This is a to-do web app, that uses Jquery, JqueryUI, AJAX, CSS, PHP, HTML and CSS.
What it does?:
- Add a task with a priority number and a due date.
- Edit a task, changing the name or mofifying the priority number or the expiration date.
- Mark a task as completed.
- Delete selected tasks.
- Order by due date or by priority.
- You can use it as an REST API following the example described below.
All actions updates the database using AJAX or JSON in some cases... I'll give it a few last touches when I have time.
you can watch it working at:
This was requested as an interview test for a company so surely can be improved but I had to do it quick, feel free to use the code and modify it in every way you want...
To use it, just change the information of the database file "db.php", and create a table (this app uses a table named "task") following the structure showed in the file "database.sch". Or just do:
CREATE TABLE task ( id int(8) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, description varchar(500) collate utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL default '', add_date timestamp NOT NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, due_date date NOT NULL, priority int(8) unsigned, status varchar(1), PRIMARY KEY (id) );
curl -v -X POST '' -d 'accion=insertar' -d 'new_task=jane street' -d 'priority=10';
curl -v -X POST '' -d 'accion=actualizar' -d 'upd_new_task=jane street upd' -d 'priority=9' -d 'taskid=87';
DELETE TASK: curl -v -X POST '' -d 'accion=eliminar' -d 'idsarray=86,87'
LIST TASKS: curl -v -X GET '' -d 'orden=pri' curl -v -X GET '' -d 'orden=dd' curl -v -X GET ''
created by Nico Mengual -