The OracleSchemaDumper
is a simple Java tool that dump the DDL and partial DML for specified schemas (users) from an Oracle database.
More specifically it currently dumps this info (in this order):
- user creation SQL statements including permissions
- table creation SQL statements in the correct foreign key order
- SQL statements to create views, indexes, sequences, procedures, functions
- INSERT statements for all rows of specified tables
All these statements use the /
character as the delimiter in order to make the SQL file usable via Sql*Plus.
The database user that is used to run the tool, has to have SELECT permissions on these system tables:
- all tables for which INSERT statements should be generated
Usage: OracleSchemaDumper [options]
-d, --data-tables Names of the tables for which data shall be exported, too
-f, --file The file to write the DDL SQL to; stdout if not specified
* -j, --jdbc-url Database jdbc url
* -p, --password Database password
-s, --schema Database schemas to export; if not specified uses the schema for the database user
* -u, --username Database username
The tool currently cannot handle circular foreign key dependencies between separate tables (self references are fine).
The tool currently will export binary and BLOB/CLOB columns as if they are strings, which can cause illegal characters or too-long strings to be present in the generated INSERT statements.