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RF: Recast Pointset as a dataclass with associated affines
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effigies committed Sep 18, 2023
1 parent 422441f commit 2607f17
Showing 1 changed file with 173 additions and 53 deletions.
226 changes: 173 additions & 53 deletions nibabel/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,34 +1,151 @@
import operator as op
from functools import reduce
"""Point-set structures
Imaging data are sampled at points in space, and these points
can be described by coordinates.
These structures are designed to enable operations on sets of
points, as opposed to the data sampled at those points.
Abstractly, a point set is any collection of points, but there are
two types that warrant special consideration in the neuroimaging
context: grids and meshes.
A *grid* is a collection of regularly-spaced points. The canonical
examples of grids are the indices of voxels and their affine
projection into a reference space.
A *mesh* is a collection of points and some structure that enables
adjacent points to be identified. A *triangular mesh* in particular
uses triplets of adjacent vertices to describe faces.
from __future__ import annotations

import math
import typing as ty
from dataclasses import dataclass, replace

import numpy as np

from nibabel.affines import apply_affine
from nibabel.casting import able_int_type
from nibabel.fileslice import strided_scalar
from nibabel.spatialimages import SpatialImage

if ty.TYPE_CHECKING: # pragma: no cover
from typing_extensions import Self

_DType = ty.TypeVar('_DType', bound=np.dtype[ty.Any])

class CoordinateArray(ty.Protocol):
ndim: int
shape: tuple[int, int]

def __array__(self, dtype: None = ..., /) -> np.ndarray[ty.Any, np.dtype[ty.Any]]:
... # pragma: no cover

def __array__(self, dtype: _DType, /) -> np.ndarray[ty.Any, _DType]:
... # pragma: no cover

class Pointset:
def __init__(self, coords):
self._coords = coords
"""A collection of points described by coordinates.
coords : array-like
2-dimensional array with coordinates as rows
affine : :class:`numpy.ndarray`
Affine transform to be applied to coordinates array
homogeneous : :class:`bool`
Indicate whether the provided coordinates are homogeneous,
i.e., homogeneous 3D coordinates have the form ``(x, y, z, 1)``

coordinates: CoordinateArray
affine: np.ndarray
homogeneous: bool = False
ndim = 2
__array_priority__ = 99

def __init__(
coordinates: CoordinateArray,
affine: np.ndarray | None = None,
homogeneous: bool = False,
self.coordinates = coordinates
self.homogeneous = homogeneous

if affine is None:
self.affine = np.eye(self.dim + 1)
self.affine = np.asanyarray(affine)

if self.affine.shape != (self.dim + 1,) * 2:
raise ValueError(f'Invalid affine for {self.dim}D coordinates:\n{self.affine}')
if np.any(self.affine[-1, :-1] != 0) or self.affine[-1, -1] != 1:
raise ValueError(f'Invalid affine matrix:\n{self.affine}')

def shape(self) -> tuple[int, int]:
"""The shape of the coordinate array"""
return self.coordinates.shape

def n_coords(self):
def n_coords(self) -> int:
"""Number of coordinates
Subclasses should override with more efficient implementations.
return self.get_coords().shape[0]
return self.coordinates.shape[0]

def dim(self) -> int:
"""The dimensionality of the space the coordinates are in"""
return self.coordinates.shape[1] - self.homogeneous

def __rmatmul__(self, affine: np.ndarray) -> Self:
"""Apply an affine transformation to the pointset
This will return a new pointset with an updated affine matrix only.
return replace(self, affine=np.asanyarray(affine) @ self.affine)

def _homogeneous_coords(self):
if self.homogeneous:
return np.asanyarray(self.coordinates)

ones = strided_scalar(
shape=(self.coordinates.shape[0], 1),
scalar=np.array(1, dtype=self.coordinates.dtype),
return np.hstack((self.coordinates, ones))

