FL Studio to Web MIDI API bridge and all-in-one synthesizer built for js demos.
- Clone the repo, and install dependencies using
. - To start harmonin, run
. - This starts a web server at
. Go there in a browser to use harmonin.
You can right away confirm that it is working by using your keyboard to trigger MIDI events (make sure vimium or similar is disabled).
- Install a virtual loopback midi cable, e.g. http://www.tobias-erichsen.de/software/loopmidi.html . For OS X, this guide is helpful: https://www.ableton.com/en/help/article/using-virtual-MIDI-buses-live/ .
- Select the proper MIDI in FL's MIDI settings (F10).
- Add a MIDI Out in the FL Channel rack.
- Open localhost:8080 in a browser and start playback in FL.