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nosoop edited this page Mar 20, 2021 · 7 revisions


  • sm_cwx opens the loadout menu.
    • As with other SourceMod commands, you can also open the menu using chat triggers. By default these are /cwx and !cwx.
    • sm_c, sm_cus, and sm_custom and their chat trigger variations are also aliased to this functionality. However, if Custom Weapons 3 is loaded in, their menu will take priority.

Administrative commands

These are only available to admins. By default they require root-level access.

  • sm_cwx_equip <uid> equips the player with the item with the given <uid>, if it exists. This bypasses class / access restrictions.
  • sm_cwx_equip_target <target> <uid> equips zero or more players matching the <target> string with the item with the given <uid>.
  • sm_cwx_export exports the currently active weapon to a file.

Command String Overrides

  • sm_cwx is used to determine menu access for players.
  • Weapons can define an access value; the value is treated as a command string for overrides. Players without access to the command string will not be able to select the item in the equipment menu.
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