Narwhal is a Python module built on pandas and matplotlib. Narwhal is designed for manipulating and visualizing oceanographic data.
Data are organized into self-describing Cast
and CastCollection
structures. Convenience methods and functions are included for:
- interpolation
- density and depth calculation
- buoyancy frequency estimation
- baroclinic mode analysis
- water type fraction inversion
The narwhal.plotting
submodule contains convenience methods for creating T-S
diagrams, cast plots, and section plots. Here's some data from off the coast of
northeastern Greenland:
Narwhal provides a ctypes wrapper for the
Gibbs Seawater Toolbox
in the narwhal.gsw
submodule, making things like the following possible:
density = narwhal.gsw.rho(cast["sa"], cast["ct"], cast["p"])
Currently, GSW 3.05 is packaged with Narwhal.
For storage, data is serialized to JSON or HDF files. These common formats are open and easily imported into other analysis packages (such as MATLAB), or visualization libraries (such as D3).
git clone
pip install -r narwhal/requirements.txt
pip install narwhal
- Python 2.7+ or Python 3.4+
- pandas
- matplotlib
- scipy
- requests
- dateutil
- six
- C-compiler (for GSW)
- h5py (optional, required for HDF read/write)
If Karta is installed, it will be used for fast and accurate geographical calculations.
Narwhal is experimental. See also python-oceans and oce (R).