Standardise your image processing!
MorphoSnaker is a Python package designed for microscopy and biological imaging applications: Image processing, Denoising, Segmentation.
To ensure a consistent environment and streamline the setup process, we recommend using the MorphoSnaker Singularity image. This image includes all necessary dependencies and configurations for running MorphoSnaker.
- Ensure that Singularity is installed on your system. For installation instructions, refer to the Singularity installation guide.
Prepare the Definition File:
- Download the image definition file
Build the Image:
- Use the following command to build the Singularity image. Replace
with the desired name for your image file.
singularity build morphosnaker.sif morphosnaker.def
- Use the following command to build the Singularity image. Replace
Executing Commands:
- To run a Python script or other commands inside the Singularity container, use the following command format:
singularity exec morphosnaker.sif python3 /path/to/your/
- Replace
with the actual path to your script. This command executes the script within the container environment.
Interactive Shell:
- If you need an interactive shell within the Singularity container, use:
singularity shell morphosnaker.sif
- This command drops you into an interactive shell session within the container, where you can manually execute commands and scripts.
Data Binding: To access data or scripts from your host system within the container, use the
option to bind mount directories:
To install MorphoSnaker, use the following command:
pip install git+
To quickly get started with MorphoSnaker, follow these steps:
Before working with your image data, it’s essential to inspect and standardize it to ensure consistent dimensions and formatting. The standard format used here is (TCZYX), where:
- T represents time points,
- C represents the channels.
- Z represents the z-stack,
- Y and X represent the spatial dimensions,
The following steps outline how to inspect and standardize your image:
from utils import ImageProcessor
# Create an instance of the ImageProcessor
loader = ImageProcessor()
# Inspect your image to gather metadata
image_info = loader.inspect("path/to/your/image.tif")
Inspecting: path/to/your/image.tif
Raw shape: (5, 256, 256)
Number of pages: 5
Data type: uint8
Value range: min = 0.0000, max = 1.0000
Inspected 1 file(s).
# Define the input dimensions explicitly
image_dimensions = "CXY"
# Load and standardize the image to the specified dimensions
image = loader.load("path/to/your/image.tif", image_dimensions)
# output:
Loading source: '/Users/noahbruderer/Documents/Documents - Noah’s MacBook Pro - 1/Work_Documents/morphosnaker/tests/e2e/data/training_mask_2.tiff'
Loading files: 0%| | 0/1 [00:00<?, ?it/s]Input shape: (5, 256, 256), Input dims: CXY
After transposing existing dims: shape=(5, 256, 256), dims=CYX
After adding dimensions: shape= (1, 5, 1, 256, 256), dims=TCZYX
Follow the steps below to train a 2D noise2void on one input imge, you can also input lists of images to increase your training data size.
from morphosnaker import denoise, utils
#load and format your image, noise2void requires TZYXZ or TYXC and one channel at a time
image_processor = utils.ImageProcessor()
image = image_processor.load(path_file, "XYC")
#select the channel
image = image_processor.select_dimensions(image, channels=0)
#arrange the dimensions
image = image_processor.format(image, "TYXC")
# Set-up the denoiser, here we use the noise2void method
# Adjust the configurations as needed
denoiser = denoise.DenoiseModule(
n2v_patch_shape=(64, 64),
# train the model
training_history = denoiser.train_2D([image, image])
Load the trained model to denosie images.
# Initialize denoiser for prediction
denoiser_predict = denoise.DenoiseModule(
tile_shape=(128, 128),
#load the model you have trained earlier
# Perform denoising
denoised_image = denoiser_predict.predict(image)
# save the denoised image
tifffile.imwrite("/path/to/your/images/denoised_image.tiff", denoised_image)
MorphoSnaker consists of the following modules:
- Denoising
- Utils
- Segmentation (coming soon)
We welcome contributions! Please see our Contributing Guide for more details.
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.