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DEV Public Functions

Roman Kuzmin edited this page Nov 27, 2024 · 36 revisions

The engine state and build results ${*}

Build result data

All = [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]([System.StringComparer]::OrdinalIgnoreCase)

All tasks added by the build script except redefined.

Tasks = [System.Collections.Generic.List[object]]@()

Tasks invoked in the build.

Errors = [System.Collections.Generic.List[object]]@()

Errors collected in the build.

Warnings = [System.Collections.Generic.List[object]]@()

Warnings collected in the build.

Redefined = @()

Redefined task objects removed from All.

Doubles = @()

Collected potentially always skipped double referenced tasks #82. They are checked when the build starts.

Started = [DateTime]::Now

Build start time.

Elapsed = $null

Build duration, [timespan].

Error = 'Invalid arguments.'

The build failure error. It is null when the build completes.

The default is a surrogate string error available in the build result on invalid arguments. The actual error should be caught by try/catch, this one is for simple checks like if ($Result.Error) ....

Why is this surrogate? Because IB cannot handle all invalid arguments anyway. For example, invalid script parameters cause errors in PowerShell, not in IB. Thus, try/catch must be used in order to handle all possible errors.

Private engine state

Task = $null

Null or the current task.


Either a build script path or a script block to be invoked. Added in 3.6.0, #78.

Safe = $PSBoundParameters['Safe']
Summary = $PSBoundParameters['Summary']

Original build parameters. IB removes parameter variables, to avoid conflicts with user variables.

CD = $OriginalLocation = *Path

The original current location restored in finally. $OriginalLocation is exposed for build scripts. But ${*}.CD is used internally for safety.

DP = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary

Dynamic parameters, i.e. all build script parameters.

SP = ${}

Build script parameters specified on invoking the build. These parameters are sent to the dot-sourced build script. They are stored in checkpoint files by Build-Checkpoint.

P = ...

Null or the parent engine state object. Tasks, errors, and warnings from the current state are appended to the parent in finally.

A = 1

Abort state. 1: build is aborted. 0: build is started.

If A is 1 in finally then the build is aborted before tasks. It is used just in order to print a distinctive ABORTED message. Why not just use B? Because B = 2 in catch and this is not enough to tell ABORTED or FAILED.

B = 0

Build state. 0: build not started. 1: build completed. 2: build failed.

If B is 0 we do not print the header and footer.

Q = 0

Query mode. 0: normal build mode. True: IB is called with ? or ??.

H = @{}

Help synopsis cache used by Get-BuildSynopsis.

EnterBuild = $null
ExitBuild = $null
EnterTask = $null
ExitTask = $null
EnterJob = $null
ExitJob = $null
Header = if ($_) {$_.Header} else {{Write-Build 11 "Task $($args[0])"}}
Footer = if ($_) {$_.Footer} else {{Write-Build 11 "Done $($args[0]) $($Task.Elapsed)"}}

Build blocks. Task headers and footers are inherited from parent builds.

Data = @{}

External data set by Set-BuildData. Used by Build-Checkpoint ("Checkpoint.Export", "Checkpoint.Import").

XBuild = $null
XCheck = $null

External hooks injected via the parameter Result. XBuild is called after Enter-Build before invoking tasks. XCheck is called after XBuild before invoking tasks and after each completed task.

$BuildRoot, the special variable

Unlike other build variables, this one is supposed to be set in special cases. A user may assign a custom path and it will be maintained current by the engine.

IB normalizes, tests, and makes $BuildRoot constant after loading tasks (#95).

Q: Why not using a special function Set-BuildRoot?

A: Because the current way is simple, flexible, and works in older versions. Also, the function may look confusing like something designed for several calls. This is not the case. The build root is either not changed or changed just once.

Add-BuildTask (alias task)

#171 Do not add tasks after loading, i.e. when ${*}.A -ne 0.

#137 Why we use the magic number (-9) as the default of the parameter If instead of the original $true.

v3.3.8 Before adding the task to the list, check for the existing and move such a task to Redefined in build results. When the build starts, write gray messages about each task in Redefined.


  • Cannot add tasks - if a task is added after loading.
  • Invalid task name - if a task name starts with ?.
  • Invalid job - if a job is not string or scriptblock.


  • $Path: full directory path
  • $Here: tells to skip parents
  • Output: full file path or null

It is used by the engine and helpers.


# $f = get files like *.build.ps1, array of full paths
# if there is exactly one then return it
if (($f = [System.IO.Directory]::GetFiles($Path, '*.build.ps1')).Length -eq 1) {return $f}

# if $f is not empty (2+ items) then sort and return the first
if ($f) {return $($f | Sort-Object)[0]}

# at this point $f is empty, i.e. we did not find a build script
# try to get it by the hook, if any, then move to the parent folder

# get the hook command ($null or some): $c = $env:InvokeBuildGetFile
# if $c is not empty then invoke it: $f = & $c $Path
# if the result $f is not empty then return $f
if (($c = $env:InvokeBuildGetFile) -and ($f = & $c $Path)) {return $f}

# done?
if ($Here) {return}

# repeat with the parent path, if not empty, otherwise return
$Path = Split-Path $Path

Get-BuildProperty (alias property)

2017-04-10 v3.3.4

See #60

Interestingly, [Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable gets null for an existing but empty env var. Anyway, it is fine to check as we do: !($_ = [Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable($Name)). Null and empty are both treated as undefined.


Replaced $ExecutionContext.SessionState.PSVariable.GetValue($Name) with faster $PSCmdlet.GetVariableValue($Name).

