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Compile-time finite state machine library

C++11, C++14, C++17, C++20

Browse cfsm.hpp

Static disposition

States and transitions between them must be known at compile-time. The library uses templates to implement state transitions.


All user defined states which are represented by classes should inherit from the base state class provided in cfsm.hpp. The base class provides on_entry and on_exit member functions which are called on entry to state and exit from the state respectively. These pure virtual member functions shall be overriden in the user defined classes.

The state_machine class provides a state member function template which will return a pointer to the current state object which is dynamic_cast into the state class provided as the template parameter. When current state is not of the requested type, nullptr is returned. This can be used as a test for the current state of a state machine.

State transitions

Transitions between user defined states are represented by a struct template named transition. The template parameters are the types of source state class and target state class respectively.

User defined template specializations should provide two members. First, a static constexpr bool member variable named exists which should be set as true; an helper macro TRANSITION_EXISTS is provided for this purpose. Second, an implementation of the operator() function, the call operator overload, which returns void and takes a void pointer as its argument. This function shall be called on a valid transition (source and target states are valid classes and the template specialization of transition struct for source and target state exists), triggered by calling the transition member function of the state_machine class. The function signature shall be:

void operator()(void *dataptr);

State machine types

State machines are classified based on their state object allocation scheme. These are lazily allocated, externally preallocated and internally preallocated. The enum class "alloc_type" passed as a template parameter, specifies the allocation scheme for a state machine.

Lazily allocated states

If the "state_pool" template parameter is set to nullptr (default) the memory for state objects is dynamically allocated with new operator when state transition occurs (by calling transition member function).

Externally managed preallocated states storage

An external array of state objects is required by the state machine. The "state_pool" template parameter shall be an array of pointers of the base "state" class, having size equal to the number of states. The array is indexed into by the type identifiers of respective state classes enabling constant time access. Base class pointers should point to objects of derived state classes. Memory for these derived state class objects shall be managed by user.

Internally managed preallocated state storage

The array of preallocated state objects can be managed by the state machine internally. Type identifiers of the derived state classes will be used to index into this array. The state objects' lifetimes span the lifetime of the state machine object. This scheme offers convenience at the cost of reduced flexibility.

Type identifier

The type identifier of a derived state class is an unsigned integer of type std::size_t. Provide a static member function named type_id to each derived state class which returns the type identifier. The function signature shall be:

static std::size_t type_id();

See example programs for type identifier schemes. A static helper function named gen_type_id which returns a std::size_t value based on an incremented static variable is provided for the state_machine class.

Browse examples

Simple usage

User defined states derive from the abstract state base class and override the on_enter and on_exit virtual member functions.

class state_a final : public state {
  void on_enter(void *dataptr) const override {
    std::cout << "Entering state A\n";

  void on_exit(void *dataptr) const override {
    std::cout << "Exiting state A\n";

Each transition between a pair of states is defined as a specialization of the cfsm::transition functor template. The operator() member function shall contain user code. User data is provided as a void pointer argument. This pointer shall be passed to state_machine::transition function.

/* Specialize transition for state_a -> state_b */
struct cfsm::transition<state_a, state_b> {
  static constexpr bool exists = true;
  void operator()(void *dataptr) {
    std::cout << "Transitioning from state A to state B\n";

State machine objects are created with template specialized constructor of state_machine class.

> fsm;

A state machine is started by initializing it to desired state. The on_entry member function for the initial state shall be called.


State transitions are triggered by calling template specialization of state_machine::transition member function. Its template arguments are the source state class and the target state class. This function shall return true on successful state transition.

fsm.transition<state_a, state_b>(nullptr);

Current state of a state machine can be checked by calling the state_machine::state member function with the expected state class as its template parameter. The function shall return a state (base class) pointer to the current state object if the expected state matches the current state. Else, nullptr shall be returned.

assert(fsm.state<state_a>() != nullptr);

There is a provision to call the on_exit member function of the current state and move the state machine to inoperable state, somewhat like stopping the state machine. This can be done with the state_machine::stop member function. The state machine should be started again to operate.



State machines can be halted and later resumed. The state_machine::save member function serializes the state and stores it in a char array. The array should be large enough to store an address. State machines become inoperable after being saved.

char ser_data[8];
assert(, sizeof(ser_data)) == sizeof(ser_data));

A state machine can be resumed by loading its state from memory. This is done with the state_machine::load member function that loads data from a char array and deserializes it to restore the state. The serialized state data can be loaded into the same state machine or a different state machine of same kind, creating a clone while the original state machine remains inoperable.

> fsm_clone;
assert(fsm_clone.load(ser_data, sizeof(ser_data)) == sizeof(ser_data));

Preallocated storage usage

In order to use preallocated (internally or externally managed) state objects storage, the requirement for the derived state classes is that they should each have a static member function named type_id which returns an unsigned integer of type std::size_t.

class state_1 final : public state {
  const std::size_t type_id_;
  std::size_t type_id() {
    return state_1::type_id_;

  void on_enter(void *dataptr) const override {
    std::cout << "Entering state 1\n";

  void on_exit(void *dataptr) const override {
    std::cout << "Exiting state 1\n";
#if __cplusplus >= 201402L
const std::size_t state_1::type_id_ =
const std::size_t state_1::type_id_ =

The example above utilizes the state_machine::gen_type_id static member function to generate an state object unique type identifier which gets stored in a static member variable of the derived state class. Its value gets returned by the type_id static member function. As gen_type_id returns values incremented by one, starting from zero, the type identifiers can be used to directly index into the preallocated array of state objects.

In case of externally managed state objects the type template argument should be set as alloc_type::PREALLOCED. An array of base state class pointers shall be passed as template argument to the state_machine class constructor. These pointers should point to derived state class objects.

/* state_storage is a struct containing the derived state class objects */
state* state_pool[2] = {

> fsm;

The user managed state objects can be statically created as members of a struct or as individual objects. Otherwise, they can be dynamically created using the new operator.

/* Static state storage */

struct _state_storage {
  state_1 s1;
  state_2 s2;
} state_storage = {

state* state_pool[2] = {


/* Dynamic state storage */

state* state_pool[2] = { 0 };

/* Somehwere in user code */
  /* Allocate state objects on heap */
  state_pool[0] = new state_1;
  state_pool[1] = new state_2;
  delete state_pool[0];
  delete state_pool[1];

State objects can be preallocated but managed internally by the state machine. The template parameter type can be set to alloc_type::INTERNAL. These state objects are created and destroyed along with the state machine object.

> fsm;
