This is a small command line executable to derisk flows needed to implement the on-chain multi-sig trade mechanic proposed as one of the trade mechanics on top for n3xB.
cargo run
The executable environment stores very little in memory and nothing on disk. Aside from seeding the keys and creating the wallet, the only thing saved temporarily in memory are PSBTs generated for the relevant steps. This is because its too long to be input through the command line prompt. Everything else is assumed to be output to screen and meant to be saved by copying and pasting to a note taking solution of choice. Inputs required for each executable Option is described right after the description for each command.
Once ran, you will see a list of Options as such:
n3x BDK Derisk CLI
=> Options
1a. Seed Arbitrator Wallet
1b. Seed Maker Wallet
1c. Seed Taker Wallet
2a. Generate xPub & xPriv from Arbitrator Wallet - Req key index
2b. Generate Address from Maker Wallet
2c. Generate Address from Taker Wallet
3a. Query Arbitrator Wallet
3b. Query Maker Wallet
3c. Query Taker Wallet
4a. Create Maker Sell PSBT (Maker) - Req Payout amount, Bond amount. Generates Maker xPub & xPriv
4b. Complete Maker Sell PSBT (Taker) - Req Maker pubkey, Arb pubkey, Payout amount, Bond amount. Generates Taker xPub & xPriv & output descriptor
4c. Sign & Broadcast PSBT (Maker)
5a. Create Payout PSBT (Taker) - Req Taker output descriptor, Maker address, Bond amount
5b. Sign & Broadcast Payout PSBT (Maker) - Req Maker xPrv, Taker pubkey, Arbitrator pubkey
5c. Arbitrate Payout (Arbitrator) - Req Arbitrator xPriv, Maker pubkey, Taker pubkey
To execute each Option, input only the number and letter for the Option.
There's no checks or error handling for any incorrect inputs. Executable will crash on invalid or unexpected inputs.
Save in all steps refers to copy and pasting to a document or note taker of choice.
- Create new Arbitrator, Maker & Taker wallets using 1a, 1b and 1c. Save generated Seeds
- Use 2b to generate address from Maker wallet and fund wallet with a Bitcoin Testnet Faucet
- Use 2c to generate address from Taker wallet and fund wallet with a Bitcoin Testnet Faucet
- Wait for at least 1 confirmation from the Testnet faucet funding transactions
- Use 3b and 3c to check that wallets have been funded
Create 2 of 2 multi-sig + timelock for Arbitration. Payout from the 2 of 2 the amount to Taker and return bonds to both Maker and Taker. This assumes that Maker will contribute amount ma
and bond mb
to fund the transaction, and the Taker to contribute nb
to fund the transaction. Recommend that mb
to be half of ma
, and nb
be same as ma
. Make sure the respective wallets has sufficient funds for the amount, bonds and room for fee. Assumption is that all fees will be paid by the Taker. Also recommends ma
to be over 10000 sats. For test purposes, the timelock is set to 6 blocks (1 hour). A longer timelock is recommended before arbitration is allowed for real deployment.
- Restore Arbitrator, Maker & Taker wallets using 1a, 1b and 1c using the saved Seeds if needed.
- Use 4a to let the Maker wallet create a new PSBT for the funding Transaction. Recommend to start key index at 0, but to avoid key reuse by incrementing from 0 for subsequent transactions. Save derived Maker xPriv and xPub. Resulting PSBT will be saved in temporary store in memory so copy & pasting of that is not required.
- Use 2a to derive Arbitrator xPriv and xPub. Keep key index the same as step 2 for simplicity, but not required to work. Save derived Arbitrator xPriv and xPub
- Use 4b to let the Taker wallet to complete & sign the PSBT. Again, keep key index the same for simplicity, but no required. Resulting PSBT will be saved in temporary store in memory so copy & pasting of that is not required. But save the derived Taker xPriv and xPub. Also save the output descriptor for the multi-sig output.
- Use 4c to have the Maker wallet sign the completed PSBT. If successful it will be broadcasted to Testnet.
- You can find the TxID for the funding transaction by using 3b or 3c and look for either the latest, or the unconfirmed transaction. It should say
confirmation_time: None
Example TxID - c19345415e93af33096c00f06b90f03bb71102fdf98d23746fc3777f360231b6
Make sure the funding transaction have at least 1 confirmation.
- Restore Arbitrator, Maker & Taker wallets using 1a, 1b and 1c using the saved Seeds if needed.
- Use 2b to generate a new address from the maker wallet to get the bond back
- Use 5a to create the Multi-sig payout tx.
- Use 5b to sign and broadcast the payout PSBT.
- You can find the TxID for the funding transaction by using 3b or 3c and look for either the latest, or the unconfirmed transaction. It should say
confirmation_time: None
. - Confirmed balance of Maker and Taker wallet should increase as expected once the payout transaction has at least 1 confirmation.
Example TxID - 37c648e8e81838a3459562d2049ac0cc1e74e45f3b7961b2ff6688f3b54affea
The assumption here is we have a funded multi-sig that has not been paid out. This flow is the alternative scenario to the above flow Multi-sig tx to payout the amount and return the bonds.
- Restore Arbitrator, Maker & Taker wallets using 1a, 1b and 1c using the saved Seeds if needed. At least 6 blocks of confirmations for the funding transaction is required before the flow can be executed. You should see a failure if one attempts this before 6 blocks have elapsed.
- Restore Arbitrator, Maker & Taker wallets using 1a, 1b and 1c using the saved Seeds if needed.
- Use 5c to create, sign and broadcast the Arbitrator payout transaction.
- You can find the TxID for the funding transaction by using 3a look for either the latest, or the unconfirmed transaction. It should say
confirmation_time: None
. - Confirmed balance of the Arbitrator wallet should increase as expected once the payout transaction has at least 1 confirmation.
Example TxID - 09451312645a8be5455c6de0c9500ac108d9bd0d81554a93db9ccb523f06d9ea
The locked multi-sig has a policy as below. See this article on what policies are and their relationship to mini-scripts.
where A & B are keys of the maker & taker, and C is the key of the arbitrator
This merely state the funds in the multi-sig can be redeemed either by
- A & B (maker & taker / buyer & seller) both signed.
- 6 blocks have elapsed and C (arbitrator) has signed.
An equivalent output descriptor, different for each party of the trade (maker vs taker vs arbitrator) is generated and is needed as a backup so a wallet that's capable of signing and redeeming the multi-sig can be restored. The output descriptor differs for each party because each party has one of the derived private key, with the respective public keys for the other 2 key slots.
For the funding transaction, the maker first attempts to fund the transaction with the amount and the bond that its required to pay by doing UTXO selection. The way to do so using the BDK is to place the total as 'fee' as a placeholder. This forces the BDK wallet to do coin selection that satisfy the total, along with the correct change output, despite having no other actual recipient specified.
The taker will complete the PSBT by adding its share of the funding as input, create the multi-sig output, and teh correct change output for the taker's funding UTXO selected. This also places the responsibility of determining and paying for fees on the taker as desired.
Example TxID -c19345415e93af33096c00f06b90f03bb71102fdf98d23746fc3777f360231b6