A router for AWS Lambda serverless applications written in TypeScript that makes use of
to register resource handlers and stuff.
(more details to come)
/** play.resource.ts **/
export class PlayResource {
public playGame(@HttpEvent event: APIGatewayEvent,
@PathParam("game") game: string): Promise<Response> {
const game = Game.get(game);
return game.start().then((res) => {
return Response.ok(res, "application/json");
}).catch ((err) => {
throw new BadRequestException(err);
/** handler.ts **/
class Appllication {
public handler(event: APIGatewayEvent, context: Context, callback: Callback) {
this.router.registerResource(new PlayResource());
this.router.route(event, context, callback).then(() => {
// some final stuff if everything went well
}).catch((err) => {
// some final stuff if something went wrong