List of Open Source Computer Science materials and cources related to Machine Learning and Data Science.
- Open Machine Learning Course
- Fast AI. Making neural nets uncool again.
- Full Stack Deep Learning
- Neural Networks and Deep Learning Book
- Open Data Science Community
- Stanford ML Course
- MIT 6.S191: Introduction to Deep Learning NEW!
- The Mathematical Engineering of Deep Learning
- Machine Learning ВШЭ Е.Соколов
Материалы по ML от ФПМИ (МФТИ)
All official information here:
- Машинное обучение Лекции 2020
- Машинное обучение Семинары 2020
- Прикладное машинное обучение Лекции 2020
- Прикладное МЛ Семинары 2020
- List of tutorials, projects, libraries, videos, papers, books and anything related to the incredible PyTorch: The incredible PyTorch
- Open Source Society University. Path to a free self-taught education in Computer Science!
- A list of resources in different fields of Computer Science (in multiple languages). open and view...
- Ancient Secrets of computer vision and related post on Habr
We are Softweird Engineering team. Who knows why we do that.
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