database. Instead, a JSON file is used to store the students' data which provides simplicity and ease of use without the need for complex database configurations.