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GenSync-benchmarking is the extended framework for benchmarking and optimizing reconciliation of data. It can be compiled to a shared library and integrated into other applications, or can be built as a standalone application and used to benchmark the implemented algorithms under a broad range of practical compute and network conditions (see below for the list of implemented algorithms).

If you use this software, please cite the following paper (pdf, DOI):

  author={Boškov, Novak and Trachtenberg, Ari and Starobinski, David},
  journal={IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management},
  title={GenSync: A New Framework for Benchmarking and Optimizing Reconciliation of Data},

Table Of Contents

Concepts of GenSync

GenSync includes several concepts that facilitate the integration into higher-level applications, allow for benchmarking, and unify algorithm implementations. The concepts of GenSync interface, SyncMethod interface, and Communicant are initially introduced by CPISync[^1]. We refine these concepts and introduce the five new ones (BenchParams, BenchObserv, Runner, mininet_exec, and run_experiments). Further we discuss the purpose and details of each concept.

Simplified UML diagram of the GenSync framework.

GenSync Interface

GenSync interface is the core abstraction of the GenSync framework. It encompasses a generalized data representation (as DataSet), a set of Communicants, and a set of SyncMethods. When the framework is compiled in the benchmarking mode, a GenSync object will also contain the BenchParams, and BenchObserv files (see below for more details).

The main purpose of this abstraction is to offer a unified reconciliation interface to all data sources, communication channels, and all protocol implementations. Besides that, it is also the basis for the fair comparison among the protocol implementations.

SyncMethod Interface

GenSync framework implements set reconciliation in the server-client fashion. Thus, each set reconciliation algorithm needs to implement the two core functions:

  • serverSyncBegin which implements the client side of the algorithm, and
  • clientSyncBegin which implements the server side of the algorithm.

Note that this separation is needed because not all set reconciliation protocols are symmetric. For example, IBLT-based set reconciliation requires different steps on client and server (similar is true for CPI).


Communicant is an abstraction for the communication channel. We have so far implemented TCP and String based communicants. The former is what we use by default, while the latter can be used when the nodes are disconnected in time or space (i.e., there is no communication channel at the moment).


BenchParams serves as a data source for all GenSync algorithms. It can consume data from anything that conforms to the C++ stream abstraction. For example, we may have our server and client data in files (see examples below), or we may consume data from a network stream. Each node in the reconciliation process is associated with one BenchParams as its primary data source.

Besides the data, BenchParams object also contains the information needed to construct a SyncMethod. This includes the specification of the algorithm that we want to use and its parameters. When the GenSync framework is compiled in the benchmarking mode (i.e., the data is available upfront), we can infer optimal algorithm parameters from the data (see run_experimetns for more details). Note that this is possible only in the benchmarking mode. In the reconciliation without a prior context (i.e., parties do not know the data of the other party up front), inferring the optimal algorithm parameters may be a hard task (see the paper for more details).

Besides consuming data from an existing data source BenchParams object can also generate its own data according to some random distribution (e.g., Zipfian).

A BenchParams object can be fully reconstructed from a file. Such files typically have the .cpisync extension and the following format:

Sync protocol (as in GenSync.h): <INTEGER_TO_IDENTIFY_PROTOCOL>

Each Protocol has unique set of parameters. For example:

  • CPI
m_bar: <INT>
bits: <INT>
epsilon: <INT>
partitions/pFactor(for InterCPISync): <INT>
hashes: <true|false>
  • IBLT
expected: <INT>
eltSize: <INT>
numElemChild: <INT>
  • Cuckoo
fngprtSize: <INT>
bucketSize: <INT>
filterSize: <INT>
maxKicks: <INT>
  • BloomFilter (Protocol #13)
expected: <INT>
eltSize: <INT>
falsePosProb: <FLOAT>

When we create multiple parameter files with the same data points, GenSync automatically detects that and uses file path references to save storage on the testbed machine.


A BenchObserv object represents an experimental observation. When GenSync is compiled in the benchmark mode for the purpose of experimentation, each experiment run generates one BenchObserv with the following content:

  • BenchParams parameters that are used in the experiment.
  • success indicates whether the synchronization has succeeded (is server's and client's data exactly equal after reconciliation protocol has completed),
  • exception the exception information if the program has failed to execute, and
  • Reconciliation statistics that consist of:
    • bytes sent by the server,
    • bytes sent by the client,
    • server idle time (time spent waiting for the message from the client),
    • client idle time,
    • server communication time (time spent sending the messages),
    • client communication time,
    • server computation time (time spent executing the algorithm operations),
    • client computation time, and
    • total time (total wall clock time from the moment when the client initiates the communications to the moment when the protocol has completed).

Note that the previous works typically only report the overall computation time, which makes GenSync unique.


