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To setup OGS-PETSc, please first get PETSc codes (v3.4) from the below link if you haven't installed it yet
and compile it with commands like
export PETSC_DIR=/home/me/foo/petsc-3.4.3
./configure PETSC_ARCH=linux-gnu --download-f2cblaslapack=1 -with-debugging=0 --download-superlu_dist --download-hypre=1 --download-ml=1 --download-parmetis --download-metis --prefix=/usr/lib/petsc
make install
where --prefix= is the target directory, where PETSc is installed.
To compile OGS with PETSc,
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ../sources/ -DOGS_FEM_PETSC=ON -DPETSC_DIR=/usr/lib/petsc -DPETSC_ARCH=linux-gnu -DOGS_ONLY_TH=ON
if multi-pass check with PETSc fails. If all compilation works well, you can test an attached example with the
following command
mpirun -np 4 ./ogs t3d &> ogs.log
In case you have already prepared a mesh, the next step is partitioning the mesh for parallelization. To do that, you need to install metis and partmesh. Metis can be downloaded from
For partmesh, please get source codes from the below repository
and compile it as
mkdir build & cd build
cmake ../sources
you will find "partmesh" in build/bin.
Assuming you have foo.msh, a partitioned mesh for 8 CUPs can be created by the following commands
partmesh --ogs2metis foo
mpmetis foo.mesh 8
partmesh --metis2ogs -np 8 -n foo
At the end, foo_partitioned_8.msh will be generated. You need to rename it to foo_partitioned.msh for simulations. For mechanical simulations, you need to add "-q" option to partmesh to prepare a partitioned mesh with quadratic nodes.