WILN is a teach-and-repeat framework relying on lidar-based navigation to perform autonomous route repeating. This is the framework that was used in the "Kilometer-scale autonomous navigation in subarctic forests: challenges and lessons learned" field report. An overview of the system demonstration is presented in the following video :
The WILN system interfaces two libraries/packages: libpointmatcher
with norlab_icp_mapper
for simultaneous localization and mapping and GeRoNa
for path-following control.
First, in your local repositories directory, clone and build norlab_icp_mapper
cd && cd repos/
git clone [email protected]:ethz-asl/libpointmatcher.git && cd libpointmatcher/
mkdir build/ && cd build/
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..
make -j 6
sudo make install
cd && cd repos
git clone [email protected]:norlab-ulaval/norlab_icp_mapper.git && cd norlab_icp_mapper/
mkdir build/ && cd build/
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..
make -j 6
sudo make install
Then, in your ROS catkin workspace, add the ROS packages to perform SLAM
cd && cd catkin_ws/src
git clone [email protected]:norlab-ulaval/norlab_icp_mapper_ros.git
git clone [email protected]:norlab-ulaval/libpointmatcher_ros.git
git clone [email protected]:norlab-ulaval/pointcloud_motion_deskew.git
git clone [email protected]:norlab-ulaval/odom_to_pose_converter.git
cd .. && catkin_make
GeRoNa is a collection of ROS packages, which can be installed along with their dependencies this way:
First, install the dependencies. For example, from your workspace root directory:
cd && cd catkin_ws/src
git clone https://github.com/cogsys-tuebingen/cslibs_path_planning
git clone https://github.com/cogsys-tuebingen/cslibs_navigation_utilities
sudo apt install libalglib-dev
git clone https://github.com/cogsys-tuebingen/gerona.git
cd ..
rosdep install --from-paths -i -r -y src
General note : This assumes that you already have standard timestamped lidar scan, imu and general odometry nodes running.
Two distinct configuration files are required. The first ones are intended to define the path following parameters, multiple examples can be found in the params/controller
directory. For an extensive definition of parameters, please refer to the GeRoNa wiki.
The second ones define the registration parameters and filters for the SLAM algorithm. A working example can be found in the params/icp
directory. For more details on mapping parameters, please refer to the norlab_icp_mapper_ros repository.
General launch files will launch the various nodes required for navigation. They will also import the aforementioned parameters. A launch file example is given.
The framework is divided into two phases: teach and repeat. During the teach phase, an operator drives the robot along a desired route. The robot simultaneously localizes and builds a map of the environment. All robot poses are logged and represent the reference trajectory.
During the repeat phase, the robot repeats a given route. This route can either be a map that has just been recorder or a loaded map that was saved on disk. During this phase, the system registers point clouds to the map to localize but does not update the map.
The following table lists the various ROS services that enable the teach-and-repeat framework:
Service name | Description | Parameters |
/start_recording | Starts recording poses to build the reference map (cannot be called if another trajectory is already loaded). | None |
/stop_recording | Stops the trajectory recording (cannot be called is the recording was not started). | None |
/play_line | Starts the repeat phase. The robot will repeat the trajectory backwards if it is located at it's end and the system supports both forwards or reverse motion. | None |
/play_loop | Starts the repeat phase for a loop trajectory. | nb_loops (uint32) |
/cancel_trajectory | Cancels the current repeat phase in the event of system failure. | None |
/clear_trajectory | Clears the current trajectory from active memory. | None |
/smooth_trajectory | Smooths the current trajectory using a low-pass filter. | None |
/flip_trajectory | Flips the orientations of all the poses in the trajectory, without altering their order. | None |
/reverse_trajectory | Reverses the order of the poses in the trajectory, without altering their orientation. | None |
/save_map_traj | Saves the current map and trajectory in a .ltr file. |
file_name (string) |
/load_map_traj | loads a specicied .ltr file. Assumes the robot is at the start of the trajectory. |
file_name (string) |
/load_map_traj_from_end | loads a specicied .ltr file. Assumes the robot is at the en of the trajectory. |
file_name (string) |
If you use wiln in an academic context, please cite our article:
doi = {10.55417/fr.2022050},
url = {https://doi.org/10.55417/fr.2022050},
year = {2022},
month = mar,
publisher = {Field Robotics Publication Society},
volume = {2},
number = {1},
pages = {1628--1660},
author = {Dominic Baril and Simon-Pierre Desch{\^{e}}nes and Olivier Gamache and Maxime Vaidis and Damien LaRocque and Johann Laconte and Vladim{\'{\i}}r Kubelka and Philippe Gigu{\`{e}}re and Fran{\c{c}}ois Pomerleau},
title = {Kilometer-scale autonomous navigation in subarctic forests: challenges and lessons learned},
journal = {Field Robotics}