A python library for analysing temporal networks (graphs).
- Building the temporal event graph (static representation of a temporal network)
- Calculating temporal motifs (with arbitrary number of events)
- Inter-event time distributions
- Motif distributions
- Network decompositions into temporal components
- Saving/Loading functionality
Please cite the following paper when using:
The Temporal Event Graph. Andrew Mellor (2017) ArXiv Link
To install first pull the latest version from github with:
git clone [email protected]:empiricalstateofmind/temporal-motifs.git
Install requirements with:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Install the package with:
python setup.py install
or add the package folder to your python path.
Run tests with:
python -m unittest discover ./motifs/tests/
If the tests pass, you're good to go!
Note that this package has been tested on Python 3.5 only