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Welcome to SHARK UI! This repo contains a basic app to demonstrate how to use the Shortfin Web APIs for text-to-image and text-to-text inference.


To get SHARK UI up and running:

  1. Clone the project

    git clone
    cd shark-ui
  2. Configure dependencies

    1. Install node and npm

      1. Prefer the latest LTS version of node (even-numbered major version)
      2. For "using", select nvm if available, otherwise select fnm
      3. For "with", select npm
    2. Install project dependencies, by running (from the project root):

      npm install
  3. Add your environment to the project root:

    • Run:

      echo "VITE_TEXT_TO_IMAGE_API_ORIGIN=http://localhost:<server-port>" > .env
    • If you are connecting to a server on a virtual machine, have your local machine forward the port.

      • Helps when the VM has a firewall

      • i.e. via SSH:

        ssh -L <server-port>:localhost:<local-port> user@server_origin

    NOTE: https is not yet supported


  1. If you haven't already:

    1. Complete installation
    2. Serve the text-to-image API from Shortfin, i.e. for SDXL
  2. Serve the project (and avoid minification) by running:

    npm run dev 
  3. Open the "localhost" URL in your browser of choice.

  4. Take it for a spin!


  1. If you haven't already, complete the basic installation

  2. In VSCode, add the extensions recommended by the project.

  3. Serve the project with HMR by running:

    npm run dev

    NOTE: Shows Vue Dev Tools for debugging UI

  4. Lint early and often with ESLint by running:

    npm run lint
  5. Run Unit Tests with Vitest:

    npm run test:unit
  6. Run End-to-End Tests against the development server with Cypress:

    npm run test:e2e:dev

    NOTE: It is much faster than doing so against the production build.


  1. If you haven't already, complete the basic installation

  2. Type-Check, compile and minify for production by running:

    npm run build
  3. Test the production build (e.g. in CI environments):

    npm run test:e2e