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A simple & beautiful vanilla JavaScript touch carousel


  • Touch swiping
  • Mousewheel scrolling
  • The ability to "swipe out" slides
  • Centered carousel or left sided (default is centered)


Getting Started


    <div id="scrolling">
            <li>Slide #1</li>
            <li>Slide #2</li>


For this example CSS, we assume the carousel is contained within an element that has the id "scrolling"

#scrolling {
    overflow: hidden;

#scrolling ul {
    margin: 0;
    padding: 0;
    list-style-type: none;
    position: absolute;
    transform-style: preserve;

#scrolling ul li {
    float: left;

Include Script

<script src="itemslide.js"></script>


var itemslide;

window.addEventListener("load", () => {
    var element = document.querySelector("#scrolling ul");
    itemslide = new Itemslide(element, {});


Options are passed as key-values into the object that the Itemslide constructor gets into the second parameter, for example:

new Itemslide(element, { duration: 100 });

Will initialize Itemslide with a custom duration of 100ms.

Here are the available options:

  • duration - duration of slide animation {default: 350ms}
  • swipeSensitivity - swiping sensitivity {default: 150}
  • disableSlide - disable swiping and panning {default: false}
  • disableClickToSlide - disable click to slide {default: false}
  • disableAutoWidth - disable the automatic calculation of width (so that you could do it manually) {default: false}
  • disableScroll - disable the sliding triggered by mousewheel scrolling {default: false}
  • start - index of slide that appears when initializing {default: 0}
  • panThreshold - can be also considered as panning sensitivity {default: 0.3}(precentage of slide width)
  • oneItem - set this to true if the navigation is full screen or one slide every time. {default: false}
  • parentWidth - set this to true if you want the width of the slides to be the width of the parent of ul. {default: false}
  • swipeOut - set this to true to enable the swipe out feature. {default: false} (
  • leftSided - left sided carousel (instead of default force-centered) {default: false}


  • getActiveIndex() - get current active slide index
  • getCurrentPos() - get current position of carousel (pixels)
  • nextSlide() - goes to next slide
  • previousSlide() - goes to previous slide
  • gotoSlide(i) - goes to a specific slide by index
  • reload() - recalculates width and center object (recommended to call when resize occures)
  • addSlide(data) - adds in the end of the carousel a new item.
  • removeSlide(index) - removes a specific slide by index.

NOTE: addSlide automatically adds li tags.


ItemSlide triggers the following events on the element it is initialized on:

  • carouselChangePos - triggered when the position of the carousel is changed
  • carouselPan - triggered when user pans
  • carouselChangeActiveIndex - triggered when the current active item has changed
  • carouselSwipeOut - triggered when user swipes out a slide (if swipeOut is enabled)
    • event.slideIndex - get index of swiped out slide
  • carouselClickSlide - triggered when clicking/tapping a slide
    • event.slideIndex - get index of the clicked slide


The current active slide gets the 'itemslide-active' class.


  • attribute 'no-drag'- If you want to disable dragging only on a certain element in the carousel just add this attribute to the element. (example: <li no-drag="true">)


JavaScript Touch Carousel Library with Zero Dependencies








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