This is a docker-compose file that able to create or restore a wordpress blog.
- a computer or a server
- Docker
- make (optional)
git clone
cd just_antother_blog
docker-compose up -d
and (
docker-compose up -d
make start
And now go on you favorite browser:
If it the first time you launch your blog, you should make the wordpress 5 min installation and start to customise your blog.
You can restore your web site.
To backup your blog :
docker-compose exec backup backup
make backup
It's create a backup in a repository named backups. Each backups are timestamped with the date of the day: yyyymmdd
You can choose a name for you backup
docker-compose exec backup backup the-name-of-backup
make backup the-name-of-backup
To restore a version of your blog :
docker-compose exec backup restore the-name-of-backup
make restore the-name-of-backup
Where the args 'the-name-of-backup' is the backup you wanna restore.