When GenSync is compiled with its benchmarking suite, the Runner serves as the benchmarking entry point. The runner program is called Benchmarks and has the following interface:

Usage: ./Benchmarks -p PARAMS_FILE [OPTIONS]

Do not run multiple instances of -m server or -m client in the same
directory at the same time. When server and client are run in two
separate runs of this script, a lock file is created in the current

    -h print this message and exit
    -p PARAMS_FILE to be used.
    -g whether to generate sets or to use those from PARAMS_FILE.
       In SERVER and CLIENT modes data from PARAMS_FILE is always used.
       The first set from PARAMS_FILE is loaded into the peer.
    -i ADD_ELEM_CHUNK_SIZE add elements incrementally in chunks.
       Synchronization is invoked after each chunk is added.
       Can be used only when data is consumed from parameter files
       and this script is run in either SERVER or CLIENT mode.
    -m MODE mode of operation (can be "server", "client", or "both")
    -r PEER_HOSTNAME host name of the peer (requred when -m is client)

The Runner can invoke any GenSync algorithm on arbitrary data (provided in PARAM_FILE), or can generate the random data. It also supports two reconciliation types (i.e., one-time and incremental). The Runner can run the client and the server on the same machine, or can be run on two remote machines.


The program that integrates GenSync set reconciliation protocols and Mininet is called mininet_exec and you can find it in /mininet_exec. By default, mininet_exec instantiates the two Mininet nodes and runs separate Runners in each of them. It achieves so by running the Runner in the server mode on one host and in the client mode on the other. It uses the single switch and two hosts topology. mininet-exec has the following interface:

Runs arbitrary programs within mininet nodes in a single-switch-two-nodes
Network parameters and the computational power of nodes are adjustable.

positional arguments:
  SERVER_SCRIPT         script that runs within the server (server node IP is, host name h1).
  CLIENT_SCRIPT         script that runs within the client (client node IP is, host name h2).

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -l LATENCY, --latency LATENCY
                        symmetric latency between server and client (in ms).
  -b BANDWIDTH, --bandwidth BANDWIDTH
                        bandwidth on each node to switch link (in Mbps)
  -pl PACKET_LOSS, --packet-loss PACKET_LOSS
                        packet loss on each node to switch link (in percentages, e.g., 10).
  -cpus CPU_SERVER, --cpu-server CPU_SERVER
                        CPU share of the server (in percentages, e.g., 33).
  -cpuc CPU_CLIENT, --cpu-client CPU_CLIENT
                        CPU share of the client (in percentages, e.g., 33).
  --ping-iperf          if passed, ping and iperf tests between server and client are run before running the scripts.


The focal point of the GenSync benchmarking infrastructure is the run_experiments program. It orchestrates all parts of the GenSync framework and allows for easy benchmarking. Typical inputs to run_experiments program are:

  1. Two PARAM_FILEs (representing server and client data, and the protocol specification). Instead of using only two PARAM_FILEs, you can specify the directory that contains many of them (as params_dir in run/ and they will be run in alphabetical order. This is particularly useful when we want to run many experiments as a batch job.
  2. Network parameters in the following form:
latency=<INT>  # in milliseconds
bandwidth="<INT_UPLOAD>/<INT_DOWNLOAD>" | <INT>  # when <INT>, bandwidth is symmetrical
packet_loss=<DOUBLE>  # for example, 0.01 for 0.01% packet loss
  1. Compute parameters of the nodes where each integer represents the compute power relative to the single-thread score of the testbed machine (you can find these scores at or any other place of your choice):
cpu_server=<INT>  # for example, 33 for 33% of testbed CPU

Please see the paper for more details on how we constrain the compute power of the nodes.

The outputs of the run_experiment program are as follows:

  1. .cpisync directory is created in the current working directory and it contains an experimental observation for each experiment run. These experimental observations can be obtained as CSV files using the -p option of the run_experiments program (see the full interface below).
  2. .mnlog directory is created in the same location and contains the logs from the two Mininet hosts.

By default, each experiment runs 100 times. To adjust this, see repeat variable in run/

To persist the benchmark settings, you can specify the values of all run_experiments parameters in run/ file directly.

The run_experiments program has the following interface:

USAGE: ./ [-q] [-s] [-i] [-r REMOTE_PATH] [-p EXPERIMENT_DIR] [-pp PULL_REMOTE]

See the beginning of this script to set the parameters for experiments.

    -r REMOTE_PATH the path on remote to copy all the needed parts to.
    -p EXPERIMENT_DIR make a csv file out of this dir, and pull it to the local working directory.
    -pp PULL_REMOTE pull from here to my DATA/. Used to gather data from experimetns.
    -s used with -r when we only want to prepare an experiment on remote but not to run it.
    -q when this script is run on a remote set this.
    -i ignore mininet and run the client and the server on bare machine.
    -f force recreating param files' headers (works only with params_dir).

