‼️ Starting with nois-testnet-004 launched on March 21st, 2023 we used the noisd binary from the noisd repo
Build the noisd binary and a noisd container.
To build noisd, run
$ cd full-node && ./build.sh
and test the resulting binary
$ ./out/noisd version
$ ./out/noisd query wasm libwasmvm-version
Please note that this binary relies on an rpath value specific to the Go build system. So it can only be used on the machine where it was built. When moving the build result to a different machine, the correct dynamic library needs to be found.
Have fun with noisd!
Create a local docker build
$ docker build --pull -t noislabs/nois:manual .
And test it
$ docker run -e EXEC_MODE=genesis noislabs/nois:manual
go to local_dev
$ cd local_dev
And execute setup.sh
$ ./setup.sh