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install supervisord and generate its configuration


This recipe when used will do the following:

  • install supervisor and all its dependecies.
  • generates the supervisord, supervisorctl, and memmon scripts in the bin directory
  • generates a configuration file to be used by supervisord and supervisorctl scripts

The recipe supports the following options:

List of enabled supervisor sections. Defaults to enable all: global http ctl rpc services.
Extra eggs you want the recipe to install, e.g. superlance
inet or unix socket to use for HTTP administration. Defaults to inet.
A path to a UNIX domain socket (e.g. /tmp/supervisord.sock) on which supervisor will listen for HTTP/XML-RPC requests.
Change the UNIX permission mode bits of the UNIX domain socket to this value at startup.
The port number supervisord listens to, e.g. 9001. Can be given as host:port, e.g. Defaults to
The username required for authentication to supervisord
The password required for authentication to supervisord
Full path to where the recipe puts the supervisord configuration file. Defaults to ${buildout:directory}/parts/${name}/supervisord.conf
If supervisord is run as the root user, switch users to this UNIX user account before doing any meaningful processing. This value has no effect if supervisord is not run as root.
When supervisord daemonizes, switch to this directory. This option can include the value %(here)s, which expands to the directory in which the supervisord configuration file was found.
A list of key/value pairs in the form KEY=val,KEY2=val2 that will be placed in the supervisord process's environment (and as a result in all of its child processes' environments). This option can include the value %(here)s, which expands to the directory in which the supervisord configuration file was found. Note that subprocesses will inherit the environment variables of the shell used to start supervisord except for the ones overridden here and within the program's environment configuration stanza.
The full path of the directory where log files of processes managed by Supervisor while be stored. Defaults to ${buildout:directory}/var/log
The full path to the supervisord log file. Defaults to ${buildout:directory}/var/log/supervisord.log
The pid file of supervisord. Defaults to ${buildout:directory}/var/
The maximum number of bytes that may be consumed by the activity log file before it is rotated. Defaults to 50MB.
The number of backups to keep around resulting from activity log file rotation. Defaults to 10.
The logging level. Can be one of critical, error, warn, info, debug, trace, or blather. Defaults to info.
The umask of the supervisord process. Defaults to 022.
If true, supervisord will start in the foreground instead of daemonizing. Defaults to false.
Prevent supervisord from clearing any existing AUTO child log files at startup time. Useful for debugging. Defaults to false.
The URL that should be used to access the supervisord server. Defaults to

A list of programs you want the supervisord to control. One per line. The format of a line is as follows:

priority process_name [(process_opts)] command [[args] [directory] [[redirect_stderr]] [user]]

The [args] are any number of arguments you want to pass to the command. It has to be given between [] (e.g. [-v fg]). See examples below. If not given, redirect_stderr defaults to false. If not given, the directory option defaults to the directory containing the the command. The optional process_opts argument sets additional options on the proccess in the supervisord configuration. It has to be given between () and must contain options in key=value format with spaces only for separating options -- e.g. (autostart=false startsecs=10). The optional user argument gives the userid that the process should be run as (if supervisord is run as root).

In most cases you will only need to give the 4 first parts:

priority process_name command [[args]]

A list of eventlisteners you'd like supervisord to run as subprocesses to subscribe to event notifications. One per line. Relevant supervisor documentation about events is at

processname [(process_opts)] events command [[args]]

events is a comma-separated list (without spaces) of event type names that the listener is interested in receiving notifications for.

Supervisor provides one event listener called memmon which can be used to restart supervisord child process once they reach a certain memory limit. Note that you need to define the variables user, password and serverurl (described in the supported options above) to be able to use the memmon listener. An example of defining a memmon event listener, which analyzes memory usage every 60 seconds and restarts as needed could look like:

MemoryMonitor TICK_60 ${buildout:bin-directory}/memmon [-p process_name=200MB]

As eventlisteners are a special case of processes, the also accept process options. One useful option is to start an eventlistener like the HttpOk checker only after your webserver has had time to start and load, say after 20 seconds:

HttpOk (startsecs=20) TICK_60 ${buildout:bin-directory}/httpok [-p web -t 20 http://localhost:8080/]

A list of programs that become part of a group. One per line. The format of a line is as follow:

priority group_name program_names

programs_name is a comma-separated list of program names.

The environment variable PATH, e.g. /bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/bin
parts = supervisor

# ...configure zope/zeo here...

recipe = collective.recipe.supervisor

port = 9001
user = johndoe
password = secret
serverurl =

plugins =

programs =
      10 zeo ${zeo:location}/bin/runzeo ${zeo:location}
      20 instance1 ${instance1:location}/bin/runzope ${instance1:location} true
      30 instance2 (autostart=false) ${instance2:location}/bin/runzope true
      40 maildrophost ${buildout:bin-directory}/maildropctl true
      50 other ${buildout:bin-directory}/other [-n 100] /tmp
      60 other2 ${buildout:bin-directory}/other2 [-n 100] true
      70 other3 (startsecs=10) ${buildout:bin-directory}/other3 [-n -h -v --no-detach] /tmp3 true www-data

eventlisteners =
      Memmon TICK_60 ${buildout:bin-directory}/memmon [-p instance1=200MB]
      HttpOk (startsecs=20) TICK_60 ${buildout:bin-directory}/httpok [-p instance1 -t 20 http://localhost:8080/]

groups =
      10 services zeo,instance1
      20 others other,other2,other3

If upgrading from v0.19 to 0.20 the sections parameter got two new sections global and services. If sections parameter was set in old buildout config: in order to get the same behavior as before append the two new section names to value of sections.

The sources are in a GIT DVCS with its main branches at github collective.

We'd be happy to see many contributions to make it even better.


A buildout recipe to install supervisor






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