This repository contains files related to deploying travel-share services to Kubernetes cluster running on Google Cloud Platform.
To deploy travel-share services the latest version of below packages is required.
Go to the infrastructure
directory and run below commands. Fill all required variables.
terraform init
terraform apply
To get access to created Kubernetes cluster run below commands.
gcloud init
gcloud auth application-default login
gcloud container clusters get-credentials <GCP_PROJECT_ID> --zone us-central1-a
Go to the kubernetes
directory and run below commands.
kubectl apply -f namespace.yaml
helm install --namespace cert-manager cert-manager jetstack/cert-manager
kubectl apply -f cert-manager/namespace.yaml
kubectl apply -f istio/certificate.yaml
istioctl install -n istio-system -f istio-operator.yaml --revision 1-8
kubectl apply -f istio/gateway.yaml
Go to the kubernetes
directory fill values-*.yaml
files properly and create values-backend.secret.yaml
file with below content.
password: <DB_PASSWORD>
Then run below commands.
helm upgrade --install --namespace travel-share -f values-backend.yaml -f values-backend.secret.yaml travel-share ./travel-share
helm upgrade --install --namespace travel-share -f values-frontend.yaml travel-share-ui ./travel-share-ui