The second release candidate of the *fMRIPrep* 20.1.x series. This release fixes numerous issues, as well as improves carpetplot visualizations when CIFTI output is used and reduces overall output size by downcasting the datatype precision of certain outputs.
* ENH: Use CIFTI for carpetplot when available (#2055)
* FIX: Explicitly add default native resolution to volumetric outputs (`nipreps/niworkflows#494`_)
* MAINT: Remove unused console scripts (#2048)
* MAINT: Reduce overall size of outputs (`nipreps/niworkflows#492`_)
.. _`nipreps/niworkflows#494`: https://github.com/nipreps/niworkflows/pull/494
.. _`nipreps/niworkflows#492`: https://github.com/nipreps/niworkflows/pull/492