    # runs locally
    # runs on remote
    ./ -r remote_name:/remote/path
    # collects data on remote and makes CPI_Experiment_1.csv locally
    ./ -p remote_name:/home/novak/EXPERIMENTS/CPI_Experiment_1
    # pulls the experimental data from the remote. Creates DATA/CPISync/1/.cpisync
    ./ -pp remote_name:/home/novak/EXPERIMENTS/./CPISync/1/.cpisync

If a remote machine is used, it needs the following dependencies:
    - Mininet,
    - Python 3 (with Mininet API),
    - CPISync dependencies (see cpisync/, and
    - Ninja build system.
CPISync source code will be compiled on the remote machine.

run_experiment contains some other useful features that we omit here. To learn more about them, please refer to run/ directly.

Remote testbed

We typically use run_experiments on a dedicated physical testbed server to minimize the interference with other processes. allows you to run the program itself on your local machine (e.g., your laptop) while the experiments are run on a remote testbed:

$ ./ -r remote_name:/remote/path

Then pull the experimental observations as CSV files back to your local machine:

$ ./ -p remote_name:/remote/path

For this to work, your remote testbed machine must satisfy all the run_experiments dependencies (see above) and you laptop needs rsync (alongside standard Linux user tools).

Included Algorithms

GenSync currently supports the following set reconciliation protocols:

  • Characteristic Polynomial Interpolation-based set reconciliation (CPI). The main theoretical underpinnings are introduced in:
    • Y. Minsky, A. Trachtenberg, and R. Zippel, "Set Reconciliation with Nearly Optimal Communication Complexity", IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 2003.
    • Y. Minsky and A. Trachtenberg, "Scalable set reconciliation" 40th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing, 2002.
  • Interactive CPI is an extension of CPI to support interactive reconciliation.
  • Prioritized CPI is an extension of CPI to support elements with different priorities.
  • Invertible Bloom Lookup Tables-based set reconciliation (IBLT). The main theoretical underpinnings are introduced in:
    • Eppstein et al. "What's the difference? Efficient set reconciliation without prior context." ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review, 2011.
    • M. Goodrich and M. Mitzenmacher, "Invertible bloom lookup tables." 2011 49th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing (Allerton). IEEE, 2011.
    • M. Mitzenmacher, and T. Morgan, "Reconciling graphs and sets of sets." Proceedings of the 37th ACM SIGMOD-SIGACT-SIGAI Symposium on Principles of Database Systems. ACM, 2018.
  • Cuckoo filters-based set reconciliation. The theoretical basis introduced in:
    • Fan et al., "Cuckoo filter: Practically better than bloom." Proceedings of the 10th ACM International on Conference on emerging Networking Experiments and Technologies. 2014.
    • Luo et al., "Set reconciliation with cuckoo filters." Proceedings of the 28th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management. 2019.
    • Shangsen, et al. "Multiset Synchronization with Counting Cuckoo Filters." International Conference on Wireless Algorithms, Systems, and Applications. Springer, Cham, 2020.


As we mentioned before, GenSync has two modes of operation; 1) as a library for integration into higher-level applications, and 2) the benchmarking mode. The list of the set reconciliation protocols that we support is the same in both cases. For the usage as a library refer to gensync-lib-linux. For the benchmarking purposes, please see Runner, mininet_exec, and run_experiments.


The only external dependencies you will need to run GenSync are NTL and GNU GMP. Many Linux distributions already have NTL and GNU GMP in their package archives (e.g., Debian, Ubuntu, Fedora, Arch).

If you use Debian, or a derivative such as Ubuntu, you can install all dependencies using:

$ apt-get install -y libntl-dev libgmp3-dev  # NTL and GNU GMP dependencies
$ apt-get install -y build-essential cmake libcppunit-dev  # for building and testing

To compile GenSync use:

$ git clone --recurse-submodules [email protected]:nislab/gensync.git
$ cd gensync
$ cmake -B build
$ cmake --build build

The compilation process produces a static library that you can include in other projects (as .deb and .rpm packages), and all the standalone executables that you need for benchmarking.


For this to work you will need

  • Linux machine with superuser privileges,
  • Mininet with Python API (see here), and
  • GenSync (compile as above).

To try GenSync, you will need PARAM_FILEs. We provide the default ones in /example. The current version of the run_experiment program already refers to them. Without modifying any files, you can try GenSync running the following commands:

$ cd run
$ ./

See run_experiments for more details on how to gauge the benchmark parameters and analyze the experimental observations.


This project was supported in part by the National Science Foundation (NSF).


General Public License v3.0 (GPL-3.0).