def get_coords(self, *, as_homogeneous: bool = False):
"""Retrieve the coordinates
def get_coords(self, name=None):
"""Nx3 array of coordinates.
name : :obj:`str`
as_homogeneous : :class:`bool`
Return homogeneous coordinates if ``True``, or Cartesian
coordiantes if ``False``.
name : :class:`str`
Select a particular coordinate system if more than one may exist.
By default, `None` is equivalent to `"world"` and corresponds to
an RAS+ coordinate system.
return self._coords
ident = np.allclose(self.affine, np.eye(self.affine.shape[0]))
if self.homogeneous == as_homogeneous and ident:
return np.asanyarray(self.coordinates)
coords = self._homogeneous_coords()
if not ident:
coords = (self.affine @ coords.T).T
if not as_homogeneous:
coords = coords[:, :-1]
return coords

class TriangularMesh(Pointset):
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -65,14 +182,6 @@ def get_names(self):
raise NotImplementedError

## This method is called for by the BIAP, but it now seems simpler to wait to
## provide it until there are any proposed implementations
# def decimate(self, *, n_coords=None, ratio=None):
# """ Return a TriangularMesh with a smaller number of vertices that
# preserves the geometry of the original """
# # To be overridden when a format provides optimization opportunities
# raise NotImplementedError

class TriMeshFamily(TriangularMesh):
def __init__(self, mapping, default=None):
Expand All @@ -97,40 +206,51 @@ def get_coords(self, name=None):
return self._coords[name]

class NdGrid(Pointset):
shape : 3-tuple
number of coordinates in each dimension of grid
class Grid(Pointset):
r"""A regularly-spaced collection of coordinates
This class provides factory methods for generating Pointsets from
:class:`~nibabel.spatialimages.SpatialImage`\s and generating masks
from coordinate sets.

def __init__(self, shape, affines):
self.shape = tuple(shape)
self._affines = dict(affines)
except (TypeError, ValueError):
self._affines = {'world': np.array(affines)}
if 'voxels' not in self._affines:
self._affines['voxels'] = np.eye(4, dtype=np.uint8)

def get_affine(self, name=None):
"""4x4 array"""
if name is None:
name = next(iter(self._affines))
return self._affines[name]
def from_image(cls, spatialimage: SpatialImage) -> Self:
return cls(coordinates=GridIndices(spatialimage.shape[:3]), affine=spatialimage.affine)

def get_coords(self, name=None):
if name is None:
name = next(iter(self._affines))
aff = self.get_affine(name)
dt = np.result_type(*(np.min_scalar_type(dim) for dim in self.shape))
# This is pretty wasteful; we almost certainly want instead an
# object that will retrieve a coordinate when indexed, but where
# np.array(obj) returns this
ijk_coords = np.array(list(np.ndindex(self.shape)), dtype=dt)
return apply_affine(aff, ijk_coords)
def from_mask(cls, mask: SpatialImage) -> Self:
mask_arr = np.bool_(mask.dataobj)
return cls(

def n_coords(self):
return reduce(op.mul, self.shape)
def to_mask(self, shape=None) -> SpatialImage:
if shape is None:
shape = tuple(np.max(self.coordinates, axis=1)[: self.dim])
mask_arr = np.zeros(shape, dtype='bool')
mask_arr[np.asanyarray(self.coordinates)[:, : self.dim]] = True
return SpatialImage(mask_arr, self.affine)

class GridIndices:
"""Class for generating indices just-in-time"""

__slots__ = ('gridshape', 'dtype', 'shape')
ndim = 2

def __init__(self, shape, dtype=None):
self.gridshape = shape
self.dtype = dtype or able_int_type(shape)
self.shape = (, len(self.gridshape))

def __repr__(self):
return f'<{self.__class__.__name__}{self.gridshape}>'

def __array__(self, dtype=None):
if dtype is None:
dtype = self.dtype

axes = [np.arange(s, dtype=dtype) for s in self.gridshape]
return np.reshape(np.meshgrid(*axes, copy=False, indexing='ij'), (len(axes), -1)).T

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