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Historical Data and Request Rate Limits

lukmay edited this page Sep 26, 2024 · 6 revisions

As of October 2024, the Open Data Hub API enforces the following quota limits for accessing historical data:

User Type Costs Max period of historical data Requests per Second Rate Limiting Criteria
Unregistered without Referrer Information free of charge 5 days 10 requests per second per IP and query path
Unregistered with Referrer Information free of charge 100 days 20 requests per second per referer, IP, and query path
Basic Data Access free of charge 1,000 days 50 requests per second per user-id, referer, IP, and query path
Advanced Data Access for a fee unlimited 100 requests per second per user-id, referer, IP, and query path
Premium Data Access for a fee unlimited 200 requests per second per user-id, referer, IP, and query path

More information:

API Quota Exhaustion and Error Code 429 Handling

You might have seen error code 429 with the following error response:

  "hint": "",
  "message": "You have exhausted your API Request Quota",
  "policy": "[see below]"

This is because you used all your calls that you were allowed to use.

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