Before building the project, please add the following line to your
where as
is the APP Key provided by TFL to access the APIs
Please Note: The app will not work if correct value is not set for this variables.
To build the app run the following commands on terminal
On Windows: gradlew assembleDebug
On Mac or Linux: ./gradlew assembleDebug
To run the app on an Android device, please use the following command from terminal
On Windows: gradlew installDebug
On Mac or Linux: ./gradlew installDebug
To run the tests, please use the following command from termial
On Windows: gradlew testDebugUnitTest
On Mac or Linux: ./gradlew testDebugUnitTest
While writing the code following assumptions are made
- Device will be aways connected to internet
- App will run on Portrait mode only
- TFL API service is always available
This code is to demo Clean Architecture using Dagger, Retrofit, coroutines, MVVM pattern and Kotlin in an Android App. There might be scope of improvement in this piece of code. Any suggestions are welcome.