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This repository contains steps to use OpenLane using the Sky130nm PDK for RTL to GDSII generation.


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Physical Design using OpenLane SKY130

1. Installating OpenLane v1.0

To install the necessary tools, please refer to the link below. Follow the instructions provided and run the example given to verify that the OpenLANE tools are installed correctly. Ensure that all commands are executed as the root user.

OpenROAD and some supporting tools. OpenLane Ubuntu Installation

During the initial make smoke test, some users might encounter the error:

qt.qpa.plugin: Could not load the Qt platform plugin "xcb" in "" even though it was found

This error indicates a problem with loading the Qt platform plugin "xcb," which is necessary for opening the GUI.

This issue can be resolved by running the command xhost +local:* to allow local connections. This creates a workspace directory in your home directory if it doesn't already exist. This permits the root user on the local machine to connect to GUI apps. After completing the work and before closing the terminal, remember to revert the setting by running xhost -local:*.

2. Pilot Design

Before delving into the design flow. Installation of a text editor is required. The user can use any text editor. Here, vim is used. Vim can be installed by running the following command:

sudo apt-get install vim

2.1. Full Adder Design

All design files with the .v extension are stored in the src folder within a directory named after the design inside the designs folder of the OpenLane directory. For instance, the one-bit full adder, implemented in Verilog, will have its files in this structure, and the GDSII file is generated using the OpenLane ASIC flow.

Note: There are several methods to run the design using OpenLane.

Create a folder named fa inside the designs folder using the following command:

sudo mkdir fa

To create the RTL file, either copy and paste the file directly into this folder or follow the alternative approach outlined below for a bit of extra fun!

Inside the OpenLane/designs/fa/src folder, open the terminal and type the following command to create a file for the one-bit full adder:

cat > fa.v

After typing this command, enter the RTL code for the one-bit full adder. To finish and exit the terminal-based text editor, press Ctrl + D.

Next, open the RTL file in Vim with the following command:

vim fa.v

Add or modify the RTL design for the full adder as needed. To save the changes and exit Vim, use the command:


2.2. Configuration File

2.2.1. Creating the Configuration File

To run the one-bit full adder, a configuration file is required. Invoke the Docker container, inside the OpenLane directory (which contains the Makefile), use the following command to invoke the Docker container:

sudo make mount

Once the Docker container is successfully invoked, Enter tcl interactive mode by running the following command:

./flow.tcl -interactive

To create a config.tcl file in the designs folder, use the script below. Replace <design_name> with the name of the main module, ensuring that it matches the module name and the file name of the RTL design:

./flow.tcl -design <design_name> -init_design_config -add_to_designs -config_file config.tcl
Docker Setup
Figure 1. Invoking Docker and Creating Config File

2.2.2. Modifying the Configuration File

To modify the contents of the config.tcl file, open the file in Vim as root user.

sudo vim config.tcl

Press I to enter INSERT MODE in Vim. Update the config.tcl file with the following content:

set ::env(DESIGN_NAME) {fa}
set ::env(VERILOG_FILES) [glob $::env(DESIGN_DIR)/src/*.v]
set ::env(FP_CORE_UTIL) 0.05
set ::env(FP_ASPECT_RATIO) 0.5
set ::env(RUN_CTS) 0
set ::env(DESIGN_IS_CORE) {1}

set tech_specific_config "$::env(DESIGN_DIR)/$::env(PDK)_$::env(STD_CELL_LIBRARY)_config.tcl"
if { [file exists $tech_specific_config] == 1 } {
       source $tech_specific_config

Press Esc to exit INSERT MODE. To save the changes and exit Vim, type:


If an error is encountered while saving, add an exclamation mark to force the save and exit:


2.3. Running the Physical Design

To streamline the design flow and make it simpler, create the fa_synth.tcl file using the following command:

 cat > fa_synth.tcl

After entering the command, press Ctrl + D to exit. Open the fa_synth.tcl file in Vim and enter the following contents into the file:

package require openlane
prep -design fa -tag run1 -overwrite

Save the changes and exit.

To run the PD, enter tcl interactive mode again using the previously described steps. Then, execute the following command to run the entire design flow:

source fa_synth.tcl

If all steps are followed correctly, the complete design flow is done.

3. Results

To inspect the Floorplan, Routing, Placement, and complete GDS file, the klayout tool can be used. Use the following command to install the klayout tool:

sudo apt-get install klayout

Launch klayout. The first step is to select the process technology Sky130nm. To set up the process technology, open terminal in the OpenLANE folder and switch to the root user by running:

sudo su

Use the following commands to navigate and download the lyt file. Use ls to list directories and ensure accurate navigation. Note that commands to navigate and list directories are not explicitly shown here; verify directory names as needed.

Command Purpose
cd Change directory.
pwd Display the full pathname of the current directory.
ls -a List all items, including hidden files, in the current directory.
cd .volare Navigate to the .volare directory.
cd sky130A Navigate to the sky130A directory.
cd Navigate to the directory.
cd klayout Navigate to the klayout directory.
cd tech Navigate to the tech directory.

In the tech directory, three .lyt files will be present. Copy the sky130A.lyt file to the design folder.

cp sky130A.lyt /home/nigil/OpenLane/designs/fa/runs/

3.1. Technology Node Setup

To set up the technology node in klayout, follow these steps:

  1. In the menu bar, click on ToolsManage Technologies.
  2. In the dialog box that appears, add the sky130A.lyt file.
  3. Press OK to confirm and exit the dialog.

In the workspace, locate the technology node setting. Change the technology node from default to sky130nm. This will configure klayout to use the sky130nm technology node for your design files.

3.2. Checking the Layouts and Reports

To check the various layout results in klayout, add the Library Exchange File (LEF) by follwing these steps:

  1. In the menu bar, click on FileReader Options. A dialog box will appear.
  2. Navigate to the design folder, then to runstmp, and find the file <design_name_min.lef.
  3. Add this file to the dialog box under the LEF/DEF section.
  4. Press OK to confirm and exit the dialog box.

Note: There may be multiple .lef files. Select the one that matches your process variation needs.

To view the results, go to FileOpen and navigate to the results folder inside the runs directory. Open any folder within results and select a .def file to view the layout in the workspace. Similarly, the GDSII file will be located inside the signoff directory. Navigate to this directory and open the .gds file to view it.

Full Adder GDS
Figure 2. Full Adder GDS in KLayout

(Miscellaneous) Running with Constraints

To run a design with constraints, create a .sdc file. The .sdc (Synopsys Design Constraints) file, or .xdc (Xilinx Design Constraints) file, can be generated using Xilinx Vivado or an appropriate Synopsys tool. This file will specify the design constraints. Update the config.tcl File:

set ::env(BASE_SDC_FILE) $::env(DESIGN_DIR)/fa.sdc
set ::env(RUN_CTS) 1
set ::env(CLOCK_PERIOD) "100.000"
set ::env(CLOCK_PORT) "virtual_clk"

These settings will enable constraint processing, set the clock period, and specify the clock port. Follow the same procedures as before to generate the GDSII file. Running the design with constraints will produce detailed Area, Timing, and Power reports. The reports will be located in the reports folder inside the runs directory. Check this folder for the detailed reports on area, timing, and power.


  1. OpenLANE : RTL-to-GDSII Flow - Part-1
  2. OpenLANE : RTL-to-GDSII Flow - Part-2
  3. Adding Your Designs - OpenLANE Documentation


This repository contains steps to use OpenLane using the Sky130nm PDK for RTL to GDSII generation.







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