Booby is a standalone data modeling and validation library written in Python. Booby is under active development and licensed under the Apache2 license, so feel free to contribute and report errors and suggestions.
See the sample code below to get an idea of the main features.
from booby import Model, fields
class Token(Model):
key = fields.String()
secret = fields.String()
class User(Model):
login = fields.String(required=True)
name = fields.String()
email = fields.Email()
token = fields.Embedded(Token, required=True)
addresses = fields.Field(default=list)
class Address(Model):
line_1 = fields.String()
line_2 = fields.String()
jack = User(
email='[email protected]',
'key': 'vs7dfxxx',
'secret': 'ds5ds4xxx'
Address(line_1='Main Street'),
Address(line_1='Main St')
if jack.is_valid:
print jack.to_json(indent=2)
print json.dumps(dict(jack.validation_errors))
"email": "[email protected]",
"login": "jack",
"token": {
"secret": "ds5ds4xxx",
"key": "vs7dfxxx"
"name": "Jack",
"addresses": [
"line_1": "Main St",
"line_2": null
"line_1": "Main Street",
"line_2": null
You can install the last stable release of Booby from PyPI using pip or easy_install.
$ pip install booby
Also you can install the latest sources from Github.
$ pip install -e git+git://
To run the Booby test suite you should install the development requirements and then run nosetests.
$ pip install -r requirements-devel.txt
$ nosetests tests/unit
$ nosetests tests/integration
See Changes.
Booby docs are hosted on Read The Docs.