Get-BuildSynopsis gets task synopsis

  • It is used on ib ?
  • It is suitable for making more informative task output.
  • Show-BuildTree.ps1 uses it as well via dot-sourcing IB.


# get the task file name
$f = ($I = $Task.InvocationInfo).ScriptName

# create the cache of file text lines (T) and comment tokens (C)
if (!($d = $Hash[$f])) {
    $Hash[$f] = $d = @{T = Get-Content -LiteralPath $f; C = @{}}
    foreach($_ in [System.Management.Automation.PSParser]::Tokenize($d.T, [ref]$null)) {
        if ($_.Type -eq 15) {$d.C[$_.EndLine] = $_.Content}

# starting from the line before the task and going backwards, do
for($n = $I.ScriptLineNumber; --$n -ge 1) {

    # if it is a comment
    if ($c = $d.C[$n]) {
        # if it has a synopsis, return it
        if ($c -match '(?m)^\s*#*\s*Synopsis\s*:(.*)') {return $Matches[1].Trim()}}

    # else continue if it is an empty line
    elseif ($d.T[$n - 1].Trim()) {break}

Remove-BuildItem (alias remove)

It is the robust alternative to Remove-Item ... -Force -Recurse -ErrorAction Ignore, see #123

Resolve-MSBuild (Resolve-MSBuild.ps1)

Script functions are used in order to mock on testing.

Do not always Import-Module VSSetup, check if it is loaded first. Reasons:

  1. It may be loaded from a not standard location. psake has such a request from a user.
  2. VSSetup used to have problems with loading twice (due to a global const variable).

Resolve-MSBuild and Preview

2017 Professional Preview (support many preview editions)

C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\Preview\Professional\MSBuild\15.0\...

2019 Community Preview (support the only preview edition)

C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Preview\MSBuild\Current\..

Tempting change

$folders = switch($Version) {
    * {if ($Prerelease) {'2019\Preview\*', 'Preview\*'} else {'2019\*', '2017\*'}}
    '16.0' {if ($Prerelease) {'2019\Preview\*'} else {'2019\*'}}
    default {if ($Prerelease) {'Preview\*'} else {'2017\*'}}

But why? Per #107, the goal is to find Preview if it is the only installed. For 2017 the change was needed and done. It is still valid for 2017. For 2019 no extra change is needed, "Preview" is found as one of the "editions" and treated as "others".

Resolve-MSBuild Issues:

Use-BuildAlias (alias use)

Get-Item <path>\* is useful but very slow. Get-ChildItem <path> is faster.

Replaced Convert-Path (Resolve-Path -LiteralPath $Path -ErrorAction Stop) with *Path + [System.IO.Directory]::Exists. The old does not work in paths with [ ].

Write-Build writes with colors, if possible

v5.9.5 Write-Build splits the text into lines and calls the internal *Write.

Why split into lines

  1. To make ANSI rendering working in terminals like GitHub actions.
  2. To avoid potentially inconsistent \r \n \r\n in the input text.


There are 3 alternative functions.

(1) With PS 7.2+ and ANSI *Write uses escape sequences for rendering.

(2) *Write is defined to use $Host.UI for setting terminal colors. try..finally is used to avoid issues on interruptions like Ctrl-C.

(3) Then a test of (2) is performed $null = *Write 0. If it throws then we assume the host is "bad" and define *Write as literal output of the input.

Known "bad" hosts

The Default Host (created by [PowerShell]::Create()) or ServerRemoteHost (background jobs) have UI and RawUI defined. At the same time RawUI throws on setting colors ("not supported").

The ServerRemoteHost. Used in older PowerShell and removed later.

Write-Host (1.2.2) and Write-Warning (1.4.1)

v1.2.2 With 'Default Host' Write-Host is defined as empty, disabled. Do not turn it to a text writer, i.e. do not redefine, this breaks code that returns data and writes some extra info using Write-Host.

NOTE Write-Host dropped.

1.4.1 Ditto about Write-Warning

Write-Warning wraps and extends warnings

function Write-Warning([Parameter()]$Message)

It replaces the native cmdlet and provides the same parameters as the main native parameters. Common native parameters are ignored.

This function extends warning information and makes build analysis easier, either with the build result object or just with the log. When the build is over, collected warnings are printed together with task names and script paths.

When Write-Warning is called the native warning is still written as


In addition to this, we collect warning information in the result list. The stored warning object properties

Message = $Message # warning message
File = $BuildFile  # current build file
Task = ${*}.Task   # current build task or null
InvocationInfo     # where Write-Warning is called


trap {$PSCmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError($_)}

-- is bad for throw in tasks, errors point to Invoke-TaskFromVSCode, not to throw.

try {
} catch {if ($_.InvocationInfo.ScriptName -eq $MyInvocation.ScriptName) {$PSCmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError($_)} throw}

-- is bad for running from x.txt, errors point to "useless" internal code inside Invoke-TaskFromVSCode.

Lesson: this works fine:

try {
} catch {if ($_.InvocationInfo.ScriptName -like '*Invoke-TaskFromVSCode.ps1') {$PSCmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError($_)} throw}

Perhaps VSCode paths are formatted differently, so that $_.InvocationInfo.ScriptName -eq $MyInvocation.ScriptName is not reliable.

Set-BuildHeader and Set-BuildFooter

Originally they used to set task headers and footers just for the current script.

Starting from v5.7.1 IB inherits headers and footers from the parent build, if any. The new behaviour looks more useful and natural, the top caller decides how the output looks.

More prominent headers and footers make sense in CI scenarios like GitHub actions. IB colors may not work in such builds and it may be difficult to visually separate output of different tasks in the logs.

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