Using the GH Archive dataset of events on the public GitHub timeline, the goal of this project is to build a real-time ingestion and processing application with Kafka to monitor topics, contributions, repositories, and collaborations of interest.
The GH Archive is available for download via an API, however to mitigate the risk of the streaming directly from the API during my Kafka ingestion, I'm also storing all of this data in an S3 bucket. This process is done with
which takes dates as command line date arguments. This is so that it can be run across different subsets of dates from the shell on multiple EC2 instances in parallel to speed up ingestion. The only requirements are that the awscli
is configured with your credentials on each instance and python3 is installed with the necessary packages (e.g. boto3
). Additionally, a file logs/gh-events.log
in your directory and an S3 bucket already built and named git-events
will allow the script to be run without modifications.
- Set up w/ Pegasus
- upgrade python version to 3.6 (for faust, neo4j, redis dependicies)
- install faust, neo4j, redis, postgresql python3 drivers on each --create --zookeeper localhost:2181 --replication-factor <rep-factor> --partitions <num-partitions> --topic <topic-name> --describe --zookeeper localhost:2181 --topic <topic-name> --broker-list localhost:9092 --topic <topic-name>
- Enter Message in console --zookeeper localhost:2181 --from-beginning --topic <topic-name>
- Note optional
pip3 install kafka-python
./ <ip-address>:9092 <start-year> <start-month> <start-day> <end-year> <end-month> <end-day>
- Create new pr-events topic (as above)
- Install
, a pure Python stream processing library for Kafka (pip3 install faust
) - Create Streamer (
)- Create a faust app, acknowledge the previously created topics
- Create an agent to consume from the git-events topic, filter for pr-events, and then produce to the pr-events topic
- Run
faust -A streamers worker -l info
to run streamer
./consumers collab
- Create a 'test' topic in Kafka Cluster
produces to this topic withEventsProducer
by reading fromtest.json
- This topic can be monitored as outlined above.
- Start a new instance that will host the collaboration network in a Neo4j database.
- Redis can run as a cache on the kafka-cluster, but PostgreSQL, which will be used to store PR metrics, repository, and user information, will require a new instance.
The API and front-end are built with Flask, with some help from Javascript Ajax calls. The front-end can be run from an EC2 instance that has open connections to to the Neo4j and Postgres instances.