Content-Based Video Retrieval search engine based on LIRE
For set-up instructions please visit
About LIvRE
LIvRE is a free, open-source, multi-platform Content-Based Video Retrieval (CBVR) search engine based on the LIRE project . In other words, LIvRE makes it possible to efficiently parse, index and search through small and huge video collections using images as input queries.
Features Overview
-Open source, sate-of-the-art features based on the LIRE CBIR library, powerful performance, covers the 3 main blocks of a full CBVR system: Extraction, Indexing and Retrieval, uses Apache Solr as search server, scalable, Multi-platform and OS independent.
Before proceeding to index your video collection, make sure the system where the video retrieval server will run fulfills the following dependencies. It is recommended to add them to the system path: ffmpeg, cURL, Python 3.x, Java SE Development Kit 8 (OpenJDK seems to have issues with the Solr server)
For set-up instructions please visit